GSC Meeting Agenda 2/6/17 CTRE 152A/B

  1. Milestone Program (Dave Ford)
  2. Unofficial program aimed at helping students prepare for their Qualifying exams
  3. Older students mentor 2nd year students
  4. 12 students this year will be taking the Qual exam
  5. If any students are interested in being a mentor or being a mentee, please email Dave ()
  6. Past Events
  7. Student unionization
  8. We are completely in the clear for this cycle.
  9. Expect a student wide survey soon
  10. Please vote! We will use this survey to show in the future that we are in favor/not in favor of unionizing.
  11. Lake Effect Brewery Tour and Night Out at Sidekicks
  12. Good turnout – will continue to do brewery tours each year
  13. Survival Skills Seminar: Steve Uhrik from Prospectives
  14. Stress Management ( And Dealing with Winter Blues)
  15. Good, but talked about outdated topics/ideas
  16. Upcoming Events
  17. Ice Skating: Franklin Park Ice Arena
  18. Feb. 11th at 7:00PM
  19. $5/student; $5/guest
  20. GSC will provide skate rental, meal, and drinks
  21. Other events
  22. Spring Semester Volunteering Event
  23. Volunteer at the March for Science (April 22)
  24. PMSA Science Day (March 22-23) – make a poster about real life problems and how science can help (maybe team up for this – need to stand by poster from 7am-4pm)
  25. Meal-making service
  26. Animal care league
  27. Second City or IO
  28. Cubs game! Tickets for May are purchased
  29. Game will be in early May
  30. 100 tickets purchased
  31. Career Development Series: TOMORROW!
  32. February 7th at 5:15 PM: Dr.Anne Bessman
  33. “Transitioning to Careers in Data Science, Health Data Science, and Data Engineering”
  34. CTRE 152A/B
  35. Great for Master’s students
  36. Will also talk about an Insight Fellows Program – she will try to recruit people! – great positions available for MS students!
  37. March or April: Dr. LucianneWalkowicz
  38. TED Fellow
  39. Will talk about how to give a good presentation
  40. Please send us contacts/ideas for future speakers
  41. Survival Skills Seminar Series
  42. Library Boot Camp:Searching Scopus for Cited References
  43. Feb 15th at 5:00PM in CTRE 152A
  45. Come with questions!
  46. Will have another SS seminar in March on Refworks
  47. Website:
  48. Update on Website – Lulu and Jon
  49. Library links from Gail are added.
  50. Adding a calendar to the website for upcoming events
  51. Women in Science (WINS)
  52. Potluck meeting
  53. Negotiating
  54. Unconscious bias
  55. Member appreciation
  56. Meeting with the provost this week to discuss budgets
  57. Volunteering Activities – Jon
  58. GSAC – Jon and Evann
  59. Beach cleanup
  60. Student health insurance issues
  61. GSC HSD – Lauren
  62. Interdisciplinary symposium at Lakeshore campus on April 22
  63. SLAC – Chun
  64. Alumni funds!
  65. Popcorn machine?
  66. Toys for therapy dogs?
  67. Picnic/outdoor games for quad?
  68. Save a Child’s Heart – David Goldmeier
  69. Save a Child’s Heart organization is based in Israel – mission is to provide pediatric heart surgery/cardiac care for children from developing countries
  70. Will be hosting a Mac n Cheese cook-off fundraiser for the organization on March 23rd from 11:30-12:30 in the Stritch atrium
  71. Need volunteers and cooks!
  72. Dr. Cribbs
  73. Thanks for helping on interview days!
  74. Next dates: Feb 24, March 10
  75. Please give Dr. Cribbs any feedback on the students (good and bad)
  76. Congrats to the 3-minute thesis winners
  77. The winners will compete at the lakeshore campus on Feb 16th