BrandonHigh School

Mr. Buddy Bailey

Assistant PrincipalsCounselors

Mr. Trey Rein: 9thMrs. Shea Carter: A – D

Mrs. Angy Graham: 10thMrs. Kathryn Waite: E – K

Mr. Undray Scott: 11thMr. Chris Nash: L – Q

Dr. Bryan Marshall: 12thMrs. Ginger Jones: R – Z

Mrs. Cassondra Vanderford: Testing
Mr. Matt Buchanan: Transportation Director

2013 – 2014 School Profile

Brandon High School is one of eight high schools in the Rankin County School District, which is the third largest school district in Mississippi. Brandon High School's vision statement is, “Discover Talents, Develop Gifts, Depart to Serve.” Since the 2003-2004 school year, BHS has achieved the highest academic accountability rating that the Mississippi State Department of Education issues. Below is the accountability rating for each year since the 2002-03 school year.

2002-03 - Level 4 Exemplary
2003-04 - Level 5 Superior Performing
2004-05 - Level 5 Superior Performing

2005-06 - Level 5 Superior Performing
2006-07 - Level 5 Superior Performing
2007-08 - No Accountability Rating by MS Department of Education
2008-09 - Star School
2009-10 - Star School
2010-11 - Star School
2011-12 - Level A - Star School
2012-13 - Level A

The staff truly believes that our students have the ability to impact our community, state, and nation with guidance from parents, teachers, business partnerships, and the real world experiences the students receive at BHS.

Brandon High School offers a vast variety of courses from core academic courses to fine arts. BHS also offers a variety of clubs and organizations from HOSA and DECA to BETA and National Honor Society as well as hosting 21 athletic teams. Each club, organization, and sport strives for excellence in each competition. Most of these are recognized as top programs in the State of Mississippi and several are recognized on the national scale.
From the Crossgates Boulevard exit, Brandon High is approximately 7 miles east bound on Highway 18, between College Street and Louis Wilson Drive.

3090 Highway 18, Brandon, MS 39042
Phone: 601.825.2261 Fax: 601.591.1037

School Facts:

Type / 4yearcomprehensivepublic high school
TotalEnrollment for the 2013-2014SchoolYear / 1494 studentsenrolled in grades 9through12
EthnicBreakdown / 69%Caucasian,28%AfricanAmerican,1%Hispanic,and2%other
2013GraduatingClass / 321students
CEEB Code / 250325
Accreditation / SouthernAssociation ofColleges and Schools
Calendar / Two 90-daysemesters
Community / Brandon High School islocatedfifteenminutesEast of Jackson, Mississippion Highway18andis convenient toall parts ofthecity of Brandon.Although this istheonlyhighschoolserving thecity, Brandon High School is a part of the Rankin County School District.


Principal / BuddyBailey /
AssistantPrincipals / Trey Rein
Angy Graham
Undray Scott
Bryan Marshall
Cassondra Vanderford
Matt Buchanan / 9th
Transportation Director /

CareerCenter / Susan Lloyd /
AlphabeticalCaseload / Shea Carter
Kathryn Waite
Chris Nash
Ginger Jones / 9th – 12th A – D
9th – 12th E – K
9th – 12th L – Q
9th – 12th R – Z /

RecordsClerk / Becky Parker /
AttendanceSecretary / Lee Landrum /
MSISClerk / Krista Bishop /

Grading Scale:

2009-2010 & After / Priorto 2009-2010
A / 90-100 / A / 95-100
B / 80-89 / B / 85-94
C / 70-79 / C / 75-84
D / 60-69 / D / 70-74
F / 59-below / F / 69-below

Promotion Policy:

10th / 7Carnegieunits
11th / 14Carnegieunits
12th / 20Carnegieunits

AcademicProgram: Ouracademic programisorganizedonarotating modifiedblocksystem.Students have an opportunitytoearnupto8credits peryear. Blockclasses areyear-longandmeeteveryother dayfollowinganAday-Bdayschedule.

GraduationRequirements:Studentsmustcomplete aminimumof28units foradiploma.The28units must becomprisedof4units of English, 4 units ofMath,4unitsofScience,4 units of Social Studies,1.5units of Business andTechnology,1 unit ofArt,½ unitofHealth,½unit ofPhysicalEducation, and at least8.5units ofgeneral electives.

Pre-High SchoolCredits:Beginning in the8thgrade, studentshavetheopportunitytoearnup to3 Carnegie units thatwillapplytoward graduation:Math(Pre-Algebra,TransitiontoAlgebra,orAlgebra I), Spanish I, and ICTII.

StatewideTesting: Studentsmustpass acomprehensive testinAlgebraI, BiologyI, English II, and USHistory in ordertoearnahighschool diploma.

AdvancedPlacement: AdvancedPlacement isanopenenrollment programthatisrecommendedto challenge upperlevelstudentsandprovidethemwithan opportunityto earn collegecredit. APcourses offered at ourschoolinclude:AP EnglishIII, APEnglish IV,APWorldHistory, APUSHistory,AP US Government, AP Biology,and AP ArtIV.Thesecoursesareweightedby1.10.

DualEnrollment:Dual enrollment isofferedtostudentsthat havecompletedaminimumof10high schoolunitsandhavescores ofa17 inEnglish anda 20in Mathonthe ACT.Ourpartnershipisthrough HindsCommunityCollege. Dual Credit Courses offered at our school include: English Composition I, English Composition II, American Literature I, American Literature II, College Algebra, College Trigonometry, General Biology I, General Biology II, Western Civilization I, and Western Civilization II. These courses are given a weight on the high school course of 1.10.

CareerandTechnicalProgram: Career and Technical courses areofferedfor students ingrades10-12.This isa2year programinwhich theywill earna totalof4 units andbe preparedforentry-level employmentin their occupationalfield. Students take these courses at the Hinds Community College Career Technical Center in Pearl, Mississippi during the 1st two blocks of instruction every other day. Students in the 9th grade may enroll in the Agri-Science Academy, the Business Academy, or the Health Science Academy which are offered on the campus at Brandon High School. These Academies are 4 year programs.

MethodofComputingGPA: Anon-weightednumericalaverage willbe taken on all courses withtheexceptionof all Advanced Placementcourses and Dual Credit courses whereasamultiplierof 1.10 willbe addedtothecalculated grade earned andacceleratedcourses whereasamultiplierof 1.05 willbe addedtothecalculatedgradeearned.

PolicyonReportingClassRanktoColleges: Class rank is based upon cumulativeGPAsof theentireclass. Reports areavailableuponrequest.

Distinguished ServiceHours: Students have the opportunitytograduatewithdistinguishedservice hoursbyaccumulatinga minimumof200serviceshours overtheir 4yearsofhigh school.