Torres' Patient Care in Imaging Technology, 8th ed
Chapter 4: Patient Care and Safety Lab Activities
- Gurney Transfers
- Review the criteria and give specific step-by-step instructions for gurney transfers. Have the criteria as a handout so the students use it as a guideline during skill practice.
- Set up two stations, each with a gurney with sheets next to the x-ray table. Have the sliding board available and a total of two students to help assist with the skill.
- The objective of this lab activity is to safely transfer a patient from a gurney to the x-ray table and then back to the gurney, using correct body mechanics and safety precautions.
- Have a student lay on the gurney and role play as the patient. Place the gurney side by side next to the x-ray table. The lab instructor should be next to the patient, and the two students should be on the opposite side, next to the x-ray table.
- Using effective communication with the patient and students, the lab instructor should use the sheets from the gurney and roll the patient towards himself or herself so that the students place the slide board under the sheets and patient.
- Have the slide board halfway under the patient and then roll the patient back to the supine position. Make sure that the patient’s head and feet are on the slider. Slowly and with correct body mechanics, have all three persons slide the patient over the x-ray table.
- With the sheets, have the two students roll the patient towards themselves, and have the lab instructor remove the sliding board.
- Please note that depending on the size of the patient, more assistance will be required to do the transfer.
- Divide the class so both stations will be used. Have the students rotate the patient role. Every student should be in the role of the patient to experience how it feels to be moved quickly across a gurney to a table or back the other direction.
- Wheelchair Transfer
- Review the criteria and give specific step-by-step instructions for wheelchair transfers. Have the criteria as a handout so the students use it as a guideline during skill practice.
- The lab instructor is to demonstrate the skill using a wheelchair and a student, using correct body mechanics and safety measures.
- Place a sheet on the wheelchair and have the student sit in the wheelchair. Make sure the foot pedals are down and the patient’s feet are on them.
- Push the wheelchair next to the x-ray table. If the x-ray table has an electronic lift, bring the table down to facilitate the patient transfer. If the table does not move up or down, have the step stool next to the table for patient use.
- Put brakes on the wheelchair and lift foot pedals up. Instruct the patient as to what will take place. Instruct the patient to place his or her arms around the technologist’s neck, and the technologist will place his or her arms around the patient’s waist. Instruct the patient to stand and pivot towards the table and sit.
- Make sure the patient is safely sitting on the table. Move the wheelchair out of the way and assist the patient by laying him or her down.
- Have the students practice the skill with each other under the direct supervision of the lab instructor. Have the student successfully do this skill five times.
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