l Feet of Fines for Takeley
These extracts are taken from the translation of the Essex Feet of Fines by R.E.G. Kirk.The name “Feet of Fines does not relate to fines in the modern sense, or to feet that go into shoes. The “fine” comes from the Latin “finis”, or the end. The feet are the bottom portion of the tripartite document that was cut into three sections.
The term came to be applied to a judgement concerning a title to land. The sum mentioned is not the actual transaction price, but the value that was placed on the land in the open market.
Mark. This was not an actual coin, but a unit of accountancy. It represents 13s. 4d., or two thirds of a pound.
L= represents the £ sign.
Pl= plaintiff, ten. or imp= i.e. the buyer.
def =deforciant, or dem. i.e. the seller.
Cons = the consideration, i.e. the value placed on the land.
s.f.s. = without services.
A sore sparrow hawk= not a hawk with a sore head but one that is two years old. This was presumably more valuable than an eyesse which was one year old.
[ I have left the names as they appear in the translation. The spelling is variable. The chief lords were the land owners who held from the King, and sublet their land. The services varied according to the status of the person concerned.
[The interest of these entries probably comes from ignoring the complicated language in favour of the information about relationships, the descriptions and quantities of land mentioned and the rents etc.].
Volume 1.
1203/4. John and Albreda Bassingbourne dem. and Lecia of Ankerwicke ten. 1 hide of landwith appurtenances in Takele recognition of Morte d’Ancestor. Dem. recognises the right of the same Prioress and her church of St. Mary Ankerwicke. Ten granted to dem. and the heirs of Albreda all the said land to hold of ten. and her successors, rendering yearly 20s. for all services. Dem. gave to ten. 10 marks of silver.
1203/4. John de Bassinbourne and his wife Albreda dem., the later represented by her husband, and Gerard de Manckeden, ten.1 hide of land with appurtenances in Manckeden . The dem. grants them to the ten. for his life, to hold of them and of Albreda’s heirs. Rent 20s. per annum and all services.
1203/4.William de Takeley, dem., represented by John de Writele, and Geoffrey de Ambly, ten.1 carrucate of land with appurtenances in Summersham, and the homage and services of William de Hauville from the land which he held in Takeley of the ten.’s fee. Cons. 20 marks of silver. William de Hauville came to Court and acknowledged that he held the land from Geoffrey de Ambly.
William de Takel’ dem. Represented by John de Writele, and Geoffrey de Ambli, ten. I carrucate of land with appurtenances in Summersham, and the homage and services of knights, homages of freemen, advowson of churches, rents, services, and all other appurtenances, with 10L. of rent in Reneham, which the Hospitallers used to render yearly to dem. 1 messuage in Banton, the service of Stodlegg’ and the service of Holcumbe with all their appurtenances to hold of dem. by the service of half a knight for all services. Ten. gave to dem. 200 marks of silver, and the dem. took ten.’s homage in Court, Essex. Somerset.
1275/6. William de Pinchepot def. and John and Albreda de Bassingbourne ten., the later represented by her husband. 1 hide with appurtenances in Menegheden. Dem. quitclaimed to the ten. Cons. 10 marks of silver.
Chelmerford [Chelmsford] 1227/8.John and Albreda de Bassingbourne ten. Recognition of Morte d’Ancestor.Ten. acts for Albreda’s rights and dem. quitclaimed to the ten. Yearly rent of 1 lb. of pepper at Easter and all services.
1229/30. Alexander de Bassingbourne pl. and Albreda de Bassingbourne, imped.1 carrucate of land in Takeley and Stanstede and 1 carrucate in Leleshall, Sandon and Terefeld, Co. Herts to hold to the plaintiff and his heirs, rendering her for her life per annum 40L. sterling and 1 pair of gilt spurs 9s 6d., and all the other services to the chief lords.
Remainder to Stephen the brother of the plaintiff and his heirs,with a reversion to the imped. and her heirs. Enclosed; The Abbot of Colecester[Colchester] puts in a claim to 40 acres with the appurtenances in Takeley.
1230/1. Adam, Abbot of [St. John’s]Colchester, plaintiff, and John, Prior of Thremhall, defendant. Advowson of the Takeley church [St. Mary] with the appurtenances. Assize of the last presentation. The defendant, for his church of Thremhall, quitclaimed to the plaintiff and his church of Colchester. The plaintiff received the defendant into all benefits and orisons etc.
1237-1238.Hugh de Vilur, dem. and Michael the Smith [Fabrum] and his wife Alice, impedients.1 acre of land with appurtenances in Takel’. Plea of warranty of charter. Dem. to hold of Impedients and the heirs of Alice by the yearly rent of 2d. [ S.f.s.??] Cons. 1 sore sparrowhawk
1239/40. Chelmerford [Chelmsford].John and Albreda de Bassingbourne imped. Benfed and Retendon. Remainder to Stephen the brother of John de Basasingbourne with the reversion to Albreda and her heirs.
1239-1240. Hertford. Alexander de Bassingbourne, pl. Albreda de Bassingbourne, impedient.1 carrucate of land with appurtenances in Takele, Stanstede, Co. Essex and 1 carrucate of land with appurtemances in Keleshell, Sandon, and Terefeld, Co. Herts. Plea of warranty of charter. To hold of pl. and the heirs of his body, of the impediment, rendering her yearly all her life 40 L sterling and one pair of gilt spurs[6d.] and doing all services due to the chief lords of that fee. Remainder to Stephen, brother of pl. and the heirs of his body. Reversion to impedient and her heirs. Essex. Hertford. Endorsed. The Abbot of Colchester puts in his claim in 40 acres of land with appurtenances in Takeley
1247/8. Chelmersford [Chelmsford].Alexander fitz Roger def. and Robert Abbot of Tyltey [Tilty] ten., represented by Brother Robert of Berklawe his monk. 14 acres of land in Takeley. Assize of Morte D’Ancestor. Dem. quitclaimed to ten. Cons. 23s. sterling.
Chelmerford [Chelmsford] before the Justices of Eyre.Alexander fitz Roger dem. and Robert, Abbot of Tyleteye [Tilty] ten. represented by Brother Robert de Berlawe his monk.14 acres in Taggelegh Assize of Morte D’Ancestor.dem quitclaimed to ten. Cons. 23s. sterling.
1254/6. Henry Gerard of Guldeford pl. and Alice, wife of William Gerberd imp.1 messuage and 140 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture and 10s rent in Takeleye. Plea of covenant. Pl to hold of the imp., by a yearly rent, services, a red rose.at St John the Baptist, and services. Cons. 1 sore sparrowhawk.
Endorsed. Ranulph de Arderne and his wife Katherine put in their claim.
1260- 1261.Benedict le Parker pl., and John, Prior of Tremhale [Thremhall] def.26 acres of land with appurtenances in Stanstede, and 1 acre of meadow with appurtenances in Takeleythe. Plea of covenant. Pl. and Joanhis wife to hold of def. and his successors for their lives, by the yearly rent of 3s. 1d. for all services and exaction. Reversion to def. and his successors to hold of the chief lords of that fee.
Volume II
1264-1285. Henry Gerard of Guldesford pl , and Alice, who was the wife of William Gerberd, impediment. 1 messuage, 140 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture, 10s. rent in Tackleye. Plea of covenant. Pl. to hold of imp. by a yearly rent of 1 red rose at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and doing the services to the chief lords. Cons. 1 sore sparrowhawk.
Endorsed. Ranulph de Arderne and his wife Katherine put in their claim.
1267/8.William the son of Simon le Tayllur of Elsenham. Yearly rent of 1 clove of a gillyflower.
1289-1290.John the son of William de Sampford and his wife Sarah, pl., and John the son of Walter de Taxstede [Thaxsted] and Isabel his wife, def. 1 messuage , 20 acres of land, 1 acre of meadow, and 10s. rent in Tackeleye which pl. holds for the life of Sarah of the inheritance of Isabel. Plea of covenant. Pl. and the heirs of John to hold of the def. and the heirs of Isabel rendering 1 red rose yearly at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and doing all other services to the chief lords..
1303.John de Sampford pl., represented by William de Finchingfeld pl. Cecily, daughter of Walter le Enveyse and Agnes, daughter of Richard de Brikyndon and her sister Aluena ,def. 1 messuage, 100 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, 4 acres of wood, 3 acres of pasture and 10s rent in Tackleleye. Plea of covenant. Pl. and heirs to hold of the chief lords. Cons. 20s. of silver.
1313/4. John de Rysle and Joan his wife, represented by William de Cotenham in her place, pl. John de Bassingbourne def.1 messuage and 80 acres of land, 2 acres of pasture, 3 acres of wood, and 2s. rent in Great Chishill.John acknowledged the tenements to be the right of the def., as those which the def. has of his gift, and for this the def. granted them to the pl. and the heirs of John of the body of Joan [his wife] to hold of the chief lords with the remainder to the right of the heirs of the said John de Rysle.
1315/6.John the son of Michael de Takeleye and Katherine his wife pl. represented by the said John her keeper. Land in Birchanger and Stansted Mountfichet. [I am not sure what the term “keeper” means. Is he just her representative, or was she mentally incapable of action?]
1315/6. John the son of Michael de Takeleydef. and Richard son of Andrew Huraund of Halstede pl. 14 ½ acres in Halstede.
1325/6. John de Welde of Lanfare pl. and Sarah late the wife of John de Sampford of Takeleye def. 1 messuage, 120 acres arable, 6 acres meadow, 3 acres pasture, 3 acres wood, and 23s. rent in Takaley. Def. acknowledged the tenements to be the right of pl. as those which he has of her gift, and for this he granted them to her, to hold for the life of him and his heirs, rendering yearly 1 rose at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and doing to the chief lords all the services with the reversion to the pl. and his heirs to hold of the chief lords.
1329.Alice the daughter of Avice Gyles of Keledhull, pl. and John de Waltham of Takeleye, def.2 messuages and 11 acres of land in Takeleye. Def. acknowledges the tenements to be the right of the plaintiff as those which she has of his gift, and for this she granted 1 messuage and 9 acres of land out of them to the def. To hold for the life of the pl. and her heirs, rendering 1 rose yearly at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and they rendering 20s. a year to the pl. for her life at Michaelmass and Easter, and afterwards 1 rose as above and services to the chief lords with the reversion to the pl. and her heirs.
1329. Geoffrey de Sheryng pl. and John de Welde of Laufare, def. 1 messuage , 120 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 3 acres of pasture, 3 acres of wood and 25s. rent in Takeley. Def. quitclaimed to pl. and his heirs. Cons. 100 marks.
1330. Geoffrey de Sheering and wife Margaret, pl. Simon de Hertfordynggebery, parson of Dykeneswell, def. 2 messuages, 150 acres land, 9 acres meadow, 12 acres pasture, 3 acres wood, and 36s. rent in Brokeseed, Donmawe and Takeley. Pl. and heirs of the body of Geoffrey de Sheering to hold of the chief lords with successive remainders to Alice, late the wife of Walter de Hodyng for life, Margery de Northhall for life, Juliana the daughter of John de Sheering the elder and Alice her sister, and Ellen the daughter of John de Sheering the younger, and the heirs of their bodies and the right heirs of Geoffrey.
1331. John de Tagelegh is mentioned as Vicar of Thundersley.
1331.Henry le Reve of Takeley and his wife Agnes pl. and Andrew de Plessetis, Vicar of Great Waltham def., 1 messuage, 33 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow in Takeley Pl. to hold for the life of the chief lords with the remainders of 161/2 acres of land and 3 acres in le Bakehousefeld to the South and Lyndenhallefeld to the South, in Colynesland to the South, 1 ½ acres in Longcroft to the South, 1 acre in le Heggecroft to the East, and 1 ½ acres in Brodefeld to the East, 2 acres in the field called Longfeld to the South and 3 ½ acres in the field called le Leghe to the East. Also 3 acres of meadow in a place called le Mor…to the South, the moiety of the messuage towards the East to Thomas Tanner of Plessetis and Sarah his wife for their lives. Sarah the daughter of Sarah, and her heirs and of Henry, and the residue to Thomas and Sarah’s heirs of their bodies, Sarah their daughter and her heirs, and the heirs of Henry.
Volume III
1340.William de Morden of London “stokfisshemonger”pl. and John Jekke of Takeley and his wife Cecily def. 20 acres of land in Takeley. Pl. and his heirs to hold of the chief lords. Cons. 20 marks.
1348.Thomas Gauge of Stanford Monfichet [Stansted Mountfichet] pl. and Nicholas Bladswyn of Sheryng [Sheering] and his wife Felicia, def.1 messuage and 1 ½ acres of land in Takeley. Pl. to hold of the chief lords. Cons. 10 marks.
1348. William atte Lofte, Edmund Ive, clerk and Robert Ive clerkpl. and Richard Boltiller of Littlebury and his wife Alice, def.1 messuage, 1 mill, 260 acres of land 20 acres of meadow, 6 acres of pasture , 5 acres of wood and 40s. rent in Takeley and Stanstede Mountfichet. Def. quitclaims whatever they had for life of Alice to pl. and heirs of Edmund. Cons. 100 marks.
1371.William Blakewyn of Stebbyng pl. and John Trussell of Takelgh and his wife Sarah def.1 messuage, 29 acres, 2 acres of meadow and 6d. rent in Stebbyng. Def. quitclaimed to pl. and his heirs. Cons. 10 marks.
1380.Reynald Ropere of Little Chesterford pl. and John Trussell of Takeleygh and his wife Sarah def. 1 messuage, 15 acres, and 5 ½d. rent in Little Chesterford. Def. quitclaimed to pl. and his heirs. Cons. 20 marks.
1382.John, son of Walter Colshull pl. and Nicholas Derby of London and his wife Maud, def. 2 messuages , 60 acres of land, 8 acres of meadow, 8 acres of pasture in Little Canfield and Takeleye. Def. quitclaimed whatever they had for the life of Maud to pl. and her heirs. Cons. 20 L.
1393.John Hokkele and his wife Elizabeth pl. and John Carman of Eyston {Easton] and his wife Amice def.1 messuage, 30 acres of land , 8 acres of meadow, in Takelegh. Def. quitclaimed to pl. and the heirs of John. Cons. 20 marks.
1402. John Canfeld the younger, John Canfeld the elder, Simon Marchall, pl. and John Scot and his wife Cecily, def.1 messuage, 12 acres land in Takeleye. Def. quitclaimed to pl. and the heirs of John the younger. Cons. 10 marks.
1421.Richard atte Hill pl. and John Bolour and his wife Alice, def.1 messuage, 8 acres in Takeley. Def. quitclaimed to pl. and his wife. Cons. 20 marks.
John Bouke, clerk and William Bennebury, pl. and John Hokkleley and his wife Elizabeth def. The Manor of Shyrynges [Shering], 62 acres land, 14 acres meadow, 6 acres pasture, 4 acres wood and 38s. rent in Tackeley and Brokesheved [Broxted]. Pl. and the heirs of William to hold from the chief lords. Cons. 300 marks.
1522. Nicholas Clerk, Philip Josselyn , John Wyberd, pl. and Henry Johnson and his wife Margaret, def. 1 messuage, 2 acres land in Takeley, quitclaimed to pl. and the heirs of Nicholas. Cons. 20L.
1523.Nicholas Clerk, Philip Josselyn, John Wyberd pl Richard Acheley, son and heir of Roger Acheley, late citizen and alderman of London def.The Manor of Bassyngborne, alias Takeley, 200 acres of land, 29 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 20 acres of wood, in Takeley and Stansted Mountfychet, which William Byng and Blytha his wife held for her life. Pl. and the heirs of Nicholas to hold the reversion of the chief lords. Cons. 200 marks. Rent 46s. 8d., 2 capons and 1lb. wax .
1525. William Archer, senior, pl. and John Kyng and wife Joan, def. 1 messuage, 25 acres land, 6 acres meadow, 10 acres pasture, 4 acres wood,. Def. quitclaims to pl. and his heirs. Cons. 50 marks.
1525. Lewis Pollard, knight, Humphrey Browne, serjeant at law, John Browne esq., Thomas Audeley, Richard Ryche and John Danyell pl. and Geoffrey Genyns and his wife Joan, def. The Manor of Ryes, 4 messuages, 250 acres of land, 19 acres of meadow 150 acres of pasture, 6 acres of wood and 20s. rent in Ryes, Hatfield Brodoke, Hallyngbury, Morley Hallynbury Bowster, Matchyng and Tacley . Def. quitclaimed to pl. and the heirs of Thomas. Cons. 400L.
The same pl. and manor etc. Thomas Francke and wife Anne, def. Similar quitclaim. Cons. 400 marks.
1527. Thomas Franke pl. and Wymond Cary esq. def. 3 messuages, 3 gardens, 140 acres, 40 acres of wood, 80 acres of pasture and 6 acres of wood in Takeley, Stanstede Mountfichet and Elsenham.Def. quitclaims to the pl. and his heirs with a warrant against Edward Cary and his heirs. £160.
1527. John Holyman, clerk, Robert Seberne, clerk, Henry Dely, clerk, Robert Stens, clerk, and John Redyng, pl.and Nicholas Bennebury and his wife, Joan def. Manor of Sheryng [Sheering] Hall in Takeley with 4 messuages, 200 acres of land, 60 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 60 acres of wood and 50s. rent in Takeley and Brokesheved.{Broxted] Def. quitclaimed to pl. and the heirs of John Holyman. Cons 200 marks.
Volume V
1550. Henry Saye and John Campyney, pl. and Robert Trappes, senior, esq. and his wife Joan, and Robert Trappes, junior their son, and other son Francis Trappes, def. manor of Takeley alias Bassingborne, 16 messuages, 16 tofts, 16 orchards, 16 gardens, 1,000 acres arable, 400 acres meadow, 1,3000 acres pasture, 200 acres wood,800 acres furze and heath and 40s. rent in Takeley, Bassingborne, Trendles, Rawrethhe, Assheldene, Norpeth, Canenden, Hollande, Hockeley, Hadley and Trowdelysse. Def. quitclaimed to pl.and the heirs of them, and for this the pl. granted same to Robert and Joan for life without impeachment of waste, and successive remainders to Robert junior and Francis and the heirs male of their bodies, Joyce Saxe, the daughter of Robert senior and Joan and the heirs of her body and the right heirs of Robert, senior, to hold of the chief lords.