L.A. Ainger Band Boosters Agenda


6pm, LAAMS Band Room

Meeting came to order promptly at 6:05pm.

Attendance: Joanne Roddick, Robert Allen, Dianna Walston, Dawn Stephens, Angela Cicchella, Madeline Ruiz, Donnie Stephens, Matt Deal, Cheryl Deal, Tim Ostrow

• Officer Reports

oPresident – All the holiday activities were well attended and went without any problems.

oVice President – Nothing new to report.


Current Balance AFTER all transactions is approximately $2,800.

Disney Trip Balance is $8,208.50 and we are short approximately $1041 from students. There are a couple of students that paid today, not included in this total.

Charlotte County is paying the fees for the MBA which is $400.


Going forward the meeting notes will be uploaded to the website so that everyone can review all notes prior to meetings going forward. An email will be sent to everyone to refer to the website when notes are uploaded. If there are any errors Dianna ask to be contacted and corrections will be immediately made.

Cheryl Deal made a motion to approve minutes as written and all where in favor.

oBand Director

Students are current making up all assignments. Students are ready for their exams. All students are doing really well. Beginning Band is right on target. Every student has their white belt. All grades are due on Friday so everyone is working hard to finish up their work. Mr. Ostrow is pleased.

Students are preparing for their exams this Wednesday and


Our intern, Mr. Bunnens wants to say “thank you” to our awesome

Parents. He really meant what he said about our amazing parent band boosters and parents. He learned a great deal about how to make a wonderful band program work and how very important band boosters are to making a program successful.

• Old Business


Mr. Ostrow and six students recruited at Englewood, Vineland, and

Myakka River Elementary Schools on Weds. December 3rd. The band

Recruited 42 students with parent approval letters to sign up

for 6th grade beginning band already. This is a HUGE win!

The band performed at Vineland Elementary School’s winter concert

with Ms. Betz. No one signed up from this event as of yet. But just having exposure in the community is always beneficial.

We need about 30 more students to reach our goal of 70.

Mr. Ostrow would like to offer an “Instrument Fitting” night at

L. A. Ainger.

• To coincide with Ainger’s “Step Up” day. (May) It was suggested that we should do this in February when families are picking what school to attend the following year.
Mr. Ostrow wants to have a brass and percussion class if at all possible so that “instrument fitting” night might help with this process.
We need to make certain that the students understand that just because they do not participate in the summer band camp that doesn’t mean that they cannot participate in band during the school year.

oWinter Parade

This was a HUGE success. We might consider having a larger band participatenext year. It was a great parade! It would be nice if it was a little longer. (Dearborn) The kids were excited to perform because it was so well attended.

FAME – did an outdoor theater event which was also well attended.

oWinter Concerts

Jazz and Percussion Ensembles

• Pros and Cons – It went well but could have been better attended.

*NOTE* Ostrow needs to reserve the LBHS auditorium for May 2015! Awards could be presented at this same time.

Concert Bands

• Pros and Cons

Something we could do – FSU does a prism concert (features everything nonstop). It requires a full 3hour rehearsal to pull this off!

Audience attends: Jazz band is on the floor, percussion on the floor, trumpet quartet in another area, etc. All students were on the stage together at the same time. The goal is to have minimal distraction. Students that are in various bands would have the timing so that they could move around to participate accordingly. This would require a stage crew as well. A small group could perform in between or someone (an MC) could be speaking in order to pull this off! Having the rehearsal would allow us to have everything set up for the performance ahead of time. We would bus 160 students to and from and request PTO to pay for this. We could have some of the solo and ensemble students perform during the breaks as well. We hope to do this

• New Business

  • Pioneer Day Parade – It would be nice to participate in this event with the LA Ainger band. We will consider attending. (September 7, 2015)

oEnglewood Elementary Parade

Thursday, January 15th

• Jazz and Percussion Ensemble students received a

Newsletter on Monday. Ainger administration will supervise.

Students will receive extra credit towards their 2nd quarter grade. Brad Gibson will transport everything needed and some parents will be there to help supervise.

oFMEA Convention

We have reserved a hotel room for Mr. Ostrow/Mr. Bunnens and

another room Megan Bosley (All State student) and her mother.

*NOTE* Does anyone have the email with the hotel details?

*Mr. Bunnens cannot afford all the fees required to attend this event.

A motion was made by Dianna Walston that the booster organizations pay $130 for Mr. Bunnens to attend the FMEA convention pending he can attend. This motion was second by Bobby Allen. All were in favor.

Mr. Ostrow would like to request additional funding for meals and

Tolls for his FMEA attendance. A motion was made by Bobby Allen to pay a $300 allowance to cover Mr. Ostrows meals and tolls. The average charges are approximately $60 for parking $15 breakfast $20 lunch $30 supper times 3 days. He will be given a $300 cash allowance and Mr. Ostrow will return the receipts and any money left over. Cheryl Deal seconded the motion.

Cheryl Deal made a motion that both of these allowances be put into our annual budget going forward for future FMEA events for both the band director and our intern.

oSolo and Ensemble

Review contract – Mr. Ostrow will send the contract to everyone to review.

Mr. Ostrow will remind students to turn in the contract and money ASAP. It is due now! A handful of students have not turned in their contracts or

payments and will be asked to do so every day in band or DNA at

the event.

• We have 30 solos and 7 chamber ensembles.

Mr. Ostrow had a district FBA meeting on January 8th where he

registered and paid for the Solo and Ensemble. This is a great opportunity for the students to show what they can do! The district paid $400 for FBA.

Mr. Ostrow suggested that we pay Dr. Bill Dederer for his time. A motion was made by Cheryl Deal to pay Dr. Dederer $30 per hour, three days a week for three weeks. The motion was seconded by Joanne Roddick. All in attendance were in favor.

The accompanists for FBA will be Jack and Marcy Sternisha. They have

been prepaid ($600 per student they are accompanying + $50 for

gas money)

• They have agreed to work with the students DURING

advanced band class (7th hour) during the weeks of February

2nd and 9th as well as perform with the students at the event.

ALL Ensembles and SOME soloists will perform on Friday,

February 13th and MOST soloists will perform on Saturday,

February 14th. (We need one bus paid for this event.)

oJazz MPA

Mr. Ostrow has requested for the jazz band to perform on Tuesday

February 10th. Middle School should perform sometime between 3pm – 6pm. We need one bus paid for this event, Braden River High School.

oConcert MPA

Mr. Ostrow registered the Advanced Band to perform in Pinellas

County on Wednesday March 25th. This is a long drive so that is why we are only taking Advanced Band. Charlotte County is paying for the event but L.A. Ainger Boosters are paying for the two school buses. Communication has been difficult in order to participate. Students must get teacher permission forms signed for both the MPA and Disney events which happen to be the very same week. Because of what we are performing we might not have to remove the students from school for MPA.

• Our request to perform out of district has been approved and

Charlotte County (via Ellen Harvey) has agreed to pay for

this assessment.

Rehearsals for this event are on the calendar.

Mr. Ostrow would like to hire some professionals to run some

sectionals as we near the performance. We offer the professionals $75 and dinner for their service.

oDisney Update

Final Payments – there are only 3 people that still need to pay. Chaperones are to pay $150 … Payment needs to be in next week in order to pay.

Students to be sponsored – Mr. Ostrow contacted the students who have not yet paid to see if there was a financial need. Out of the six only three of them responded. Someone sponsored those three students which is awesome.


Chaperones- Have been informed of their amounts due and will be assigned to their groups as soon as possible.


Fast Pass – chaperones will be grouped according to what the kids want to ride and sign up for the fast pass ahead of time.

Good of the order
Mr. Ostrow is a finalist for teacher of the year. He was observed numerous times over the last few weeks. February 12th is the award ceremony. The event will be held at Murdock Baptist Church! We hope there will be others that attend! Tickets are currently on sale now at the cost of $20 per ticket. Come out and support Mr. Ostrow!

Meeting was adjourned at 7:52pm.

Our next meeting will be February 3, 2015 at 6pm in the LA Ainger Band Room.

Respectfully submitted,

Dianna M. Walston
L A Ainger Band Booster Secretary

If there are any errors or corrections needed please let me know right away.