Minutes of the full Governing Body Meeting held in School Thursday 3rd December 2015at 7.15pm

PresentLocal AuthorityMr R Nowell (Chair)

Co-optedMrs D Cavill

Mrs N Smith

Mrs M Matthews

Foundation GovernorsMrs D Thompson

Mrs C Swan

Parent GovernorsMr S Wratten

Dr J Jackson (Vice Chair)

Mr D Finlay (from 7.30pm)

Mr I Broome

Mr Toby Bennett

Staff GovernorsMr M Ingall (Headteacher)

Mrs L Pearson

In attendance:Mrs R Morrison (Clerk)

Ms J Oatridge (associate member)

The Clerk confirmed that the meeting was quorate.


1.1The Chair welcomedMr Bennett (parent governor) to the Governing Body and reported that Mr Finlay had been re-elected as a parent governor.Apologies had been received and were accepted from Mr R Farmer and Mrs C Jones.


2.1There were no declarations of conflicts of interest against any of the agenda items.


3.1Carol Service – The Headteacher sought volunteers to introduce or give a reading at the carol service on 17-12-15; Mr Bennet, Mrs Swan, Mrs Thompson and Mr Cavill volunteered.

3.2Pre-school race evening – Governors discussed the request from the Pre-school to arrange a race night in February in the school. The Governing Body approved the request but asked that it be for adults only.


4.1The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chair.


5.1Register of Business Interests(minute2.2) – The Clerk tabled a collated version of the register and governors confirmed their details. The Clerk agreed to send the updated register to Dr Jackson for publication on the website as a grid. ACTION CLERK

Mr Finlay joined the meeting.

5.2Letter of thanks to the former and current FOBPS Chairs (minute 5.3) – The Chair confirmed that he had written to the Chairs.


6.1Headteacher’s Report to the Governing Body November 2015 – Copies of the report had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Headteacher drew governors’ attention to the key points and answered governors’ questions:-

i) Pupil numbers – With the exception of year 2 all year groups are oversubscribed. There are 428 pupils on role. Building work for additional housing opposite school is scheduled to start in January. Previously the Governing Body had agreed that it would not want more than 32 pupils in Key Stage 2 classes; this view remains. Admissions appeals could results in larger classes. The Chair summarised previous discussions with the council regarding their plans to accommodate additional pupils. A precedence had been set to transport them to other schools. There are plans to extend Adderbury and Hook Norton schools however the timing is uncertain. The Governing Body expressed concern regarding local pupils being transported to other schools and the health & safety implications of larger classes. Following discussion the Governing Body asked that the Chair writes to Kevin Griffin (OCC School organisation and planning officer) asking what advice should be given to parents approaching school. Governors will continue to review the situation. ACTION CHAIR

ii) Staffing – Staffing changes detailed in the report were noted; these had been included in the newsletter to parents. Governors offered their congratulations to Mrs Bletchly (Bursar) for completing 20 year of service at the school.

iii) Butterfly Meadow Children’s Centre – The Local Authority (LA) consultation into the future of Children’s Centres is ongoing. The Chair advised that following a meeting with the Strategic Positioning Group he had written to Jim Leivers (Director of Children, Education and Families) with detailed plans; a brief reply had been received. The Headteacher advised that Councillor Mallon has been supportive of the school’s situation and that the parish Council may work with the school. Governors recognised that progress towards a decision regarding the future of the centre is slow. The consultation runs until the end of January 2016.

iv) Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance (OTSA)- Governors were pleased to hear that the school had been fast tracked to become a Strategic Partner for OTSA. The Headteacher is attending recruitment meetings and Ms Oatridge is involved with graduate interviews.

v) School Plan – The updated version of the plan has been included in the Headteacher’s report; governors discussed key points:-

a) Mission Statement – Mrs Thompson, Mr Broome and Mr Finlay agreed to form a group with the worship co-ordinator, Headteacher and another member of the LILT to meet in January to review the Mission Statement. Proposals will be made to the full Governing Body meeting in February. ACTION MISSION STATEMENT REVIEW GROUP

b) Disadvantaged Children policy – The Headteacher explained that the definition of disadvantaged pupils is pupil premium and looked after pupils, however, in this school the most disadvantaged pupils are Gypsy Roma Traveller pupils (GRT). Governors discussed if GRT should be included when the disadvantaged pupils policy is reviewed and if their data should be included in such reports. The Standards Committee agreed to consider this at their next meeting. ACTION STANDARDS COMMITTEE

c) Governance – Governors appreciated the positive comments from the Headteacher regarding governance which had been included as a strength of the school. Governors discussed how to improve their work further and asked that Dr Jackson investigates the Governor Mark scheme. DR JACKSON

vi) Events – Governorscongratulated the school on the long list of events undertaken.

vii) Children’s Food Trust – A representative from the trust had visited school and recommended new kitchen equipment. It is hoped that this will be funded by the LA.

viii) Quality of teaching and learning – Governors were impressed with the forward planning regarding how to further improve the quality of teaching and learning. The Chair, Vice Chair and Standards Committee Chair will be included in a development planning meeting in March. This will be the focus of the Inset day in September.

6.2Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report – The report from the review visit on 28-9-15 by Frances Bartlett (Diocesan Link Adviser) had been circulated prior to the visit. Governors questioned how the report lines up with British Values. The Headteacher explained that the SIAMS framework is now more explicitly Christian. Governors noted the list of suggested actions and expressed concern that some seemed to encourage the school to purchase packages of support offered by the Diocese.

6.3Self Evaluation (Pupils’ achievement)– Governors noted this section of the self-evaluation which had been circulated prior to the meeting.The data had been considered in detail by the Standards Committee.


7.1Finance committee – Governors noted the minutes of the meetings held on 22-10-15 and 26-11-15 which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Mr Wratten gave an overview of the key matters considered at the meetings.

i) IBC - Following agreement at the previous full Governing Body meeting Mr Wratten had written to Sandra Higgs (OCC Education SupportServices Manager)expressing concerns regarding the new Hampshire system. No response had been received. A recent upgrade to the IBC system had left the school unable to access various reports; the IBC is working to resolve the matter.

ii)Budget – Governors were pleased that the outturn forecast for the year end is within £17K of the original budget. This representsa variance of less than 1%.

iii) ICT – The Bursar is investigating leasing rather than purchasing ICT equipment and will report back to the committee.

iv) Pupil Premium – Mrs Pearson gave information to the full Governing Body regarding this software, which is linked to SIMS. Data is being entered on the package which will identify the most cost effective interventions.

v) Committee membership – Mr Wratten reported that the committee struggles tobe quorate due to low numbers. Governors agreed that Mr Bennett joins the committee.

vi) Car Park infrastructure – Governors asked what this item included. Mr Finlay advised that the housing developmentopposite school includes a car park for the school’s use; gates and signs may need to be purchased by the school.

7.2Personnel committee–Dr Jackson gave a summary of the meeting held immediately prior to this meeting.

i) Emergency and special leave policy -The committee had approved this policy which forms part of the Personnel Procedures policy. This is a model LA policy. As a principle the Governing Body has previously agreed to follow model LA policies.

ii) Recruitment policy -The committee had reviewed and approved the Recruitment policy.

iii) Staffing update - The Headteacher had given an update on the staffing situation to the committee; this information had been included in his report.

The Clerk will circulate the minutes of the meeting when available. ACTION CLERK

7.3Standards committee –Governors noted the minutes of the meeting held on 16-11-15 which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Mrs Cavill gave an overview of the key matters considered at the meeting.

i) Interventions and Maths– this had been the main focus of the meeting. Ms Oatridge had given detailed information regarding maths resources, initiatives and interventions. Mrs Cavil drew governors’ attention to the Raiseonline notes included in the minutes.

ii) Book-look–Mrs Cavill reported that the committee had undertaken a book-look to see the marking scheme in place; this had been a recommendation from the last Ofsted inspection. The committee had been impressed withthe presentation of the books.

iii) SEN data – The committee had found the summary of SEN data prepared by Mrs Pearson useful.

7.4Pay committee – Governors noted the minutes of the meeting held on 3-11-15 which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Dr Jackson highlighted key points:-

i) Pay policy – The committee had updated Annex B of the pay policy relating to TLR and SEN payments and recommended that the Governing Body approves this model LA policy. Governors approved the policy.

ii) Staff pay – The committee had approved the pay recommendations of the Headteacher for teaching staff following completion of all teacher appraisals.


8.1 Governors congratulated the group on the spectacular fireworks evening. The Christmas Fayre will be held on 11-12-15 at 5.30pm; governors were encouraged to attend. Governors were interested to hear about the music festival being planned for 18-6-16.


9.1Health & Safety–Mr Broome reported that he had undertaken a site visit on 2-10-15 which had not raised any health & safety concerns. Mr Broome thanked staff for making him welcome during the visit.

9.2AnnualSafeguardingreport–Governors discussed the report which had beencompleted by Dr Jackson and Mrs Pearson and circulated prior to the meeting. Governors agreed:-

i) The review date for the Recruitment policy will be amended to December 2018.

ii) Dr Jackson will add information to point 48 regarding checking DBS checks and safeguarding training are up-to-date, plus records he keeps of conversations with the Headteacher.

iii) Dr Jackson will complete the Governing Body response form and submit the report to the LA on behalf of the Governing Body. ACTION DR JACKSON

9.3Strategic Positioning Group – Minutes of the meeting held on 8-10-15 had been circulated prior to the meeting.

i) Children’s Centre - The Chair had written to Jim Leivers regarding the future of the Centre – see minute 6.1iii above.

ii) Academy Status – The Headteacher and Chair gave information regarding a briefing they had attended by the Oxfordshire Diocese Schools Trust (ODST). The meeting had been quite forceful and indicated that coasting schools could be compelled to become an academy. It was felt that this school would lose its flexibility if it joined the ODST. It was noted that some schools in the Partnership have had meetings with the ODST but not committed to joining. The Strategic Positioning Group will convene a further meeting in the New Year.

9.4Local Collaborative Company (LCC) –The Headteacher reported that the Minerva Group had visited all the schools in the LCC to investigate efficiencies that could be made by group purchasing. Governorswere pleased that the investigation had indicated that there are potential savings to be made. A report is awaited.


10.1Membership of the Governing Body – The clerk advised that there is currently one Foundation Governor (Ex-Officio) and one Co-opted governor vacancy.

i) Foundation governor - Mrs Thompson reported that interviews for a replacement Vicar are planned for January with a view to an appointment around Easter.

ii) Co-opted – Governors had previously agreed that a lawyer or someone with knowledge of copyright would be useful. Dr Jackson offered to circulate logon details for the website forgovernorsto look at the results from the skills audit. Governors were asked to send suggestions for Co-opted governors to the Chair. ACTION DR JACKSON

10.2Annual Governance Report 2014-15 – Dr Jackson had amended the document as agreed at the July full Governing Body meeting and published it on the website. The Headteacher agreed to include a reference to the report in his next blog. ACTION HEADTEACHER

10.3Committee structure and membership– Governors discussed and agreed the following changes to the committee list:-

i) Finance committee –Mrs Matthews will leave and Mr Bennett join the committee. Ideally the new Co-opted governor will be able to join this committee.

ii) Pay Appeals – The Ex-officio Foundation Governor will join this committee when appointed.

iii) Pupil Premium – Mr Wratten will continue as the pupil premium governor.

iv) Arts Mark – Dr Jackson agreed to become the Arts Mark governor.

The Clerk will update and re-circulate the list. ACTION CLERK

10.4Governorvisits–Mrs Swan advised that she had received emailsfrom 2 governors following their visits to school. Governors agreed changes to the allocated year groups; Mrs Matthews will link with the foundation stage and Mr Bennett with year 2.

10.5Governor training – Following discussion Mrs Swan agreed to investigate hosting a finance training session at this school. ACTION MRS SWAN

Governors noted that safeguarding training can be completed online or by attending a session delivered by Mrs Pearson. Mrs Pearson will contact Mr Bennett regarding this training. ACTION MRS PEARSON


11.1Uniform policy – Mr Wratten advised that he will convene a meeting in January with Mrs Cavill, Mrs Pearson and Mrs Smith to draw together a uniform policy.ACTION MR WRATTEN

11.2Pay policy – See minute 7.4i above.

11.3New Governor Induction – Mrs Thompson and Mrs Swan agreed to review the current policy for approval at the next meeting. ACTION MRS THOMPSON & MRS SWAN

11.4Attendance – The Headteacher advised that he and Mrs Colley had attended training on attendance which had indicated that certain information must be included in the policy such as the time when registers close. The policy had been updated accordingly and circulated prior to the meeting. The Headteacher confirmed that Mrs Colley keeps attendance records in line with the policy. Governors approved the policy as presented.


12.1Tuesday 2 Feb, Thursday 10 March, Tuesday 26 April, Tuesday 12 July, at 7.15pm.

13CONFIDENTIAL ITEM – see confidential minutes.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm.


Minutes of the full Governing Body Meeting held in School Thursday 3rd December 2015 at 7.15pm

PresentLocal AuthorityMr R Nowell (Chair)

Co-optedMrs D Cavill

Mrs N Smith

Foundation GovernorsMrs D Thompson

Mrs C Swan

Parent GovernorsMr S Wratten

Dr J Jackson (Vice Chair)

Mr D Finlay (from 7.30pm)

Mr I Broome

Mr Toby Bennett

In attendance:Mrs R Morrison (Clerk)


13.1Confidential minutes will be available to the above governors at the next full Governing Body meeting.

Full Governing Body 3-12-15Page 1 of 1

Signature of Chair………………………………Date………………….