LACCD District Research Committee Meeting

September 15, 2016


ESC: 6th floor conference room




City: / Anna Badalyan, Emil Mubarakshin / Southwest: / LaVonne Hamilton
East: / Ruben Arenas, Cathy Jin, Adrian Shadaram,
Bryan Ventura / Trade: / René Márquez
Harbor: / Ed Pai (phone) / Valley: / Ani Zarpas, Michelle Fowles (phone)
Mission: / Patricia Chow (phone), Sarah Master (phone) / West: / Agyeman Boateng, Rebecca Tillberg
Pierce: / Giselle Calubayan / ESC: / Maury Pearl, Sarah Crespo, Stan Levin, Moon Ko


  • Reviewed agenda.
  • Reviewed minutes from previous DRC.

Gainful Employment

Deadline Oct 1 for NSLDS.

Each college will come to upload next week.

1/2017 will calculate debt-to-earnings ratio.

All gainful employment data from SIS.

Needs Assessment Survey

2 surveys in Fall 2017.

Wisconsin HOPE Lab survey on food and housing. HOPE Lab administers survey.

CalMHSA survey on mental health and LACCD needs assessment survey on student housing and transportation, combined into single survey. LACCD will administer survey.

Report due Winter 2017.

Student Survey

Work group met on 9/9/2016.

Completed reviewing second half of survey.

Final draft given to DRC. Send feedback to Maury and Moon.


Colleges need to complete IC Header. Was supposed to be done by 8/2016.

Colleges should run edit reports.

Close date for keyholders is 10/19/2016. Coordinator deadline is 11/2/2016.

Check college data in MIS. Now there are more skills awards in MIS.

Some colleges are not entering skill awards which is problem because will not be included in Skills Builder.

All 2015-16 data are in DataMart.

  • Lots of duplication of awards, multiple awards per student, unusual cases.

Increased enrollment in ADT programs and number of awards.

Current LACCD SIS has no field for hours in non-credit.

IE&SS Committee

9/21/2016 meeting will include presentations on LA College Promise and accreditation updates on district recommendations.

10/19/2016 will send templates to colleges on college accreditation update.

  • Spring 2017, tentative college presentations for college planning effectiveness reports in March, April, and May.
  • Group decided to keep current college planning effectiveness report template.
  • Stan will start working on data for templates. Finalized IRDS files will be ready in 4/2017 therefore cannot have updated data and templates will use Fall 2015 data.

Attendance Accounting

Auditors will visit East, Mission, and Pierce for full scope and City and Harbor for limited. West for few K-12 students.

98% of FTES from last year (based on current actuals and projections for Summer 2 and Fall 2016).

Projecting district needs to grow 8% relative to Winter, Spring, and Summer of last year to reach base plus 2% growth.

  • Targets are still in progress.
  • All colleges received base plus 2% budget allocation. (base is 2015-16 annual FTES).

New legislation, colleges can claim apportionment for non-resident high school students but only if dual enrollment. Are all HS students automatically considered dual enrollment?

Estimated Credit FTES Report

Use course subject hours rather than units for distance ed courses. Differences where there is lecture and lab because lab hours need to be accounted for.

ITV has inflated limits. PA also has high limits.

Group decided there are too many variations by college, so better not to share this report with district.


File is ready to upload. All blanks will be error so colleges need to clear those types of errors.

Extension deadline to upload is 9/23/2016 (and examine issue with student fees).

Each college needs upload because it is responsible for follow-up.

CTE Data Unlock Project

Every college should have been contacted by its consultant. Contact person at each college most likely CTE Dean.

9/19/2016 template will be released for strong workforce.

  • Strong workforce project related to CTE outcomes based on future funding.

TOP code realignment being pushed back to Spring 2017. Will create consensus crosswalk.

Bryan will draft Board item related to $50K CTE money.

All colleges participating in CTE outcomes survey.

New SIS Data Repository

Anna, Rebecca, Maury, and IT manager had meeting.

New data repository needs to be designed.

Data warehouse starts in 2018 and will be available in 2019. It is generic and not useful to researchers.

Have to evaluate specialized databases. Identify what researchers actually use and build it.

New databases, potentially design SSSP database. Lots of new variables and more reporting possibilities.

11/2016 will have some data for new applications (Fall 2017).

Start creating list of fields that need to be in SEMC table.

Training will be provided to researchers on query tools.

Next meeting

DRC meetings will complete location rotation.

Next DRC will be at Southwest on 10/20/2016. Future DRC meetings: 11/17/2016 at Trade, 12/15/2016 at Valley, and 1/19/2017 at West.