E: 1961 Convention

L: [see: Single Convention on narcotic drugs]

E: 1971 Convention

L: [see: Convention on psychotropic substances]

E: abstinence

F: abstinence

S: abstinencia

R: abstinenciya; vozderzhanie; prekrashchenie upotrebleniya (narkotika)

L: [cessation of use of a psychoactive substance previously abused or

on which the user has developed drug dependence]

E: abuse

L: [see: drug abuse]

E: abuse potential

F: potentiel toxicomanogène

S: potencial toxicomanígeno

R: svojstvo/sposobnostj veshchestva razvivatj privychku k

zloupotrebleniyu im/vyzyvatj patologicheskuyu (psixichskuyu i/ili

fizicheskuyu) zavisimostj

L: [the property of a substance that, by its physiological or

psychological effects, or both, increases the likehood of an

individual's abusing or becoming dependent on that substance]

E: abuser

L: [see: drug abuser]

E: acetic anhydride

F: anhydride acétique

S: anhídrido acético

R: uksusnyj angidrid; angidrid uksusnoj kisloty

L: [Note: reagent used in deriving heroin from morphine]

E: acetone

F: acétone

S: acetona

R: aceton

L: [solvent]

E: acetylcholine

F: acétylcholine

S: acetilcolina

R: acetilxolin

L: [neurotransmitter]

E: "acid"

F: "acide" *; LSD

S: "ácido"; LSD

R: (zharg.)<">kislota<"> - diehtilamid lizerginovoj kisloty (LSD)

L: [slang for lysergic acid diethylamide; LSD]

E: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; AIDS

F: syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise; SIDA

S: síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida; SIDA

R: sindrom priobretennogo immunodeficita; SRID

L: [disease prevalent among drug users who share hypodermic needles]

E: active principle

F: principe actif; constituant actif

S: principio activo

R: aktivnoe nachalo; aktivnyj komponent

L: [the chemical substance in a plant or other material that produces

mind altering and/or toxic effects]

E: Ad hoc Committee to Review Uncontrolled Amphetamines

F: Comité spécial chargé d'examiner la question du contrôle

international provisoire des amphétamines non soumises au contrôle

S: Comité ad hoc para estudiar las anfetaminas no fiscalizadas

R: Specialjnyj komitet po rassmotreniyu voprosa o ne podpadayushchix

pod kontrolj amfetaminax

L: [WHO]

E: Ad hoc Inter-Agency Meeting on Co-ordination in Matters of

International Drug Control

L: [see: Inter-agency Meeting on Co-ordination in Matters of

International Drug Control]

E: addict

L: [see: drug addict]

E: addiction

L: [see: drug addiction]

E: addictive

F: toxicomanogène

S: (sustancia) que crea dependencia; toxicomanígeno

R: vyzyvayushchij (patologicheskoe) privykanie/pristrastie (o

narkotike/lekarstvennom sredstve)

L: [causing or characterized by addiction]

E: addictive behavior

F: conduites toxicomaniaques

S: conducta toxicomanígena

R: povedenie, obuslovlennoe (patologicheskim) privykaniem/pristrastiem

E: addictive use

F: usage toxicomaniaque

S: uso toxicomanígeno

R: upotreblenie (narkotika/lekarstwennogo sredstwa), wyzwannoe


L: [the user is psychologically and physically dependent and the drug

has become the centre of his life]

E: additive containing drug

F: drogue frelatée; droque adultérée; drogue coupée; drogue falsifiée

S: droga adulterada

R: faljsificirovannoe lekarstvennoe/narkoticheskoe sredstvo; narkotik,

soderzhashchij dobavku, primesj

E: adulterant

F: adultérant

S: adulterante

R: primesj; dobavka

L: [pharmacologically active substances remaining in or added after the

final product conversion process is completed]

E: adulteration

F: adultération

S: adulteración

R: faljsificirovanie; podmeshivanie; primeshivanie; vklyuchenie

dobavok, primesej

L: [falsification d'un produit quelconque par addition de substances

étrangères ou de qualité inférieure]

E: adverse effect; unwanted effect; deleterious effect

F: effet indésirable; effet défavorable

S: efecto adverso; efecto indeseado; efecto nocivo

R: otricateljnoe/neblagopriyatnoe dejstvie; nezhelateljnoe/pobochnoe

dejstvie; pagubnoe/vrednoe dejstvie

L: [Note: unexpected and undesired side effect]

E: aerial spraying

F: pulvérisation aérienne; - par avion; - par hélicoptère

S: rociado aéreo

R: aviaopryskivanie; opryskivanie s samoletov

L: [Note: spraying of a liquid or solid in fine particles over a

cultivated area]

E: aerial survey

F: reconnaissance aérienne

S: reconocimiento aéreo

R: vozdushnoe nablyudenie; aehros"emka

E: aerosols

F: 1. aérosols; 2. atomiseurs

S: 1. aerosoles; 2. pulverizadores

R: aehrozoli

L: [1. substance: suspension dans l'air ou dans un autre milieu gazeux

de particules solides ou liquides; 2. appareil réalisant la dispersion

de particules solides ou liquides]

E: aetiology; etiology

F: étiologie

S: etiología

R: ehtiologiya

L: [Note: study of the causes of diseases]

E: aftercare

F: postcure

S: postratamiento

R: poslelechebnyj uxod; posleduyushchij uxod; posleduyushchee

nablyudenie (za vyzdoravlivayushchim)

L: [Note: medical care after treatment]

E: aftercare services

F: services postcure; services de postcure

S: servicios de postratamiento

R: poslelechebnoe obsluzhivanie

E: age of first drug use

F: ƒge de la première prise

S: edad de primer uso

R: vozrast, v kotorom narkotik byl upotreblen vpervye

E: Agreement concerning the Manufacture of, Internal Trade in and Use

of Prepared Opium

F: Accord concernant la fabrication, le commerce intérieur et l'usage

de l'opium préparé

S: Acuerdo concerniente a la fabricación, el comercio interior y el uso

de opio preparado

R: Soglashenie otnositeljno proizvodstva opiuma dlya kureniya,

vnutrennej torgovli im i ego ispoljzovaniya

L: [signed 11 February 1925 at Geneva, amended by Protocol of 1946;

UNTS vol 12, No 186; original title in LONTS, vol LI, No 1239:

Agreement concerning the suppression of the manufacture of...; Accord

relatif … la suppression de la fabrication...]

E: Agreement for the Control of Opium Smoking in the Far East

F: Accord pour le contrôle de l'habitude de fumer l'opium en


S: Acuerdo para la supresión del hbito de fumar opio en el Lejano


R: Soglashenie ob ustanovlenii kontrolya nad kureniem opiuma na Daljnem


L: [signed 27 November 1931 at Bangkok, amended by 1946 Protocol; UNTS,

vol 12, No 186; original text in LONTS, vol CLXXVII, No 4100:

"Agreement concerning the suppresion of..."; "Accord relatif … la

suppression de l'habitude..."]


L: [see: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome]

E: aliquots

F: parties aliquotes *; fractions *

S: partes alícuotas

R: alikvotnye proby

L: [laboratory term signifying "contained an exact number of times in

something else" (a substance)]

L: [* … strictement parler, il convient de distinguer entre "parties

aliquotes" (qui est contenue un nombre exact de fois dans un tout) et

"fractions" (partie d'une totalité: il peut y avoir un reste après la


E: alkaloid base

F: alcaloïde base

S: alcaloide base

R: alkaloidnaya osnova; osnovanie alkaloida

E: alkaloid extraction

F: extraction des alcaloïdes

S: extracción de alcaloides

R: izvlechenie (ehkstragirovanie) alkaloida

E: alkaloids

F: alcaloïdes

S: alcaloides

R: alkaloidy

L: [Note: group of nitrogenous bases of plant origin, often with

powerful physiological effect; ex: morphine, thebaine, codeine,

papaverine and narceine]

E: alternative income possibilities

F: sources de revenu de remplacement

S: otras posibilidades de ingresos

R: aljternativnye vozmozhnosti polucheniya doxodov

E: amphetamine; amfetamine*

F: amphétamine; "amphés"

S: anfetamina

R: amfetamin

L: [synthetic amines which act with a pronounced stimulant effect on

the central nervous system; of the three existing types (racemic

amphetamines, dextro amphetamines and methamphetamines) the latter is

the most potent]

E: amphetamine-type stimulant

F: stimulant du type amphétamine

S: estimulante del tipo de la anfetamina

R: vozbuzhdayushchee sredstvo amfetaminopodobnogo dejstviya;

stimulyator tipa amfetamina

E: amyl nitrite; "poppers"

F: nitrite d'amyle

S: nitrito de amilo

R: amilovyj nitrit

L: [Note: liquid inhalant, sometimes sold in capsule form]

E: analgesic; pain reliever

F: analgésique *

S: analgésico; calmante

R: analgeziruyushchee (boleutolyayushchee) sredstvo

L: [drug that masks the ability to feel pain without loss of

consciousness; can lead to drowsiness and can be habit-forming]

E: analogue

F: analogue

S: producto anlogo

R: analog

L: [compound that is not controlled but resembles in structure - and

therefore also in effect - another controlled substance and that can,

therefore, be legally used in the production of designer drugs]

E: anorexiant

F: anorexiant

S: anorexiante

R: anoreksiant (sredstvo, snizhayushchee appetit)

E: antagonist drug

F: antagoniste [m.]

S: antagonista

R: preparat-antagonist

L: [drug that opposes or counteracts the effects of another drug]

E: anthranilic acid

F: acide anthranilique

S: cido antranílico

R: antranilovaya kislota

E: anti-anxiety agent; anxiolytic agent

F: agent anxiolytique; modérateur de l'angoisse

S: agente ansiolítico

R: sredstvo, podavlyayushchee patologicheskij strax; trankvilizator;

antifobicheskoe sedativnoe sredstvo; anksiolitik

L: [group of anxiety-reducing drugs that act as sedatives at low

dosages and as hypnotics at higher doses]

E: anti-depressant

F: antidépresseur

S: antidepresivo

R: antidepressant; timolepticheskoe sredstvo

L: [Note: substance that acts to raise the thymus level]

E: antidepressant action

F: effet antidépressif

S: efecto antidepresivo

R: antidepressivnoe dejstvie

L: [Note: action of a substance in raising the thymus level]

E: antihistamine drug

F: antihistaminique [m.]

S: antihistamínico

R: antigistaminnoe (protivogistaminnoe) sredstvo

E: antimanic action

F: effet antimaniaque

S: efecto antimaníaco

R: nejrolepticheskoe dejstvie

L: [Note: action of neuroleptic drug in reducing manic reactions]

E: antipsychotic action

F: effet antipsychotique

S: efecto antisicótico

R: antipsixoticheskoe dejstvie

L: [Note: action of neuroleptic drugs in reducing hallucinations,

delerium, behavioural disturbances and autism]

E: anti-smuggling activities

F: lutte contre la contrebande

S: lucha contra el contrabando

R: borjba s kontranbandoj

E: anxiolytic agent

L: [see: anti-anxiety agent]

E: appetite depressant

F: anorexigène; dépresseur de l'appétit; inhibiteur de l'appétit

S: supresor del apetito

R: sredstvo, ponizhayushchee appetit

L: [Note: substance that reduces or suppresses the appetite

(amphetamines, dexamphetamines, diethylpropione and phendimetrazine)]

E: Arab Security Studies and Training Centre

F: Centre arabe d'études et de formation en matière de sécurité

S: Centro Arabe de Capacitación y de Estudios de Seguridad

R: Arabskij issledovateljskij i uchebnyj centr po voprosam bezopasnosti

E: areca nut

F: noix d'arec

S: nuez de areca

R: betelevyj orex (plod beteljnoj paljmy)

L: [Note: mild stimulant used in South-East Asia]

L: [Note: fruit de l'Areca catechu. L'amande de la noix d'arec,

mélangée au bétel est utilisée comme masticatoire]

E: arousal

F: vigilance

S: exitación

R: vozbuzhdenie


L: [see: South American Agreement on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic


E: Aspergillus clavatus

F: Aspergillus clavatus

S: Aspergillus clavatus

R: <Aspergillus clavatus>

L: [fermentation of cultures of A. clavatus is used to produce lysergic


E: Atropa belladonna

F: Atropa belladonna

S: Atropa belladonna

R: <Atropa belladonna>

L: [plant (Deadly Nightshade) of the Solanacea family which contains

two alkaloids: hyoscyamine and atropine]

E: atropine

F: atropine

S: atropina

R: atropin

L: [Parasympatholytic alcaloid, extracted from Atropa belladonna]

E: availability

F: offre

S: oferta; posibilidad de obtener; disponibilidad

R: dostupnostj; nalichie; predlozhenie; vozmozhnostj priobreteniya

E: avoidance (behaviour)

F: comportement d'évitement

S: evitación

R: izbeganie; profilaktika

L: [ensemble des réactions qui tendent … prévenir ou … retarder la mise

en présence de l'organisme avec un stimulus ou un événement]

E: bank secrecy

F: secret bancaire

S: secreto bancario

R: bankovskaya tajna; tajna bankovskix operacij

E: banned substance

F: substance dont un pays a notifié l'interdiction; substance interdite

S: sustancia prohibida

R: zapreshchennoe veshchestvo

E: barbiturates

F: barbituriques; "barbis"

S: barbitúricos

R: barbituraty

L: [a class of synthetic depressants of the central nervous system,

medically used to induce sleep; addicts undergo wild swings of moods

and are prone to violence]

E: base

L: [see: cocaine base, freebase, heroin base]

E: basuco

F: basuco

S: basuco

R: <">basuko<">

L: [Colombian name for coca paste]

E: benzene

F: benzène

S: benceno

R: benzol

E: benzodiazepines

F: benzodiazépines

S: benzodiacepinas

R: benzodiazepiny

L: [Any of a group of aromatic lipophilic amines (as diazepam and

chlordiazepoxide) that are used as tranquilizers]

E: betel leaves

F: feuilles de bétel

S: hojas de betel

R: listjya betelya

L: [Note: mild stimulant, common in South-East Asia, made from leaves

of the pepper vine, Piper betel - sometimes mixed with Areca nut,

tobacco, lime and various spices - and usually chewed]

E: bhang

F: bhang; feuilles de cannabis

S: bhang

R: <">bxang<"> (indijskij gashish)

L: [in India; often refers to an infusion mixed with various other

spices and seasonings]

E: "black bombers"

F: "black bombers"*

S: "black bombers"

R: <">blehk bomers<"> (amfetaminy)

L: [term for amphetamines used in Zambia]

L: [* ne pas traduire]

E: "black tar"

F: "black tar" *

S: "alquitrán negro"

R: <">chernaya smola<"> (raznovidnostj geroina)

L: [refers to heroin]

L: [* ne pas traduire]

E: blotter

F: buvard

S: secante

R: byuvarnaya/promokateljnaya bumaga (propitannaya proizvodnym


L: [paper imbibed with an amphetamine derivative

E: body fluid analysis

F: dépistage dans les liquides organiques; analyse des liquides


S: anlisis de los humores orgánicos

R: analiz zhidkostej organizma (na obnaruzhenie narkoticheskix sredstv

i psixotropnyx veshchestv)

L: [for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances]

E: body fluid testing programme

F: programme de dépistage dans les liquides organiques

S: programa de anlisis de los humores orgánicos

R: programma analiza zhidkostej organizma

E: booster drug

F: excitant; stimulant; dopant

S: estimulante

R: vozbuzhdayushchee/stimuliruyushchee sredstvo

L: [Note: stimulant, reduces fatigue]

E: border control

F: contrôle aux frontières

S: controles fronterizos

R: pogranichnyj kontrolj

E: bribe

F: pot-de-vin

S: soborno

R: vzyatka; podkup

E: brick; slab

F: 1. brique [opium]; 2. tablette [haschish]

S: "ladrillo"

R: brusok; briket; plitka

L: [police term; pressed block of gum opium or morphine for shipment;

pressed block of marijuana (1 kg) for shipment]

E: brokerage house

F: maison de courtage

S: casa de corretaje

R: <">brokerskaya firma<">; <">kontora<">

L: [operated by drug cartels and through which drug shipments are

arranged, drug loads pooled and pilots' fees negociated]

E: bromo-dimethoxyamphetamine

L: [see: dimethoxybromoamphetamine]

E: brown heroin

F: héroïne brune

S: heroína morena; heroína parda

R: korichnevyj (iranskij) geroin

L: [also known as Iranian heroin]

E: "brown sugar"

F: héroïne brune; héroïne grise; "brown sugar"; héroïne No 3

S: "azúcar morena"

R: <">korichnevyj saxar<"> (raznovidnostj granulirovannogo geroina)

L: [A grainy, low-grade variety of heroin made in southeastern Asia]

E: Buddha-sticks

F: bƒtonnets de Bouddha

S: bastoncillos de Buda

R: <">trostochki Buddy<">

L: [the flowering and fruiting tops of the cannabis plant tied using

twine around a central bamboo cane; a product of South East Asia]

E: bufotenine

F: bufoténine

S: bufotenina

R: bufotenin

L: [substance isolated from the skin of toads and in the hallucinogenic

plant Piptadenia peregrina and from Amanita muscaria]

E: bulk consignment; bulk shipment

F: envoi en vrac

S: envío a granel

R: krupnaya partiya (gruza bez upakovki, nasypjyu)

E: bulk shipment

L: [see: bulk consignment]

E: Bulletin on Narcotics

F: Bulletin des stupéfiants

S: Boletín de Estupefacientes

R: Byulletenj po narkoticheskim sredstvam

E: bundle

L: [see: load]

E: buprenorphine

F: buprénorphine

S: buprenorfina

R: buprenorfin

E: butobarbitone

F: butobarbital

S: butobarbital

R: butobarbital

E: by-product

F: sous-produit; dérivé

S: derivado; subproducto

R: pobochnyj produkt

L: [A marketable product of lesser importance produced incidentally

with a major product; corps chimique résultant de la transformation

d'un autre corps]

E: cannabidiol; CBD

F: cannabidiol; CBD

S: cannabidiol; CBD

R: kannabidiol

L: [one of the active principles of cannabis]

E: cannabinoids

F: cannabinoïdes

S: cannabinoides

R: kannabinoidy

L: [refers collectively to the various active principles of cannabis

and includes tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabicyclol (CBC),

cannabichromene (CBCh), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabidiol (CBD),

cannabinol (CBN), cannabivarin (CBV) ]

E: cannabinol; CBN

F: cannabinol; CBN

S: cannabinol; CBN

R: kannabinol

E: cannabis

F: cannabis

S: cannabis

R: kannabis

L: [ refers usually to the flowering and fruiting tops of C. sativa (a

hemp plant which exudes a resin containing a hallucinogenic,

tetrahydrocannabinol); Cannabis indica, C. sarulia are local names

designating the local, more or less potent varieties or C.sativa)]

E: cannabis leaves

F: feuilles de cannabis

S: hojas de cannabis

R: listjya kannabisa

E: cannabis oil; marijuana oil; liquid hashish; liquid cannabis;

hashish oil

F: essence de cannabis; huile de cannabis; huile de haschisch; huile de


S: cannabis en solución oleosa

R: maslo kannabisa

L: [a dark viscous oil which can be extracted from either herbal

cannabis material or cannabis resin and in which the pschoactive

ingredients have been concentrated for easier concealment]

E: cannabis plant

F: plante de cannabis

S: planta de cannabis

R: rastenie kannabis

E: cannabis resin; hashish

F: résine de cannabis; haschisch

S: resina de cannabis

R: smola kannabisa; gashish

L: [Separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtanied from the

cannabis plant and shaped in the form of powdery slabs; in the Southern

and Eastern Mediterraean the herbal material is threshed and sieved to

separate the particles of cannabis resin and cannabis leaves from the

fibrous part of the plant and the resulting fine powder is compressed

into slabs; in the Indian subcontinent the cannabis plant is rubbed and

kneaded to extract the resin, which is later pressed or rolled into

slabs or rods]

E: cannabis tops

F: sommités du cannabis

S: cúspides de cannabis

R: verxushki rasteniya kannabis

E: capillary column technique

F: technique de la colonne capillaire

S: técnica de la columna capilar

R: kapillyarno-kolonochnyj metod

L: [one of two gas liquid chromatography used for identification of

drugs such as cocaine and heroin]

E: capillary gas chromatography

F: chromatographie en phase aqueuse sur colonne capillaire

S: cromatografía gaseosa capilar

R: kapillyarnaya gazovaya xromatografiya

E: carrier gas

F: gas porteur

S: gas portador

R: gaz-nositelj

L: [in liquid gas chromatography]

E: cash crop

F: culture marchande

S: cultivos comerciales

R: tovarnaya kuljtura

L: [A crop sold directly on the market, as contrasted to one which is

fed to animals or is otherwise used but not sold]

E: casual use

F: consommation occasionnelle

S: uso ocasional

R: sluchajnoe/ehpizodicheskoe upotreblenie


L: [see: cannabidiol]


L: [see: cannabinol]


L: [see: Customs Co-operation Council]

E: Chandoo

F: chandoo; tchandoo; opium … fumer

S: chandú

R: chandu (kuriteljnyj opij; sharik iz ehkstrakta opiya dlya kureniya)

L: [Note: small ball of opium for smoking, less concentrated than raw


E: channels

F: circuits

S: canales; circuitos

R: kanaly; puti

L: [licit or illicit]

E: charas

F: charras

S: charas

R: <">charas<">

L: [Pakistani type of cannabis resin, exuded by the flowering tops of

the female hemp plant, sold in cake form; can be smoked, chewed or

mixed into food; known as haschisch in some parts of the world;

sometimes mixed with opium]

E: chemical dependency

F: pharmacodépendance; dépendance chimique

S: farmacodependencia

R: (fizicheskaya i/ili psixicheskaya) zavisimostj ot (dejstviya)

ximicheskogo veshchestva; lekarstvennaya zavisimostj

L: [generic term relating to psychological or physical dependency, or

both, on an exogenous substance]

E: chemotherapeutic

F: chimiothérapeutique

S: quimioterapia; quimioterapéutico (tratamiento)

R: ximioterapevticheskij

L: [said of treatment]

E: chemovars

F: variétés chimiques

S: variedades químicas

R: raznovidnosti ximicheskix veshchestv

E: cheroot

F: cigare de marijuana *

S: cigarro de marihuana

R: sigareta (zakrutka) s marixuanoj

L: [a large marijuana cigarette]

L: [* proposition]

E: chew [v.]

F: mastiquer; chiquer

S: mascar

R: zhevatj (narkoticheskoe veshchestvo)

E: chillum

F: chilom

S: chillum

R: chilem

L: [a large ganja pipe shared by several people in Jamaica to smoke

opium or haschisch]

E: China white; Chinese white

F: héroïne blanche

S: heroína blanca

R: belyj geroin (siljnodejstvuyushchaya raznovidnostj geroina)

L: [a very potent form of heroin]

E: Chinese No 3

L: [see: smoking heroin]

E: Chinese No 4

L: [see: injecting heroin]

E: "Chinese rocks"

F: héroïne granulée

S: heroína granulada

R: <">kitajskie ledency<"> - neochishchennyj granulirovannyj geroin

L: [crude granular heroin from Asia]

E: Chinese white

L: [see: China white]

E: chlorpromazine

F: chlorpromazine

S: clorpromazina

R: xlorpromazin

E: choke point

F: goulet d'étranglement

S: punto de estrangulamiento

R: punkt perexvata

L: [narrow passages that link the Caribbean with the Gulf of Mexico or

the Atlantic Ocean, where drug smuggling ships have the most chance of

being detected by interdicting forces]

E: cholinergic drugs

F: cholinergique [n. et adj.]

S: colinérgico

R: xolinergicheskie sredstva

E: chromatography

F: chromatographie

S: cromatografía

R: xromatografiya

L: [any of a diverse group of techniques used to separate mixtures of

chemical compounds into individual components based on differences in

their relative affinities for two different media; one is the mobile

phase (a moving fluid such as a solvent, or a moving gas) and the other

a stationary phase (a porous solid, gel, or liquid bound to a porous

inert solid support)]

E: chronic user

F: usager invétéré

S: usuario crónico

R: xronicheskij potrebitelj (narkotika); lico, postoyanno

upotreblyayushchee narkotiki

E: circular dichroism spectropolarimetry

F: spectropolarimétrie … dichroïsme circulaire *

S: espectropolarimetría de dicroísmo circular

R: spektropolyarimetriya s ispoljzovaniem yavleniya krugovogo dixroizma

L: [one of the lab techniques used to detect and measure opiate

substances and their diluents]

L: [* dichroïsme circulaire: propriété de certaines substances

d'absorber différemment les vibrations circulaires droite et gauche, la

résultante de celles-ci après traversée d'une telle substance devenant

une vibration polarisée elliptiquement]

E: clandestine laboratory

F: laboratoire clandestin

S: laboratorio clandestino

R: podpoljnaya laboratoriya

E: clandestine manufacture

F: fabrication clandestine

S: fabricación clandestina; producción clandestina

R: podpoljnoe (tajnoe/nelegaljnoe) proizvodstvo

E: Claviceps purpurea

F: Claviceps purpurea

S: Claviceps purpurea

R: <Claviceps purpurea>

L: [a parasitic fungus of rye and of a number of wild graminaceous

plants, whose active principles can be altered by organic synthesis for

the production of LSD]

E: clinical trial

F: étude clinique; essai clinique