Kingsmead School
Curriculum Area: English
The curriculum area currently consists of eleven staff teaching in a group of classrooms situated together in the original part of the school building. The classrooms are all equipped with data projectors and mini-whiteboards and many are equipped with interactive whiteboards. Several of our classrooms are equipped with a bank of computers and the curriculum area has a set of mobile tablet devices available through a booking system. English teachers also have their own work area.
The curriculum area has access to a significant number of additional resources; other computer rooms, including a learning resource area, are available for booking. The school also has an extensive and well-stocked Learning Centre which is staffed full-time and includes computer and internet facilities that run the Accelerated Reader programme.
Students are taught in sets for KS3. Sets are reviewed on a regular basis with students moving as appropriate. The English schemes of work provide clear and stimulating half-termly modules of work based around the virtual learning environment Doddle. At KS4 we currently teach the AQA English Language and Literature GCSE syllabus.
English is a popular subject and two or three A-level groups operate in both Years 12 and Year 13. At Kingsmead Year 12 and 13 students follow the AQA English Language and Literature syllabus and AQA English Literature A, some students are also able to re-sit GCSE English in the sixth form.
The curriculum area also encompasses the Media Department, which delivers GCSE courses for students in Years 9, 10 and 11 and BTEC Level 3 courses to Years 12 and 13. At GCSE the WJEC syllabus is followed and results have been good over the last few years. The BTEC National Level 3 in Creative Media Industries is followed at post 16 level; students have achieved very well in this over recent years also. We offer a variety of topics through our syllabus and all students who study in this department have the opportunity to undertake practical work, whether it be film, television or websites, as well as written work. Media Studies is extremely popular and has grown significantly over the last few years with at least 2 classes in each Key Stage 4 year group and 2 classes in Year 12. The retention levels into Year 13 are good and all students achieve well at this level. The links between English and Media Studies are strong, so some English staff contribute to the teaching of both subjects.
We also work closely with the Learning Support department and Literacy Coordinator. Extra-curricular activities include a major contribution by English staff ranging from journalism, creative writing and reading clubs to school Drama and Music productions and theatre visits. It is also assumed that all English teaching staff will provide after school revision and booster sessions, in order to ensure that the pupils achieve their full potential in this subject.
Should you join us, you will become part of a forward thinking, ambitious and hard working team of committed teachers and you be encouraged to take on responsibilities and share their strengths.
The curriculum area is determined to get the best results from our students and we are looking for an enthusiastic, well qualified candidate to share our vision and make it a reality.