Minutes of theFull Council meeting held on 17th December 2012 at Hollinswood Neighbourhood Centre at 7.30p.m.

PRESENTCouncillorsH Unwin (Chairman)

P Shutt

R Knight

Mrs J Johnson

C Turley

Mrs S Unwin

M Allen

S Wennington

G Sinclair

In AttendanceKatrina Baker (Clerk)

Chris Harrison (Asset & Property Manager)

Cllr Bill McClements (BTW)


Councillor H Unwin opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.




Cllr P HassellUnwellAccepted

It was proposed by Councillor S Unwin and seconded by Councillor J Johnsonthat the apologies be accepted. All were in favour and thus it was

RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.


Cllr K Worthing

Cllr S Knott


As required by Section 94 (1) of the LGA 1972, Members are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in relation to matters included in this agenda.

Cllr C TurleyPlanningTWC - Plans Board

Cllr H UnwinScouts / Rockets


The Minutes had been circulated. It was proposed by Councillor S Unwinand seconded by Councillor R Knight,all were in favour and thus it was

RESOLVED that the Minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the meeting.



a)The glass and debris evident around the Old Randlay Community Centre should be collected as part of the regime around the local centre. This has been reported to senior officers at the Borough.

b)Chris Harrison reported that a meeting had taken place with WHT regarding fly tipping and bins around the flats off Deercote.

Regular monitoring continues to take place after which they will re-assess the provision of bins and their locations. The next meeting will take place at the end of January / beginning of February. The Parish will be kept informed and training will be available ensuring that any fly tips can be dealt with appropriately.

A request for the provision of a skip was discussed, although it was agreed that this might encourage more fly-tipping at times when the skip is not available.

c)Chris had met with FCC regarding the provision of bins and recycling. Further information will be available to Asset & Property when it appears on the next agenda. A replacement bin has been ordered for Randlay Community Centre and an upgrade of a household bin at The Pavilion. All contracts are due for renewal in March 2013.

d)Poor lighting at the Holiday Inn Island. Chris will meet with the relevant officers to discuss this in more detail.



In accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, two Members signed the mandate and payment voucher. Payments since the last meeting:

701536 / K Baker / 47.54 / Stamps/eyetest
537 / British Gas / 69.57 / Gas - RCC
538 / Clean Machine / 37.73 / Cleaning materials - RCC
539 / TWC / 259.74 / HWCC - service charge
540 / Clean Machine / 16.29 / Cleaning materials - HW
541 / British Gas - Meter hire / 118.82 / Charges to J Ross
542 / H Hartley / 30.00 / Fuglar
543 / Central Taxis / 7.20 / WK-RD
544 / Royal British Legion / 46.00 / Poppy Wreaths
545 / Npower / 92.82 / Elect - HW
546 / Bulbs & Ball Cocks / 480.00 / Hand dryers/repair WC's - HW/HWP
547 / Clean Machine / 81.14 / Cleaning materials - HWP
548 / BT / 63.04 / Internet - HWP
549 / Lyreco / 723.35 / Stationery- Paper/computer cartridges
550 / RMP Events / 90.00 / First Aid - remembrance day
551 / Jewson / 13.20 / Locks - RCC
552 / Cleveland cleaning / 649.99 / Cleaning contract - RCC
553 / Rainbow faces / 336.00 / Christmas Fayre/Concert
554 / P J Entertainments / 525.00 / Christmas Fayre/Concert
555 / Computer Therapy / 731.00 / Computer/CQ replaces 701526
556 / Clean Machine / 52.35 / Cleaning materials HW/RCC
557 / Park Inn / 2,092.50 / Christmas Lunch
558 / CEF / 29.73 / Recycle lamps
559 / K Baker / 41.46 / Start switch-RCC/Stamps
560 / Mike Taylor / 120.00 / Christmas lunch entertainer
561 / PP Electrical services / 216.00 / Electrical repairs HW
562 / Waterclean Services / 96.00 / RCC-repair lagging on boiler pipework
563 / CPC / 104.94 / Christmas-tree ropelight/leds/driver
564 / T Barnsley / 305.25 / Asst PW duties/strimmer
565 / British Gas / 1,321.20 / RCC - Gas
566 / PP Electrical Services / 791.86 / Electrical R & M
567 / The Clean Machine / 86.56 / Cleaning materials
568 / TWC / 259.74 / HW-Service charge
569 / TWC / 1,225.00 / Panto tickets
570 / K Baker / 281.08 / Christmas - various
571 / E.on / 164.65 / The Barn/Elect-invoiced to J R Pickstock
571 / E.on / 633.40 / RCC - Electricity
572 / K Baker / 160.93 / Stamps & Christmas gifts
573 / N Power / 521.09 / HW - Electricity
574 / Cleveland Cleaning / 541.66 / RCC - cleaning
575 / BT / 62.56 / HWP-internet
576 / A Stat / 306.86 / Photocopies
577 / Peeks / 129.60 / RCC- Christmas decorations
578 / Central Taxis / 7.20 / WK-RD
TOTAL / 13,970.05


A copy of the Debtors List was presented, the Finance & Audit Committee will action some points at its next meeting. The Clerk would be following up some overdue invoices.


a)Christmas Events Report

Cllr Wennington thanked all staff for their important contributions to the success of the Christmas events. Thanks also to Father and Mrs Christmas and Mike Taylor, the entertainer at the Christmas Lunch. The meal at the Park Inn was excellent and much appreciated by everyone that attended.

b)Allotment Event

Everyone is welcome to attend the event on 24th January 2013 at 7.30p.m. at Randlay Community Centre. There will be a guest speaker and an informal buffet.

c)Loyalty Scheme

Following a recent request, the Clerk has negotiated a discount for allotment tenants at a local garden centre. A loyalty card will be provided for each tenant on receipt of their annual subscription. These will be valid for one year and are non- transferrable.


Councillor C Turley declared an interest and left the meeting

a)New Applications

Mail Solutions Ltd, StaffordPark 9

RESOLVED to have no objections to the construction of a canopy above the industrial doors of the existing warehouse, relocated fencing and access.



c)Shaping Places

Unit C2, StaffordPark4

Councillor Sinclair, Councillor Wennington and Chris Harrison had attended the event recently. Copies of the presentation have been circulated to all members. There were many important points raised, but it was confirmed that there is a wish for Telford to cease being known as a New Town. The new owner of the Town Centre is now working closely with TWC for the benefit of the Town. There is an emphasis on keeping green spaces within the Estates.


a)Changes to waste collection days over Christmas – details are available and will be included on the Parish Website.

b)Parish Charter Monitoring Group

Work has commenced on a review of Planning and on the Parish Forum.

There was one issue raised – the amount of time taken to answer the switchboard and then the time taken to put you through to relevant officers.


The ‘Have Your Say’ events will take place on

21st February 201312.30pm Randlay CC

22nd February 20131.00pmPavilion

F12/1202MATTERS FROM TELFORD & WREKIN COUNCIL Councillor Bill McClements reported as follows:

The Government settlement will be announced on Wednesday 19th December, this is later than usual and will have a knock on effect that the consultation papers won’t be sent out until 2nd January 2013.

The changes to the Council Tax Base will affect all PTCs as it will affect the number of houses that pay Council Tax. A grant of £509,000 has been allocated, but this will have to be distributed ‘fairly’ across the Borough. Details will be circulated as soon as available.

No details regarding the ‘rumour’ reference capping of PTCs are available at this time.

There are new jobs coming to Telford in the near future. Further information is awaited regarding MOD land and the HCA using it for housing.

Councillor C Turley reported as follows:

  • The recent applications for Community First Funding were successful. More applications are invited.
  • A bid has been submitted for work at Knowle Wood View


The notes of the recent PACT meeting had been circulated. The Parish Priority had been confirmed as to supporting the Police as they target hotspots in Stirchley. The work around Hollinswood had been successful in the previous three months.




None – everything had been included on the Agenda.


a)Drains blocked on Randlay Car Park area

b)Glass and debris remain outside the Farmhouse

c)Damage to the verges around the Randlay Car Park area – report to Kate Turner, TWC

d)Bollards are due to be installed outside of the Randlay Stores

e)Buses can use the one-way system around the car park area, otherwise this causes difficulty around the bends of the access.

f)Concerns regarding the ‘bump’ outside Randlay CC

g)Leaves causing danger on the footpath at the top of Bryony Rise

h)Drains blocked in the underpass of Abbey Field

i)Road markings are missing on the resurfaced areas around Abbey Fields

j)Thanks for the senior citizens Christmas Lunch and thank you to Mike

k)Excessive rubbish in hedge at 21 Dalelands, behind Dunsheath, and rear of the surgery

l)Lampposts leaning on Dale Acre Way


20thDecember 20127.15pmPersonnel Committee HNC

8.00pmFinance & Audit

11thJanuary 20137.00pmAsset & Property RCC

8.00pmFinance & Audit RCC

18th January 2013 7.00pmEvents RCC

21st January 20137.30pmFull Council RCC

26th January 10.30amPACT The Pavilion

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.35p.m. The Chairman wished everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Signed ………………………………………………………..Date …………………………………