eb7 Sustainability Ltd
Studio 1B
63 Webber Street
SE1 0QW / Your Ref: 17003
Our Ref:
Date: 13 December 2016
Dear Neil
BREEAM NC 2014 – 140-146 Brent Street
Thank you for taking the time to come to site the other day, the ability to run through all the required elements to meet our BREEAM commitment was most useful. Accordingly, we can confirm the outstanding issues and enclose details/specifications as appropriate:
Hea 01 – Visual Comfort
We attach the lighting design and drawing and can confirm that all fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps are fitted with high frequency ballasts.
In addition, illuminance (lux) levels in all internal building areas of the building are in accordance with the SLL Code for Lighting 2012 and any other relevant industry standard.
Internal blinds are to be installed to all relevant areas within the development to offer glare control
For areas where computer screens are regularly used, the lighting design complies with CIBSE Lighting Guide 7 sections 3.3, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9.
All external lighting will be designed in accordance with BS5489-1 2003+ A2 2008 – Lighting of Road and Public amenity Areas
Ene 03 – External Lighting
We can confirm that the average initial luminous efficacy of the external light fittings within the construction zone is not less than 60 luminaire lumens per circuit Watt.
All external light fittings are automatically controlled by time switch or daylight sensor for prevention of operation during daylight hours and presence detection in areas of intermittent pedestrian traffic.
Wat 03 - Water leak detection
We confirm that solenoid valves are to be installed on the water supply to each toilet area in the building and the flow of water through that supply is to be controlled by a link to Infra-red movement detectors within each toilet facility.
Pol 04 – Reduction of Night Time light Pollution
We attach external lighting design & calculations and we can confirm that the external lighting strategy has been designed in compliance with Table 2 of theILPGuidance notes for the reduction of obtrusive light,2011
Actions will include limiting the average upward light ratio of the luminaires, to restrict sky glow, limiting the intensity light sources in potentially obtrusive directions beyond the site boundaries and limiting the average luminance of the building floodlights
All external lighting (except for safety and security lighting) is automatically switched off between 23:00 hr and 07:00 hr. via the use of time switches as noted above. Safety or security lighting is provided and will be and will be dimmed between 23:00 hr and 07:00 hr, to the lower levels of lighting recommended during these hours in Table2 of the ILP’s Guidance notes this part of the lighting system complies by using an automatic switch to reduce the lighting levels at 23:00 hr or earlier.
Yours sincerely