Laboratory One – Trace the IP address
VisualRoute is a visual, tool integrating ping, whois, and traceroute program that automatically analyzes connectivity problems, It displays the results on a World map. A great tool to locate and identify Internet abusers.
There areTWOobjectives:
- To install Visual Routesoftware product to trace the (Internet Protocol) IP and its path, and to show the country. This will make you aware of Internet Sites and Web security; and
- To determine the path of an e-mail account.
Procedure one
Access the web site
Then download VisualRoute (vr.exe)
Now invoke windows explorer to install this software.
Accept it and it will display.
Invoke it
Or select
You will see the following:
You must obtain a license key by supplying your mail
Enter your key under edit as follows
Once you get the mail, now type
You will see the following path. This shows that the web site is in USA it passes through a number of locations including Australia (Interesting)
Now right click the informationunder node name, network, you will see many information as follows:
Click node and you will display a list of sites as follows:
You can left click City Polytechnic to see the registered person. Please note that the Network block 144.214.x.y is reserved for CityU. The person C Y Kwok is the system manager working at Computer Services Centre.
You can also clickHARNET to see more
The response time is the time that it takes to reach this node. Here, it takes 192 ms from Hong Kong to Microsoft.
Now click CAIS Internet to determine the information.
Now enter the e-mail
Key in my address
It will show my account as follows:
Now try the following account and write down the path.
ONE mark ______
Now try the following:
(Hong KongUniversity) to determine the response time:
response timeTry this to determine the response time (MacauUniversity)
determine the response time from your machine to University of Oxford. Draw a sketch (a map) as well to show that it is through Tokyo. (try twice)
response timeThe university of Portsmouth in UK. Sketch a UK map to show where it is when compared to London.
The web site for University of Queensland. Determine the response time.
De La SalleUniversity in Philippines. Determine the response time.
response timeWhen you are finished, raise your hand. ONE mark ______
Summary: By use of visual route, we know the path, and the information from the sender to the receiver. Some of the information is very important for hackers.