UnionGroveElementary School
1314 Sloan’s Mill Road
Union Grove, NC 28689
Teresa Waugh
Phone (704) 539-4354
Prime Time (704) 539-4866
Cafeteria (704) 539-4683
Fax (704) 539-5500
Welcome to Our School
Welcome to UnionGroveElementary School. Union Grove Elementary is a community school housing grades K-5. The school was organized as a high school in the 1920’s. The primary building and gym were built in the 1950’s. In the fall of 1966, the school became a K-8 school and in the fall of 1991 became a K-5 school. In the fall of 1999 a new wing was opened and the original building and cafeteria were demolished. Our new classroom building is scheduled to be finished in November or December, 2010.
Teresa Waugh Principal
Pam Wilson Instructional Facilitator
Judy Kirby Secretary/Bookkeeper
Kim Welborn Data Manager
Kimberly Souther Teacher
Anita Baldwin Teacher
Amelia Edmisten Teacher
Jennifer Pharr Teacher
Shawna Stroud Teacher
Ashley Bragg Teacher
Whitney Speer Teacher
Terri Jones Teacher Lisa Souther Teacher
DeNeil Suarez Teacher
Heather Johnson Teacher
Jennifer York Teacher
Genevieve Kiser Media Coordinator
Reagan Stillerman Exceptional Children
Jane Hager Exceptional Children
Teresa Kutteh Guidance Counselor
Julia Roberts Speech
Jackie Watkins Nurse
Donna Pumphrey Art
Jim Nelson Physical Education
Chad Gallyon Physical Education/TA/Bus Driver
Mitzi Mitchell Music
Kristy Nicks English as a Second Language
Dianne Brown Bus Driver/Teacher Assistant
Sandra Goodin Teacher Assistant
Linda Prevette Bus Driver/Teacher Assistant
Judy Howard Teacher Assistant
June Ireland-Mitchell Bus Driver/Teacher Assistant
Angie Templeton Bus Driver/Teacher Assistant
Amy Marlowe Bus Driver//Teacher Assistant
Barbara Rash Child Nutrition/Custodian
Evelyn Coleman Custodian
Elaine Foster Custodian
Edwina Staley Child Nutrition Manager
Carol Barker Child Nutrition
Jason Peacock Prime Time Director
Sheila Laws Prime Time Assistant Prime Time Assistant
Haydee Patterson Interpreter (Spanish)
Amanda Bridges EC Program Specialist
Melissa Cranford EC Data Mgr.
Teachers are scheduled to arrive at school by 7:15 AM. The cafeteria staff begins serving breakfast at 7:00 AM. We ask that no students be dropped off at school before 7:00 AM unless they are enrolled in the morning Prime Time program. Students must wait in the cafeteria until the 7:20 AM bell rings – then they may go to their classrooms. Another bell will ring at 7:30 AM, and everyone should be in class by this time. Any arrivals after this time will be considered as tardy. We ask parents of car riders to make every effort to have their children at school by this time each day. Ten (10) tardies/early dismissals will be recorded as an absence. Car riders and bus riders will be dismissedat 2:15 PM.
Car Traffic on Campus
Parents bringing students to school each morning are asked to enter the drive and unload students at the entrance by the flagpole. Our goal is to have no children walking unattended across the parking lot while there is traffic. If parents need to come into the building, you may park in a parking space and walk your child into the building. Please
do not drop off your children out in the parking lot or behind the cafeteria to walk unattended into the building. Also, if you arrive early, please keep your children in the car until the cafeteria door is unlocked at 7:00 AM. Each afternoon, car riders will be dismissed at 2:15 PM. Until further notice, all students will be picked up in the front of the main building. All parents should enter from the westbound lane of Sloan’s Mill Rd. to keep the traffic flow going. Staff members will be on duty to assist students in loading safely in the afternoon. Please do not get out of your car to pickup your child after 2:00 p.m.
All car riders must be picked up by 2:30 PM. After that, parents will need to pick up their children from the office.
Early Dismissals
Parents are reminded that students should be in class as much as possible. We realize, however, that there are times when it is necessary to pick up a child early. Please remember that state guidelines dictate that a child must be in attendance ½ day (until 10:50AM) to be counted present. If you arrive at school after 2:00 to pick up your child, you will need to wait in the car rider line. Any student who leaves before that will need to be signed out by a parent or guardian. Per school policy, any student who is signed out will receive a lawful or unlawful dismissal which will count toward their ten allowed absences.
When you pick up a child, please observe the following procedure:
*Come by the office and notify the office staff that you need to pick up your child. We will then call the room to get the child.
*Sign the child out on the clipboardand include the reason for leaving early.
*When a child is returned to school from an appointment, etc., he/she must be recorded as returned (time back in) on the same sheet.
*Please do not ask us to have your child waiting out front for you. We have to make sure we know with whom the child is leaving, and we don’t want them to miss valuable class time.
Guidelines for Release of Students during
the School Day to Separated or Divorced
- If there is no court order or separation agreement concerning custody of a child, either parent has the right to see the child at school or have the child released to him or her at the end of the school day. Unless notified otherwise, the school assumes that both parents have equal access to the child.
- Parents must notify school officials of visitation or custodial limits if the school is expected to follow them. Specifically, the parent with primary physical custody must notify the school of any custody arrangement for a child other than equal access for both parents. The custodial parent should provide the school a complete copy of the court order or separation agreement that provides for his or her primary physical custody of a child. In the absence of official documentation, school officials have no authority to deny either parent access to the child.
- If a court order or separation agreement awards primary physical custody to either parent, the school will follow the wishes of the custodial parent regarding school day visits with the child or release of the child at the end of the school day, unless in conflict with separation agreement, court order, or school policy.
- When in the judgment of school officials the health and/or safety of a child is an issue, the school will not release the child to either parent requesting physical custody of a child. In such instance, the principal or designee will notify the Department of Social Services.
Sending Notes to School
It is important that parents keep the school informed of changes in their children’s normal routines. Please send notes explaining situations such as:
1If anyone is not permitted to pick up a student
2Requesting early dismissal for appointments
3Absence and tardy
4Change in transportation
5Required medication by a doctor
6Restriction of physical education
7Car pool (Give name of person with whom your child may ride.)
8Someone other than parent picking up child.
All notes should include the current date and parent’ssignature. We often receive notes from parents granting permission for their child to ride the bus home with a different child. We also need a note from the parent of the child being visited.
Making Up Missed Work
It is the responsibility of the student to make up work missed after being absent from school. Teachers may work with students and parents to establish a reasonable deadline for completing missed work. Those students needing work sent home with other students or to be picked up in the office will need to contact the school by 11:00 AM if you want the work for your child that day.
Bringing Items to School
Students may not bring toys, hand-held computer games, cell phones, radios, lighters, pocket knives, Ipods, mini-skateboards, balls,live animalsor any other item that could prove to be distracting or unsafe. Students may bring show-and-tell items, or other materials if arrangements have been previously made with the teacher. Items such as ball bats and balls are provided by the school and should not be brought from home. Any item that is intended for “pranks” or for use in disrupting class is prohibited. The principal and teachers have the authority to collect from students any item that is disruptive, dangerous, or inappropriate and they will return it to the parent.
At UnionGroveElementary School we want all of our students to enjoy their educational experience, while feeling safe and comfortable in the school environment. Disciplinary matters will be handled in accordance with Iredell-Statesville Policy. Rules of violations are divided into two categories.
Level I Rules are considered to be less serious, and are as follows:
1Classroom Rules – Students shall follow all class rules.
2School Bus Rules – Students shall follow all school bus rules and directions of the Bus Driver.
3Disruption – Students shall not engage in behavior, which keeps other students from learning or the teacher from teaching.
4Offensive Language – Students shall not use profanity, vulgarity, or offensive language.
Level II Rules are considered to be more serious and are as follows:
1Arson – Students shall not burn or attempt to burn any material or property on the school grounds.
2Assault on Another Student – Students shall not assault, attack or cause physical injury to another person.
3Assault on a School Employee – Students shall not physically or verbally assault any school employee.
4Disruption of School – Students shall not engage in conduct, which results in the disruption of the school.
5Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco – Students shall not possess, use, transmit or sell drugs, alcohol or tobacco products at school, at any time on the school grounds, on school buses or at activities sponsored by the school. Also included are offenses that occur at any time off school premises if the offense will adversely affect good order and discipline in the schools.
6Property Damage – Students shall not intentionally damage or deface school or private property.
7Theft – Students shall not knowingly steal any property or be in possession of stolen property.
8Weapons and Dangerous Objects – Students shall not possess weapons or dangerous objects in violation of the law. Any facsimile of a weapon is considered a rule violation.
9Repeated Violation of School Rules – Students shall not repeatedly violate classroom or school rules.
10 Disrespect and Insubordination – Students shall not
demonstrate gross disrespect to staff members and
shall not refuse to follow reasonable and legal
directions of staff members.
11 Bullying – See Bullying Policy located online –
Consequences for rule violations could vary depending on the severity of the offense. In general, punishment could be any of the following:
1Verbal reminder to the student by the teacher or principal
2Conference with the student
3Isolation within the classroom
4Withhold privileges
5Supervised isolation in another classroom
6Student support plan
7Parent conference
8Conference with the Guidance Counselor
9Conference with the Principal
10 Home visits
11 Parent visits classroom
12 Suspension from school for the remainder of the day
13 Suspension from school for a period up to 10 days
14 Long term suspension or removal for the rest of the
school year
15 Suspension from the school bus when applicable
16 Referral to Community Resource Agencies
17 Notify law enforcement agencies when needed or
Each student’s grades reflect his/her performance in attempting to accomplish tasks he/she has been required to complete. Our school philosophy emphasizes the individual student, recognizing his/her uniqueness, strengths, and weaknesses. In keeping with our philosophy, our grading policy reflects our perspective of the individual child.
Kindergarten through 2nd grade will use the following scale every nine weeks for Math, Reading, and Writing:
S – Satisfactory
U – Unsatisfactory
N – Needs Improvement
P – Progressing
M – Mastery
Grades 3-5 will be graded every nine weeks using the following scale:
A93 - 100C77 - 84
B 85 - 92 D70 - 76
S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory
Students in grades 3-5 will be graded in the areas of Reading, Creative Writing, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Art, Music, Technology, Health and Conduct.
Report Cards Progress Reports
November 4, 2010 September 28, 2010
February 1, 2011 December7, 2010
April 7, 2011 March 1, 2011
June 10, 2011 May 11, 2011
Honor Roll /A Team for Grades 3-5
Each 9 weeks, all students who have 85 or above in all academic areas will be named to the A/B honor roll. A student who has 93 or above in all academic areas for each semester will be named to the A Team.
School-Related Activities
All classroom activities are important and difficult, if not impossible, to replace if missed. The following school-related activities will not be counted as absences from school:
--field trips sponsored by the school;
--school-initiated and scheduled activities.
Assignments missed for these reasons will be completed by students. The teacher will determine when work is to be made up. The student is responsible for finding out what assignments are due and completing them within the specified time period.
Make-Up Work Opportunities
All students are required to make up missed work regardless of whether the absence is lawful or unlawful. The school will determine when work is to be made up. The student is responsible for finding out what assignments are due and completing them within the specified time period. The principal will implement specific procedures for students to make up work.
Students are considered tardy if not in the classroom when the 7:30 bell rings. Any student coming to school after the 7:30 bell rings must be signed in at the office by a parent or guardian. Ten tardies/early dismissals equal one absence.
Regular attendance is mandatory and necessary for high student achievement. Students are allowed 10 absences – lawful or unlawful. After 10 absences, students will be required to make up days. Excessive absences could lead to the parent(s) and/or child being required to attend truancy court. Excessive absences could also lead to the retention of a student.
Bus Safety is of particular concern. No student is to be out of his/her seat as long as the bus is in motion. Please help your child to understand this bus rule and the other rules included in this handbook. The only purpose for bus rules is to assure safety.
- Wait quietly – do not play in the roadway.
- As the bus approaches, stand back from the road – give the bus driver room to stop. (The bus is supposed to stop 15 feet from where students are standing.)
- If a pupil must cross the road:
- Wait until bus driver stops the bus and opens the
- Check the traffic in both directions.
- Walk (do not run) in front of the bus.
- Form a single line and don’t crowd or push.
- Use the front door only.
- Use the handrail and take the steps one at a time.
- Go directly to your seat.
- Stay seated until the bus stops.
- Don’t push or shove, but move quickly.
- Exit by the front door only.
- Use the handrail and take one step at a time.
- If you do not have to cross the road, walk immediately away from the bus.
- If you must cross the road:
- Walk far enough in front of the bus to see the
- Stop when you are even with the traffic side of the
bus and look carefully in both directions.
- Cross quickly, but do not run.
- Help smaller children to cross the road safely.
- Never stop in front of the bus. If you drop something, get the driver’s attention before you try to pick it up.
On the Bus:
- Keep the aisles clear.
- Use quiet voices.
- No food or beverage should be consumed on the bus.
- Follow the directions of the bus driver.
- Sit in your assigned seat.
- Enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner.
Please note that balloons are not allowed on buses due to decreased vision for the driver and the potential for confusion. If anyone sends a “bouquet” of balloons to school, they must be taken home some way other than on the bus. No item may be carried onto a school bus that is too large to hold on the lap. Parents are responsible for any damage to a school bus by their children. Due to the confusion that could result if live creatures were released on the bus, turtles, insects, etc. are not to be brought on the bus. Drivers will be instructed not to allow such items on the bus.
Students who ride buses are assigned to a particular bus. Unless a note is sent from home and this approved by the principal giving a student permission to ride a different bus, he or she must ride the assigned bus. In lieu of the note from home, telephone communications between home and school is necessary. Permission may not be granted in situations that would result in an overloaded bus. In those cases in which a student is going home with another student, we ask that the parents of both students provide a permission note.
Students may be taken off the bus for the following reasons:
- Delaying the bus schedule. (Driver is not supposed to wait or blow the horn for a child who is not at the bus stop.)
- Fighting, use of tobacco, using profanity, or refusing to obey instructions of school authority or bus driver while on the school bus.
- Tampering with the bus.
- Refusing to meet the bus at designated stops.
- Unauthorized leaving of the bus when in route from home to school or vice versa.
- Playing, throwing trash, or other objects, yelling or otherwise distracting the bus driver’s attention while the bus is in operation.
- Failure to observe established safety rules and regulations.
- Possession of weapons.
Boarding School Buses