Regular Meeting of

Lake Preston City Council

Monday, September 19th, 2016

A regular meeting of the Lake Preston City Council was held at the city Finance Office on Monday, September 19th, at 7:00 PM. Present were: Council Members Andy Wienk, Janean Woodcock, Allen Wilde, Gary Buer,and Rick Olson. Absent were Darlene DeKnikker and Joe Schnell. Also present: Callie Junker, Luke Holland, Mark Turner,Daniel Hubaand Donna Palmlund from the Lake Preston Times.

The meeting was called to order by mayor Andy Wienkat 7:03 PM.

No changes were made to the agenda.

Allen Wilde stated that every council member should be coming to the council meetings on time, and not showing up at the end of the meeting expecting to be paid.

Motion by Allen Wilde, seconded by Gary Buer, to approve the September 12thminutes. All in favor. Motion carried.

Claims were tabled until the next meeting due to neither council members from ward two being at the meeting.

Financial report was tabled until the next meeting.

Old Business:

Water bills were briefly discussed.

There were no new building permits to discuss.

Janean Woodcock stated that Rebecca Odegaard from ELO will be in the office on Friday, along with Bob Gleason from Connecting Point, to finish up the audit and run reports.

A motion was made by Gary Buer, seconded by Janean Woodcock, to remove Steve Britzman as city attorney, and hire Todd Wilkinson as the new city attorney.

Motion made by Gary Buer, seconded by Janean Woodcock, to approve the second reading of the 2017 budget, ordinance #435-16. Roll call taken. All in favor. Motion carried.

New Business:

Callie stated that she had spoken with a volunteer Fire Department member over the weekend, and that they thought they should have more money in their fund. Janean Woodcock stated that according to SDCL 9-21-14 1, a resolution must be made if the Fire Department is wanting to accumulate funds for capital outlay purposes. It must be enacted by a two-thirds vote and must set forth the purpose and maximum amount of the accumulation. The funds must be expended within sixty months from the date of the resolution (SDCL 9-21-14.2). It was decided that Callie would check further into the matter, and see how other towns handle capital outlay projects.

North Park Road was tabled until the next meeting.

Allen Wilde inquired about the storm sewer on 5th Street and Main. Luke stated that the North storm sewer is not in good shape, but the South one is in good condition. He also stated that the barricades will be staying up for an undetermined amount of time.

Water, Sewer and Street Report were tabled until next meeting.

Finance Office report:

Callie stated that she had been getting numerous calls from the Ambulance department, and that she would like to know who she should be givinginformation to, and what they should know. It was decided that all future calls would be transferred to President Bonnie Nelson, or Treasurer Cristy Woodcock.

Committee reports and council concerns:

Al Wilde inquired as to why the grader has not been used this year. He said it had been discussed that if Luke or Mark were not able, that Josh Buer would be willing to grade for the city. It was also brought up why there has not been any gravel put down on some roads. Gary Buer stated that the roads should be bladed first, then graveled. Andy Wienk stated this should be done as soon as possible. Allen Wilde also stated that blading of the streets should be done in a timely manner.

Gary Buer inquired about the lights on main street working again. Luke stated he had them fixed and replaced.

Allen Wilde stated he had been approached numerous times about nuisance properties.

Daniel Huba voiced concern over what is being said over the cb radios. The radios should only be used for professional use.Andy Wienk stated that there should be a radio training class held in the future. Daniel also stated that the council should be looking at the SCBA gear that the Fire Department uses, and that they could potentially not pass code.

Motion by Janean Woodcock, second by Gary Buer to adjourn.

Mayor Andy Wienk declared the meeting adjourned at 8:04 P.M.


Callie Junker, Finance Officer Andy Wienk, Mayor

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