1240 Maple Avenue
May 9, 2005, 7:30PM

I. Pledge of Allegiance, Call to Order, and Roll Call
The duly advertised Lancaster Township Board of Supervisors meeting was held on May 9, 2005 in the Township building at 1240 Maple Avenue, Lancaster, PA. The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Chair Helen S. Adams. Vice Chair Anthony J. Allen and Treasurer Thomas H. Schaller were also present. Others in attendance included Township staff and interested parties. Allegiance to the flag was pledged.

Mrs. Adams convened a public hearing pursuant to a request from Ruby Tuesday, Inc. for an inter-state transfer of a liquor license for a proposed new restaurant in the Manor Shopping Center on Millersville Pike. A court reporter transcribed the proceedings and a copy is filed in the municipal offices.

III. Public Comment on Agenda Items: There were no comments.

III. Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the April 11, 2005 meeting were approved as presented by general consent.

IV. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Schaller presented the Treasurer’s Report as of April 30, 2005:
General Fund $ 1,253,640.29
Highway Aid Fund 516,151.95
Parks/Open Space Fund 9,197.84
Capital Reserve Fund 343,628.90
TOTAL $ 2,122,618.98
Mrs. Adams stated the Treasurer’s Report would be filed for audit.

V. Payment of Bills
On a motion by Mr. Schaller, seconded by Mr. Allen, the Board approved the payment of bills:
General Fund $ 173,465.26
Highway Aid Fund 1,099.02
Parks/Open Space Fund 1,314.42
Capital Reserve Fund 3,058.74
TOTAL $ 178,937.44

VI. Reports
A. Lafayette Fire Company: There was no report available.
B. Lancaster Township Fire Department: Mr. Schaller reported there were 43 emergency calls in April for a year-to-date total of 154 calls.
C. Police, Sewer, and Subsidiary Reports: These reports are available for public inspection before and after this meeting and during regular business hours.
D. Recycling Report: Mrs. Adams reported a recycling rate of 18% for the month of March 2005.
E. PA Department of the Auditor General Audit Report of Lancaster Township Volunteer Firefighters’ Relief Association for January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2003: This report is available for public inspection.
F. Lancaster Inter-Municipal Committee: Mrs. Adams reported on the April 13 LIMC meeting. There was a presentation by Susan Hauer, Administrator of the Library System of Lancaster County, on the library tax referendum which will be on the May 17 Primary ballot. The LIMC is considering a request for membership by Columbia Borough, which will come to a vote at the May 11 LIMC meeting. The Lancaster Township Board is in favor of admission for Columbia.
G. PSATS Conference of April 17-20, 2005: The PA State Association of Township Supervisors Conference was attended by Suzanne Teske, Administrative Assistant, David Clouser, Township Manager, and Supervisors Helen Adams and Tony Allen. All four gave brief reports on the workshops they attended.
H. Questions & Comments for Community Police Officer: Officer Klete Griffin was in attendance.

VII. Announcements
A. LCSWMA 1st Quarter Rebate of $10,208.57
B. The Lancaster Township Planning Commission Will Meet on May 10, 2005, A Week Earlier Than Usual
C. Next Regular Board Meeting: June 13, 2005, 7:30PM - Residents are invited to attend the workshop beginning at 6:00PM.

The Lancaster Township Supervisors are committed to the goals
as established by the adoption of the Strategic Comprehensive Plan
and the following actions are consistent with the directives of that document

VIII. Old Business
A. Ordinance N0. 2005-02
Mr. Allen moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the board unanimously approved the above-mentioned Ordinance updating the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to floodplain management to incorporate the new mapping by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Federal and State regulations. This Ordinance was presented at the April 11, 2005 Board meeting.
B. Resolution No. 2005-06
Mr. Schaller moved to approve the above-mentioned Resolution granting a request from Ruby Tuesday, Inc. for an intermunicipal transfer of a liquor license. Mrs. Adams seconded the motion. Mr. Allen restated his comments from the earlier public hearing and that he would not support a liquor license transfer. After discussion, Mrs. Adams and Mr. Schaller voted in favor of the Resolution; Mr. Allen voted against passage of the Resolution; the motion passed.

IX. Planning/Zoning Business
A. LTPC #187- Hawthorne Ridge Final Subdivision & Land Development Plan, Request for Extension of Time
Mr. Schaller moved, Mr. Allen seconded, and the Board unanimously granted an extension of time until June 13, 2005 for the Cornerstone Development Group, Inc. to obtain a letter of credit.

X. New Business
A. Contract Award for Milling/Paving
Mr. Allen moved, Mr. Schaller seconded, and the Board unanimously awarded a contract for the milling and paving of certain Township streets to McMinn’s Asphalt Co., Inc., the lowest bidder, in the amount of $137,408. There was one other bid from Handwerk Site Contractors in the amount of $188,640.

XI. Guest Recognition & Participation
? Peggie Miller, Valley Road, restated her comments from the earlier public hearing regarding the Ruby Tuesday, Inc. liquor license transfer. Ms. Miller feels that Lancaster Township has enough liquor licenses now. She also reconfirmed that the property will be properly posted allowing for resident comment. Mrs. Adams assured her that the proper procedures would be followed including the posting of the property. ?Gordon Reed, South Conestoga Drive, provided some interesting historical information on the Township. The Bausman area was assigned official house numbering in 1937. In 1925 there was a newspaper article about resident concerns over the number of “sparkers” (couples in parked cars) that were parking along McGovern Road.

XII. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03PM.

Respectfully submitted,

David L. Clouser