Lake Park Elementary School
School Advisory Committee
October 13, 2015
Christopher Marker – presentKim Black– present
Michelle Carr – presentFrances Flores - present
Varnell Layton –presentDeborah Martin–present
Lonnie Mills –presentClaudia Quintero – not present
Carol Roberts –presentCarla Joza –present
Zak Sinberg –notpresent-available through conference call if needed
Luis Soto –not present
Joann Vukobratovich–present
Guests: Christen Krembs
Nicole Casagrande - Parent
Marie Irwin – Benefits Office
Paula DiGrigoli and her intern, Anna Mein Calellei from FGCU
Alma McDermott – Blue Zone School Coordinator
Michelle Carr called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM. A motioned to approve the SAC minutes from the September 8, 2015 meeting was motioned by Varnell Layton and was seconded by Lonnie Mills. A quorum was established.
- Delete Christen Krembs from attendance from last meeting – September 8, 2015.
- Virtual Town Hall meeting October 27th. We need 5 representatives. Mr. Marker is making calls. Flyer shared.
- Varnell Layton will run again
- Luis Soto has withdrawn as SAC member
- We have one opening. We need any demographic. Need a parent. Awaiting district guidance.
- November meeting may need to go to the end of October to finalize elections. Must be submitted by October 29th.
Shared the district Blue Zone video. LPE announced as a pilot school. Shared current LPE initiatives that support Blue Zone. LPE is forming a Wellness Committee. Coach Vukobratovich is captain. Hand out distributed.
- Blue = LPE already has in place.
- Green = LPE can get into place without extra burden
- White = Not interested in doing.
- Questions regarding Blue Zone:
- Why would we not have been a yes for #2? - Answer – We are now.
- Is this a 6-7 year plan, or how long will this take place?
- Is there a real evaluation that takes place at the end of each year, or a validation?
- What happens if we don’t reach the goal in a year?
- Is there a date you come and actually evaluate us?
- Do you recertify every year?
Two goals stayed the same (Rigor and Differentiated Instruction)
New goal = Instructional Technology POC and Mr. Marker constantly update the district of what we’re doing. SAC could purchase apps, etc.
K-2nd through district iPads
3rd – 5th through PTO was matched amount. Many teachers have grants approved.
A vote for SIP approval – yes – all members present. Motion to approve Kim Black, seconded by Varnell Layton.
- Chair – no nomination; Vice Chair – nomination – Mr. Marker of Kim Black. All in attendance voted yes. Present members: Michelle Carr, Kim Black, Frances Flores, Carol Roberts, Joann Vukobratovich, Debbie Martin, Carla Joza, and Christopher Marker.
- Secretary – nomination – Michelle Carr of Frances Flores – all present voted yes.
- Unable to find chair nomination
- Nomination for chair through reach out communication.
Reviewed – Michelle Carr presented proposed revisions. Members will review and will be placed on the next agenda to vote on proposed changes.
Carol Robertsmotioned to adjourn the meeting. Michelle Carrseconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at6:06PM.