Supplementary information for Motani, Minoura, and Ando (1/2)

- ichthyosaurian character states for Caldwell’s10 (1996) data matrix.

CharacterStates forCharacter


1.(1)Premaxillae small (0) or large (1), forming most of snout in front of external nares.

2. (0)Premaxilla without (0) or with (1) postnarial process, excluding maxilla from posterior margin of external naris.

3. (0)Snout unconstricted (0) or constricted (1).

4 (?)Nasals shorter (0) or longer (1) than frontal(s).

5. (0)Nasals entering posterior margin of external naris (0), or reduced (absent) with no contact to the margin of the external naris (1).

6. (0)Nasals meet in dorsomedial suture (0), or are separated from one another by nasal processes of the premaxillae extending back to the frontal bone(s) (1).

7. (1)The lacrimal is present and enters the external naris (0) or remains excluded from the external naris by a contact of maxilla and nasal (1), or the lacrimal is absent (2).

8. (0)The prefrontal and postfrontal are separated by the frontal along the dorsal margin of the orbit (0), or a contact of prefrontal and postfrontal excludes the frontal from the dorsal margin of the orbit (1).

9. (1)Preorbital and postorbital region of skull: of subequal length (0), preorbital region distinctly longer than postorbital region (1), postorbital region distinctly longer (2).

10 (2)Upper temporal fossa absent (0), present and subequal or larger than the orbit (1), present but distinctly smaller than orbit (2).

11.(0)Frontal(s) paired (0) or fused (1) in the adult.

12. (0)Frontal(s) without (0) or with (1) distinct posterolateral processes.

13. (0)The frontal does not enter the margin of the upper temporal fossa (0), or narrowly enters the anteromedial margin of the upper temporal fossa (1).

14.(0)Parietal(s) paired (0) or fused (1) in adult.

15. (0)Pineal foramen at the middle of the skull table (0), displaced posteriorly (1), displaced anteriorly (2), or absent (3).

16. (0)Parietal skull table broad (0), strongly constricted (1), or forming a sagittal crest (2).

17. (1)Postparietals present (0) or absent (1).

18. (1)Tabulars present (0) or absent (1).

19. (0)Supratemporals present (0) or absent (1).

20. (0)The jugal extends anteriorly along the ventral margin of the orbit (0), is restricted to a position behind the orbit but enters the latter’s posterior margin (1), or is restricted to a position behind the orbit without reaching the latter’s posterior margin (2).

21. (0)The jugal extends backwards no farther than to the middle of the cheek region (0), or nearly to the posterior end of the skull (1).

22. (0)Lower temporal fossa absent (0), present and closed ventrally (1), present but open ventrally (2).

23. (?)Squamosal descends to (0) or remains broadly separated from (1) ventral margin of skull.

24. (0)Quadratojugal present (0) or absent (1).

25. (1)Quadratojugal with (0) or without (1) anterior process.

26. (?)Occiput with paroccipital process forming the lower margin of the posttemporal fossa and extending laterally (0), paroccipital processes trending posteriorly (1), or occiput plate-like with no distinct paroccipital process and with strongly reduced post-temporal fossae (2).

27. (?)Mandibular articulations approximately at level with occipital condyle (0) or displaced to a level distinctly behind occipital condyle (1), or positioned anterior to the occipital condyle (2).

28. (?)Exoccipitals do (0) or do not (1) meet dorsal to the basioccipital condyle.

29. (?)Quadrate with straight posterior margin (0) or quadrate shaft deeply excavated (con- cave) posteriorly (1).

30. (0)Quadrate covered by squamosal and quadratojugal in lateral view (0), or quadrate exposed in lateral view (1).

31. (0)Lateral conch on quadrate absent (0) or present (1).

32. (0)Palate kinetic (0) or akinetic (1).

33. (?)Basioccipital tubera free (0) or in complex relation to the pterygoid, as they extend ventrally (1) or laterally (2).

34. (?)Suborbital fenestra (infraorbital foramen of Oelrich, 1956) absent (0) or present (1).

35. (0)Pterygoid flanges well developed (0) or strongly reduced (1).

36. (1)Premaxillae enter internal naris (0) or are excluded (1).

37. (1)Ectopterygoid present (0) or absent (1).

38. (1)Retroarticular process of lower jaw absent (0) or present (1).

39. (1)Distinct coronoid process of lower jaw absent (0) or present (1).

40. (0)Mandibular symphysis short (0) or elongated (1).

41. (?)Splenial bone enters the mandibular symphysis (0), or remains excluded therefrom (1).

42. (0)Teeth set in shallow or deep sockets (0) or superficially attached to bone (1).

43. (0)Anterior (premaxillary and dentary) teeth upright (0) or strongly procumbent (1).

44. (0)Premaxillary and anterior dentary fangs absent (0) or present (1).

45. (1)One or two caniniform teeth present (0) or absent (1) on maxilla.

46. (0)The maxillary tooth row is restricted to a level in front of the posterior margin of the orbit (0), or it extends backwards to a level below the anterior corner of the upper temporal fossa (1), or it extends backwards to a level below the middle part of the upper temporal fossa (2).

47. (0)Teeth on pterygoid flange present (0) or absent (1).

48. (1)Vertebrae notochordal (0) or non-notochordal (1).

49. (0)Vertebrae amphicoelous (0), platycoelous (1) or other (2).

50. (1)Dorsal intercentra present (0) or absent (1).

51. (1)Cervical intercentra present (0) or absent (1).

52. (1)Cervical centra rounded (0) or keeled (1) ventrally.

53. (0)Zygosphene-zygantrum articulation absent (0) or present (1).

54. (1)Sutural facets receiving the pedicels of the neural arch on the dorsal surface of the centrum in the dorsal region are narrow (0) or expanded into a cruciform or ”butterfly- shaped” platform (1).

55. (0)Transverse processes of neural arches of the dorsal region relatively short (0) or distinctly elongated (1).

56. (0)Cervical ribs without (0) or with (1) a distinct free anterior process.

57. (0)Dorsal ribs without (0) or with (1) pachyostosis.

58. (0)The number of sacral ribs is two (0); three (1); four or more (2).

59. (0)Sacral ribs with (0) or without (1) distinct expansion of distal head.

60. (1)Cleithrum present (0) or absent (1).

61.(1)Clavicles broad (0) or narrow (1) medially.

62.(1)Clavicles positioned dorsally (0) or anteroventrally (1) to the interclavicle.

63.(?)Clavicles do not meet in front of the interclavicle (0) or meet in an interdigitating anteromedial suture (1).

64.(0)Clavicles without (0) or with (1) anterolaterally expanded corners.

65.(0)Clavicle applied to the anterior (lateral) (0) or to the medial ( 1) surface of scapula.

66.(0)Interclavicle rhomboidal (0) or T-shaped (1).

67.(0)Posterior process on (T-shaped) interclavicle elongate (0), short (1), or rudimentary or absent (2).

68.(0)Scapula broad (0) or narrow (1) above glenoid.

69.(1)Supraglenoid buttress present (0) or absent (1).

70.(0)One (0) or two (1) coracoid ossifications.

71.(?)Coracoid foramen enclosed by coracoid ossification (0), or between coracoid and scapula (1).

72.(0)Pectoral fenestration absent (0) or present (1).

73.(0)Humerus rather straight (0) or angulated (”curved”) (1).

74.(?)Humerus with prominent (0) or reduced (1) epicondyles.

75.(?)The ectepicondylar groove is open and notched anteriorly (0), open without anterior notch (1), or closed (2) (i. e., ectepicondylar foramen present).

76.(?)Entepicondylar foramen present (0) or absent (1).

77.(2)Radius shorter than ulna (0), or longer than ulna (1) or approximately of the same length (2).

78. (0)Iliac blade well developed (0), reduced (1), or absent (2).

79. (0)Pubis without (0) or with (1) distinctly notched (concave) ventral (medial) margin.

80.(0)Thyroid fenestra absent (0) or present (1).

81. (0)Acetabulum oval (0) or circular (1).

82.(0)Femoral shaft stout and straight (0) or slender and sigmoidally curved (1).

83. (2)Intertrochanteric fossa well defined (0) or reduced (1), or rudimentary or absent (2).

84. (1)Distal femoral condyles prominent (0) or not projecting markedly beyond shaft (1).

85.(?)Anterior femoral condyle relative to posterior condyle larger and extending further distally (0) or smaller and of subequal extent distally (1).

86. (?)The perforating artery passes between astragalus and calcaneum (0), or between the distal heads of tibia and fibula proximal to the astragalus (1).

87.(?)Calcaneal tuber absent (0) or present (1).

88. (0)Foot short and broad (0) or long and slender (1).

89. (0)Distal tarsal 1 present (0) or absent (1).

90.(0)Distal tarsal 5 present (0) or absent (1).

91. (0)Total number of tarsal ossifications four or more (0), three (1) or two (2).

92.(1)Metatarsal 5 long and slender (0) or distinctly shorter than the other metatarsals and with a broad base (1).

93.(?)Metatarsal 5 straight (0) or ”hooked” (1).

Supplementary information for Motani, Minoura, and Ando (2/2)

- ichthyosaurian character states for Rieppel and Debraga’s9 (1996) data matrix.

CharacterStates forCharacter


1.(?)Premaxilla exposure: exposure anterolateral to external nares small restricted to low posterolateral process forming less than one-half the height of the premaxilla (0); posterolateral process tall reaching dorsal process (1). Modified from Rieppel, 1994a, #1.

2.(0)Premaxilla/prefrontal contact: absent (0); present (1).

3.(0)Premaxilla dentition: present (0); absent (1).

4.(0)Premaxilla/external nares relationship: excluded from posterior border of nares (0); contributes to posterior border (1). From Rieppel, 1994a #2.

5.(?)Septomaxilla facial process: absent (0); present (1). From Reisz et al., 1992 # 6.

6.(1)External nares exposure: dorsal process of premaxilla broad restricting nares to a lateral exposure (0); dorsal process narrow resulting in dorsal exposure of nares (1).

7.(0)External nares: separated by intranarial bar of premaxilla (0); confluent (1).

8.(0)Choana palatal exposure: parallel medial border of maxilla (0); deflected posteromedially (1); hidden in palatal view (2).

9.(0)Nasals: paired (0); fused (1); lost (2).

10.(1)Nasal/frontal ratio: nasal equal to or shorter than frontal (0); nasal at least one-third longer, or better (1). From Rieppel, 1994a #4.

11.(1)Maxilla ascending process: absent (0); present between orbit and external nares (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #19.

12.(0)Maxillary horn: absent (0); present directly behind external nares (1). From Lee, 1994 #25.

13.(0)Anterolateral maxillary foramen: absent or if present equal in size to all other foramina (0); present at least twice the diameter of all other foramina (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #20.

14.(1)Maxilla length: extends to posterior orbital margin (0); does not reach posterior margin of orbit (1).

15.(0)Maxilla orbital exposure: absent (0); present (1). From Lee, 1994 #28.

16.(0)Maxilla/quadratojugal relationship: not in contact (0); in contact (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #22.

17.(1)Lacrimal morphology: present and contributing to external nares (0); present at least as long as tall, but excluded from external nares (1); if present small, restricted to orbital margin, or absent entirely (2). From Rieppel, 1994a #7.

18.(?)Lacrimal duct: enclosed by lacrimal only (0); lateral border formed by maxilla (1). Modified from Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #10.

19.(1)Skull proportions: preorbital skull length equal to postorbital length (0); preorbital length exceeds postorbital skull length (1); postorbital length exceeds preorbital skull length (2). From Rieppel, 1994a #9.

20.(0)Prefrontal/palatine antorbital contact: narrow forming less than one-third the transverse distance between the orbits (0); contact broad forming at least one-half the distance between the orbits (1). Modified from Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #6 & #7.

21.(0)Bulbous medial process of prefrontal: absent (0); present (1). From Lee, 1995 #22.

22.(0)Frontal orbital contribution: present (0); absent (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #2.

23.(1)Frontal anterior margins: frontal suture with nasal transverse (0); oblique forming an angle of at least 30o with long axis of the skull (1).

24.(0)Frontal lateral lappet: absent (0); present (1). From Modesto, 1995 #9.

25.(1)Frontal posterolateral processes: absent (0); present (1). From Rieppel, 1994a #12.

26.(1)Frontal proportions: length exceeds width by at least four times (0); length no greater than twice the width (1). From Lee, 1995 #24.

27.(?)Frontal morphology: parallelogram shaped (0); hour-glass shaped (1).

28.(1)Orbit shape: generally circular (0); anteroposteriorly elongate so that the length exceeds the height by at least 30% (1). Modified from Lee, 1995 #23.

29.(1)Postfrontal contribution to upper temporal fenestra: postfrontal excluded (0); postfrontal included (1). Modified from Rieppel, 1994a #10.

30.(1)Postorbital/supratemporal relationship: in contact (0); not in contact (1); supratemporal absent (1). Modified from Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #12.

31.(1)Postorbital/parietal relationship: in contact (0); contact absent (1).

32.(0)Postorbital posterior extent: terminates prior to reaching posterior limit of parietal (0); extends to at least the posterior limit of the parietal (1).

33.(2)Jugal posterior process: extends posteriorly only to the middle of the cheek (0); reaches nearly the posterior limit of the skull (1); absent (2).

34.(0)Zygomatic arch configuration: squamosal excluded (0); squamosal included (1).

35.(1)Squamosal lateral exposure: ventral process long descends to level limit of orbital margin (0); ventral process short terminates prior to reaching ventral orbital margin (1); ventral process absent or restricted to region above dorsal limit of orbit (2).

36.(0)Squamosal contribution to posttemporal fenestra: absent (0); present (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #26.

37.(0)Squamosal occipital flange: absent or poorly developed forming only a thin ridge (0); flange well developed forming a broadly exposed lappet (1). Modified from Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #27.

38.(0)Quadrate excavation: absent along posterior edge (0); posterior edge deeply excavated forming a concave region (1); quadrate greatly reduced (2). Modified from Rieppel, 1994a #29.

39.(1)Quadrate exposure laterally: absent (0); present (1). From Rieppel, 1994a #30.

40.(0)Quadrate lateral conch: absent (0); present (1). From Rieppel, 1994a #31

41.(1)Quadrate anterior process: long, extending forward along its sutural contact with the quadrate process of the pterygoid to nearly reach the level of the transverse flange (0); short, not extending anteriorly beyond 55% the length of the quadrate process of the pterygoid (1).

42.(0)Quadratojugal morphology: present and horizontal dimension exceeds vertical dimension by a factor of at least three (0); present but vertical dimension exceeds horizontal by a factor of at least two (1); present, but greatly reduced and restricted to condylar region (2); absent (3).

43.(0)Quadratojugal ornamentation: absent (0); present (1).

44.(0)Stapedial shaft: rod-like in cross section (0); blade-like in cross section (1). From Reisz et al., 1992 #41.

45.(0)Stapes morphology: robust with its greatest depth exceeding one-third of its total length (0); slender with the length at least four times the depth (1).

46.(1)Stapedial dorsal process: present as ossified process (0); absent (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #67.

47.(0)Parietal skull table: broad with the mid-line, transverse, width not less than half of the length measured along the element’s midline (0); constricted with the length exceeding the width by at least three times (1); forming sagittal crest (2). Modified from Rieppel, 1994a #16.

48.(1)Parietal shelf for adductor musculature: absent (0); present as shallow excavations on the lateral margins of the parietal (1). From deBraga and Reisz, 1995 #6.

49.(2)Pineal foramen position: located in the middle of the body of the parietal (0); displaced posteriorly (1); displaced anteriorly (2); absent (3). From Rieppel, 1994a #15.

50.(1)Upper temporal fenestra: absent (0); present (1).

51.(3)Lower temporal fenestra: absent (0); present quadratojugal included (1); present quadratojugal excluded (2); open ventrally (3).

52.(2)Postparietal: present and paired (0); present but fused (1); absent (2). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #4.

53.(0)Supratemporal: present and large with its transverse dimension nearly equal to its parasagittal dimension (0); present but reduced so that its transverse dimension is less than half of its parasagittal dimension (1); absent (2).

54.(1)Intertemporal: present (0); absent (1).

55.(2)Tabular: present but restricted to dorsal region of occiput (0); present but ventrally elongate descending to level of occipital condyle (1); absent (2).

56.(0)Supraoccipital: plate-like with no sagittal crest (0); body of supraoccipital constricted at midline forming sagittal crest (1). Modified from Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #55.

57.(1)Occiput configuration: broad and plate-like forming broad sutural contact with the tabular dorsolaterally (0); open with only slight contact, if nay, with tabular (1).

58.(?)Angle of occiput: oriented primarily vertically (0); tilted or sloping anteriorly at an angle of about 45o (1). From Romer and Price, 1940.

59.(2)Posttemporal fenestra: absent (0); present but diameter less than half of the diameter of the foramen magnum (1); large posttemporal fenestra with a diameter at least equal to that of the foramen magnum (2).

60.(?)Orientation of paroccipital process: extends laterally forming 90o with parasagittal plane (0); paroccipital process deflected posterolaterally at an angle of about 20o from the transverse width of the skull(1); paroccipital process deflected dorsolaterally at an angle of nearly 45o (2).

61.(?)Paroccipital process morphology: slender with anteroposterior dimension not exceeding dorsoventral dimension (0); heavy with anteroposterior dimension at least one-third greater than dorsoventral dimension (1).

62.(1)Exoccipital bones: meet below foramen magnum (0); do not meet (1). From Rieppel, 1994a #28.

63.(1)Basioccipital/basisphenoid relationship: floor of braincase with gap between both elements (0); elements fused to floor brain cavity (1). From Lee, 1993 #A5.

64.(?)Basi/parasphenoid ratio: narrowest transverse width no more than 60% of the maximum length measured from basipterygoid process to posterior most limit (0); narrowest part (waist) exceeds 80% of the length (1). Modified from Lee, 1994 #12.

65.(?)Ventral braincase tubera: absent (0); present and restricted to basioccipital (1); present, very large, and restricted to basisphenoid (2). Modified from Lee, 1994 #13.

66.(0)Opisthotic/cheek contact: not in contact (0); in contact and tightly sutured (1). From Lee, 1993 #A3.

67.(0)Prootic/parietal contact: absent (0); present (1).

68.(0)Medial wall of inner ear: unossified (0); ossified (1). From Lee, 1993 #A6.

69.(0)Occipital flange: absent (0); present (1). From Lee, 1995 #30.

70.(1)Sphenethmoid: present (0); absent (1).

71.(?)Pleurosphenoid: absent (0); present (1). See node description for Sauria for details.

72.(1)Palate: kinetic (0); akinetic (1). From Rieppel, 1994a #32.

73.(0)Interpterygoid vacuity: anterior end tapers sharply (0); anterior border cresentric (1); absent (2). From Lee, 1994 #18.

74.(?)Suborbital fenestra: absent (0); present but with contribution from either maxilla or jugal along lateral border (1); present, but with both maxilla and jugal excluded from lateral border (2). Modified from Rieppel, 1994a #34.

75.(0)Cultriform process: long exceeding length of parasphenoid body and reaching forward to the level of the posterior limit of the internal nares(0); short not reaching the level of the internal nares (1). Modified from Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #52.

76.(1)Palatal process of pterygoid: extends anterior to the anterior limit of the palatine (0); forms oblique suture with palatine but process ends before reaching anterior limit of palatine (1); forms transverse suture with palatine (2).

77.(1)Orientation of transverse flange of pterygoid: directed predominantly laterally (0); oriented in an anterolateral direction (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #45.

78.(1)Dentition on transverse flange: present as a shagreen of teeth (0); present but with one large distinct row of teeth along the posterior edge of the transverse flange (1); edentulous (2). Modified from Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #46.

79.(1)Ventral extent of transverse flange: extends below maxillary tooth row (0); terminates at level of or above maxillary tooth row (1). From Lee, 1995 #14.

80.(0)Transverse flange lateral margin: posterolateral margin forms sharp edge with anteromedial margin (0); posterolateral margin merges smoothly into anteromedial margin forming a smoothly convex lateral outline (1).

81.(3)Ectopterygoid: present and edentulous (0); present and dentigerous (1); absent replaced by medial process of jugal (2); absent replaced by lateral process of pterygoid (3).

82.(0)Mandibular joint: even with occiput (0); behind occiput (1); anterior to occiput (2). From Rieppel, 1994a #27.

83.(3)Coronoid process: absent (0); present formed by coronoid (1); present formed by dentary (2); present formed by surangular (3). Modified from Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #79.

84.(1)Coronoid number: more than one (0); only one coronoid (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #74.

85.(1)Meckelian fossa: faces mediodorsally (0): faces dorsally due to greatly expanded prearticular (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #70.

86.(0)Surangular length: extends anterior to coronoid eminence (0); terminates prior to reaching level of coronoid eminence (1). From Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #72.

87.(0)Surangular lateral shelf: absent (0); present (1). Modified from Laurin and Reisz, 1995 #78.

88.(1)Splenial: enters mandibular symphysis (0); present but excluded from mandibular symphysis (1); entirely absent (2). Modified from Reisz and Laurin, 1991 #7.