Our Lady of the Assumption Pastoral Council

Date of meeting: Monday, October 19, 2015

In attendance:Fr. Eduino Silveira, Nancy Turner, Maria Cornelius, Michele Piland, Jim O'Gara, Denise Dube, Nancy Arndorfer, Jane Ricci, John Blaschke, Kerri McConaha-Umfress, Michael Kyalwazi

Absent/Excused:Leo Winternitz, Adrian Orozco, Michael Tateishi, Joan Cotton, Juan Yniguez, Caroline McIntire, Joe Colonnelo

Opening Prayer:Fr. Eduino began the meeting with a reading from the gospel and a discussion of the reading.

and Reflection

Agenda Items:

1. Approval of the minutes from September 21, 2015. The minutes were approved without correction.

  • Michele Piland was nominated and voted in as the secretary of the Council, replacing Jim McArdle.
  • A new procedure was adopted for the posting of the minutes from the Pastoral Council meetings. The minutes of a meeting will be posted as "Provisional" and be noted in the bulletin, and kept in a binder in the parish office. After the minutes are approved, at the next council meeting, they will be posted as "Official Minutes" on the Parish website.

2. Pastor's Report:

  • Neocatechumenate - (Works to evangelize and instruct Catholic adults in the truths of the Catholic faith, based on; the word of God, the Eucharist and the Christian community.) This is led by lay people and will start with 2 months of bible study and research. Then there will be a retreat and the fellowship will choose a person to lead/facilitate their group in their study and good works. New groups will start after this.

Action Taken: not needed – informational

  • Winter Sanctuary - brought forward by Fr. Eduino, a multi-denominational group that helps families in need with shelter, clothing, food, etc. The program is run by Sacramento Steps Forward. Father asked the council for their input on how OLA could be involved. It was noted that this is very similar to Family Promise that the parish already supports. The Council recommended increasing parish support of Family Promise, and making a monetary contribution to Winter Shelter.

Action taken: Father Eduino took the Council’s recommendation under advisement.

3. Old Business

  • OLA Ministry Fair - Saturday & Sunday, October 24-25, 2015 (all masses) Staff member Jane Ricci noted that she was still verifying which ministries would be in attendance. There will be 2 ministries per table around the outside edges of the portico. Any ministries that do not have representation will have their brochures on tables in the middle of the portico area. All ministries will have a brochure with information on their particular ministry and how it fits in with the Parish Mission. There will be a Catechetical Assembly banner for parishioners to sign (encouraging participation in Catechetical Assemblies).

Action Taken: The Council reviewed a draft of Pastoral Council brochure for the fair, and provided feedback to Nancy T. The Council also took assignments to cover the Pastoral Council table after all masses.

  • Hospitality Update:

-Babysitting Service: Nancy T. shared that the Hospitality Committee had received information on a babysitting co-op that recently launched at St. John the Evangelist. The Committee will be meeting in the next couple of weeks to begin discussion on a similar program at OLA. It was noted that any volunteers with this service will need to be fingerprinted and take the “Shield the Vulnerable” class.

-Mass Greeters: Nancy A. is compiling the names and contact information for those who have volunteered to be mass greeters. She will provide a complete list at the Nov. meeting.

-Jim O’Gara suggested the Council measure the success of these programs.

Action: Informational only.

  • Social Ministry Coordinating Committee:Kerri McConaha-Umfress presented design and pricinginformation for the donation boxes that will be installed inside the church. Father noted that the Diocese requires 3 bids for all large purchases, and Jane said she had a list of approved vendors. She will send the list to Kerri, who will get additional bids. The Council continued its discussion on when, where, and how these donations will be accounted for and distributed.

Action: deferred, to be discussed at the next meeting of the Social Ministries Coordinating Committee

4. New Business:

  • Nancy T. alertedthe Council that per our bylaws, next spring will be the election for new members. Per our bylaws, a Nominating Committee will need to be formed early in 2016, with new members appointed by July 1.

Action: Nancy T will call a meeting in January 2016 to plan the timelines and decide how to roll this out to the Parish.

  • Suggestions for Fr. Eduino - Father asked for suggestions and recommendations for topics that need to be addressed with parish.

Action: The Council agreed to discuss at the November 16 meeting.

  • Building and Grounds Committee: John Blaschke requested that a budget and timeline be approved for general maintenance or purchase of new items such as HVAC, painting, roofing, etc., so the parish isn’t caught off guard by costly items.

Action: Nancy T. asked John to have the budget prepared by January to present to the Finance Council for the 2016 fiscal budget.

  • Fr. Eduino suggested the Pastoral Council use every 3rd meeting to review parish finances.

Action item: Nancy T. to invite a member of the Finance Committeeto join the Pastoral Council.

5. Future Items:

- Brainstorm new ways to involve younger parishioners.

- Discussion of the Pastoral Council nominating committee and how new members will be appointed/elected to the council.

- Addition of a December meeting (12/7/15) to discuss the school, particularly the removal of the 5 parish hours and a monthly collection for the school (donations for scholarships vs. endowment)

Closing Prayer - led by Jane Ricci

Next Pastoral Council Meeting is Monday November 16, 2015

Submitted respectfully by Michele D. Piland