Lake Matinenda Cottage Owners Association

Annual General Meeting

Lake Matinenda Landing

Saturday, July 29, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am by President Herb Herriman.

Present: Ginny Brush, Dennis Davey, Christie DeLamater, John Godbolt, Herb Herriman, Jim Hogg, and Ron Servatius.

Absent: Joe Lopez and Sherri Menard

Secretary Ginny Brush confirmed that there was a quorum present.

President Herriman acknowledged Past Presidents present: Ron Servatius, Cliff Spratt and Jerry Behnke and introduced Honorable Guests Blind River Mayor, Sue Jensen and Jerry Cormier, Account Manager for Municipal and Stakeholder Relations for MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.

Herb H. made a number of announcements including the Sale of Cook Books (@ $10 ea.) and thanked Sue Servatius and Dana Herriman for their help with registration, Jeff Rice for his technical support of the LMCOA website, Cliff Spratt for use of the meeting location spot, and Paul DeLamater for photography at the meeting.

A number of long-time Lake residents were recognized including Shirley Hass age 93 who has been coming to the Lake since 1971. Others acknowledged were Don Udell, (1949), Von Dilloway (1963), the Burling’s (1936,) and the Spencer’s on 68 Bay (1964). New Members included Paul White, his wife Donna and Jeff Dominic, his wife Elisia.

There was a moment of silence to honor those who passed away: Sam Bledsoe, (July 3, 2017); Andrew Hall who passed away in 2016 andLarry Sullivan, which was followed by an Invocation by Paul DeLamater.

Guest Speakers:

Jeremy Cormier with MPAC provided information on how the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation functions and how it relates to municipalities that collect taxes based of MPAC assessments. The presentation will be available online to those interested. Mr. Cormier encouraged those interested in finding out more about their property and its accessed value at Also discussed were triggers for property inspection include: sale of property, request for building permits, or a request of the municipality.

Jerry Behnke, Past President gave a report on bear break-ins on the Lake. Last year (especially August) there were 40-45 cottage break-ins on the lake of approximately 200 cottages. Low natural food supplies such as berries due to the drought and limited bear hunts have resulted in more bear sightings and problems in Cottages and in town. Mayor Jensen encouraged members of LMCOA to report any bear problems to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) at 1 866-514-2327 or on the MNR website


Sue Shafer announced that she had several cards of Sympathy for those that wanted to sign to send to Caroline Bledsoe. Also she will be hosting a Rock Painting class for women on the lake August 10th at 10:30 at her cottage at Camp 7.Christie DeLamater announced a tile painting class with alcohol inks at her cottage “The Cedars” near Butterfield Narrows. Bring your lunch and $5 to cover the cost of supplies.


Guest Speaker Mayor Sue Jensen

Mayor Jensen gave an update on the Seawall study. Federal funding for such projects has dried up in recent years.

  • Mayor Jenson provided an update and information on the North Shore Power Group Inc./Plasco Trail Road Inc. plans and payment schedule, which is currently up to date. Members were encouraged to visit the 120 acres of solar panels that have currently been installed as part of the project.

She also provided an update on dumpsters. The City is looking into sliding doors (that will still be bear proof) but should be much easier to open and insert trash. The town is also looking into 3 trash pick ups/week in the summer months. She encouraged more people to recycle and information on where to take recycling in town was provided. As for bulk pick ups the City Clerk is looking into adding an additional bulk pick up/month for next year for the months of July and August.Dump tickets can be picked up at City Hall.

Don Udell offered to help with construction of a U-shaped fence and solicitation of donated materials to contain bulk pick up item pending City approval.Bulk Pick Up Day at the Lake is scheduled for August 17th.LMCOA members encouraged to bring trash to dumpster area one or two days ahead. A list of items allowed for bulk pick up was provided at the meeting.

The next hazardous waste pick up is scheduled for July 2018.

Tax collection is currently behind by approximately 30%. The City recently hired a treasure to increase compliance and collections. As for the financial health of the City, Cliff Spratt of City Council announced that under Mayor Jensen’s tenure (2-terms) the City’s Debt has dropped from $13 million to $5 million.

Treasurer’s Report: John Godbolt

John G. provided the treasurer’s report and indicated that finances are within the normal range with no significant deviationsand no expenditures within the first 6 months of the year. Currently the LMCOA has $9,200 in investments. Bill Shafer moved to receive the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Christie DeLamater seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Ginny Brush, secretary reported that the minutes from the meeting(s) will be provided to Herb Herriman to be placed online.

Jim Hogg reported on improvements to navigation lights on the lake. $500 will be used to purchase and install 4 more substantial navigation lights and an additional $100 for mounting brackets to attach to rock to be more durable during storms. Key locations include the Narrows, Stover’s Point and at the entrance to the Marina.

Bill Shafer of Camp 7 announced the Annual Boat Parade for this year. The date will be determined by the members, with information available later at the Welcome House.


Herb Herriman thanked Dennis Davey, John Godbolt, and Ginny Brush for their service on the Board whose terms are ending. Also, Herb Herriman’s term is ending as well.

Ron Servatius, Past President and Nominating Committee Member announced that the committee’s list of candidates for the 2017-18 term are as follows: Herb Herriman, Dennis Davey, John Moniz, Laure Olsen and Ed Rector. President Herriman announced three times if there are any other candidates to be nominated. Hearing none, a motion was made by Kathryn Munn and seconded by Bill Shafer. Motion carried.

President Herriman congratulated the new members to the Board of Directors and announced that an organization board meeting will immediately follow this meeting.

Kathryn Munn made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ginny Brush seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Ginny Brush, Secretary