Lab Coat Assignment

Due July 22, 2016

In science this year we will be studying the following: scientific method, lithosphere, periodic table, energy, solar system, plants, and environmental science. Locate each topic in the science book.Do a little research to see what might be included in these topics. I will provide books in class, but you may use the internet as well. Write down at least 3 concepts, symbols, or images from each topic.Then, you are to decorate a lab coat with the concepts, formulas, and symbols, or images from these topics.

Start by placing your name both first and last on the pocket of the coat. Be creative! Try not to leave any white space. You may use sequins, colored pencils, cotton balls, markers…. to decorate with images from the topics. For example, you may draw and label the rock cycle, illustrate the difference between transparent, translucent, and opaque materials, or demonstrate how sound travels. Be sure to include at least one item for the different areas listed below that we will study this year. Students will be given the template for the lab coat to use. We will start these in class. Also, write one paragraph telling me which might be your favorite unit and explain why. Please type the paragraph if possible.

Project Rubric

Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Use of Class Time / Used time well. Focused on getting the project done without distracting others. / Used time well. Mostly focused on getting the project done without distracting others / Used some time well. Some focus on getting project done but occasionally distracted others. / Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others. Project was not completed by due date.
Details / Details (including labels) support the main idea without distracting with clutter. / Detail is added to support each main idea with minimal clutter. / More is needed for understanding. Some are distracting. / Very little detail is provided for the main ideas and understanding is limited.
Content - Accuracy
(weight x2) / At least 4 accurate facts/concepts are displayed / 3 accurate facts are displayed. / 2 accurate facts are displayed. / Fewer than 2 accurate facts are displayed.
Graphics - Relevance / The graphics used represent information appropriately. / Most graphics represent the information appropriately. / All graphics relate to the topic but do not represent appropriately. / Graphics do not relate to the topic.
Graphics - Visual / Color, shape, size, and arrangement of graphics
contribute meaning to the overall message. / Color, shape, size, and arrangement are eye catching and contribute some mearning. / Color, shape, size, and arrangement are present but do not add to the information. / Images do not relate to the topic.
Design/layout / The design/layout is neat, clear, and visually appealing. / Is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. / Is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. / Is distractingly messy, unattractive, or very poorly designed.
Mechanics/Grammar / Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout.
There are no grammatical mistakes. / There is 1 error in capitalization or punctuation.
There is 1 grammatical mistake. / There are 2 errors in capitalization, spelling, or punctuation.
There are 2 grammatical mistakes. / More than 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation.
There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes.
Grammar / There are no grammatical mistakes. / There is 1 grammatical mistake. / There are 2 grammatical mistakes. / There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes.