Lakeshore Area Network for Dairy (LAND)
Worksheet for Dairy Farmers intending to Exit the business and/or
interested in Finding a Partner
Please describe your farming operation and the facilities/land base you now farm:
Please check below the item(s) which best describe what you are interested in:
____Leasing facilities/land to abeginning farmer and, if so, when? ______
____Selling facilities/land to a beginning farmer and, if so, when? ______
____Bringing in a beginning farmer into your operation and allowing this
beginning farmer to buy your operation over time
____Acting as a mentor to the beginning farmer
____Continue to operate your cropland and providing feed to the beginning farmer
____Presently have cattle you are willing to sell
____Presently have machinery you are willing to sell
____Willing to partner with abeginning farmer.
Questions about your farm:
____How many acres of cropland do you own
____How many acres of cropland do you rent
____What is the overall condition of your facilities? (Good, Average, Fair, Poor)
____Tie Stall – How many stalls? ______
____Freestall – How many stalls? ______
____Parlor – What size and kind of parlor? ______
____Number of dairy cows your facility can handle? ______
____Type of feed storage:
Please list all major capital improvements made to your farm in last 2 years?
Please describe youngstock housing on the farm?
Please describe feed storage on the farm?
Please describe manure handling system including storage?
How many months of manure storage capacity? When was it constructed?
Is there a house available on the farm, describe?
Please further describe specifically what you are looking to lease or sell to a beginning farmer?
Please attach any other descriptions/pictures that you would like to share.
Consent to Share Information Provided:
I hereby give permission for the information I have provided to be released to inquiring beginning farmers or farmers who may be interested in forming a partnership. I further acknowledge that any group or person that releases this information is not in any way representing and/or guaranteeing the quality of any responding persons who are interested in the farm operation.
Print NameSignatureDate
Phone NumberE-Mail Address Fax Number