66, Mira avenue, 720044, Bishkek city, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel.: (00996 312) 545125 (rector), Fax: (00996312) 545162, E - mail:

International Connections Department, E - mail:

Tel.:( 00996 312) 547759, Fax: (00996312) 545162,

KSTU took part successfully in 4 projects of Program “TEMPUS”:

-  Compact Project “Development of International Office of KTU” (Tempus –Tacis №UB CP-20598-1999);

-  Joint Project “Modernization of University library” (Tempus -Tacis №UM-JEP-22042-2001);

-  Joint Project “Resource Sharing Network of Academic and Research Libraries of Kyrgyzstan (KYR-LIB-NET)” (JEP_ 26219_ 2005);

-  SCM Project “Transferring of quality management models in KSTU functions and processes” (SCM T 078A06-KYR)

and in 4 projects of program “International Scientific Technical Centre” (ISTC).

At the present time KSTU:

realizes project “ASIA-EUROPE Credit Transfer in Virtual and Distance Education” under program “ERASMUS MUNDUS

and will take a part in three projects on Program “TEMPUS-4“ (2nd CALL):

158677-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR “Higher Education Initiative for Informatics in Central Asia”;

159025-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-FR-TEMPUS-JPCR "Reseau Europe-Russie-Asie Centrale de Masters Informatique Seconde Compétence";

158982-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPCR “Towards Sustainable Water Resources Management in Central Asia”

KSTU proposals for participation on Program “TEMPUS-4“(3rd CALL)

(Proposals reflect opportunities of University in a finding of partners and giving of information is necessary to prepare the application.)

KSTU invite you to take part in preparation of the application, as the coordinator (or the partner) from EU, under the following projects with the provisional contents:

1. JPGR “Enhancing of student's services in management of University (including skills for employers) (a regional priority - Management of university and Student's services);

2. JPCR “Energy saving in the Central Asia” (a priority - Modernization of curriculums on a regional direction - Energy);

3. JPCR “Distance education/e-learning in Kyrgyzstan (or Central Asia)” (a priority - Modernization of curriculums on a national direction - Education and teaching)

4. SMHES “Strengthening of partnership between Universities and enterprises in the field of telecommunications” (a regional priority - Development of partnership with the enterprises)

5. JPCR «Creation joint master programs "Electric power industry" » (a regional priority - Modernization of curriculums (on a direction - Energy))

6. JPCR «Creation joint PhD programs "Economics" » (a national priority - Modernization of curriculums (on a direction – Economics and Business Administration))

7. JPCR «Creation joint masters programs «Safety of foodstuff » (national priorities - Modernization of curriculums (on a direction - Health))

University is ready to changes and additions in these proposals and to discussion of your proposals.

University has stable contacts with many Universities in Central Asia and Russian Federation to prepare joint applications for projects on program “TEMPUS” and “ERASMUS MUNDUS”. If you will consider possible attraction of our University in your projects, we are ready to cooperation.


Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) is the oldest technical University in Kyrgyz Republic. 5 Institutes (2 of which is in region of Kyrgyzstan), 8 faculties (2 of which is in region), Telecommunication Department (joint stock company “Kyrgyztelecom” and KSTU are founders), Kyrgyz-Kazakh Joint Distance Education Center, 5 scientific- research institutes are in University.

It is using module and credit-systems of education; there is training on English and Dutch languages in special groups.


• Power Energy Faculty prepares bachelors and masters on directions: Electrical engineering, electro mechanics and electro technologies, Power Energy engineering, engineers on specialties’: Electrical stations, Power energy networks and systems, Power supply, Relay protection and automation power energy systems, Nontraditional and renewable sources of energy.

• Kyrgyz-German Technical Faculty prepares bachelors (with studying in Russian and German languages) on directions: “Technologies, equipment and automation engineering industry”, “Power Energy engineering” with giving up the diplomas of KSTU and certificate of Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BUAS) and masters on direction “Power-machine construction” with giving up the diplomas of KSTU and BUAS.

• Faculty of Information Technologies prepares bachelors and masters on directions: Automation and management, Telecommunications, Radio engineering, Informatics and computer technique, engineers on specialties’: Networks of communications and systems of commutations, Radio communication, broadcasting and TV, Radio engineering, Software of computer technique and automated systems (including training on English language), Computer machines, complexes, systems and networks.

• Faculty “Moscow Power Institute (MPI)-KSTU ” prepares the bachelors on directions: Power Energy engineering, Informatics and computer technique, Information safety of telecommunication systems, Computer safety, Protected systems of communication with giving up the diplomas of MPI, Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics, Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation and KSTU.

• Technological faculty prepares bachelors and masters on directions: Technology and designing of produce light manufacture, Technology of foodstuffs, Technological machines and equipment, engineers on specialties’: Technology and designing of garments, Machines and apparatus of food industry, Food engineering of small enterprises, Technology: of public catering, sugary products, meat and meat products, milk and milk products, bread, confectionery, macaroni produces, canned, food concentrates,

• Faculty of Transport and Machine Construction prepares bachelors and masters on directions: Applied mechanics, Exploitation means of transport, Technology, equipment and automation engineering industry, Technological education, engineers on specialties’: Mechatronic, Standardization and certification, Technology of polygraphist manufacture, Organization of transportations and management on transport.

Educational Institutes

• Institute of Management and Business prepares bachelors and masters on directions: Management, Economic, Journalism and specialists with higher education on specialties’: Management of organization, Accounting, analysis and audit, Economics and management in enterprise, Information systems in economy, Finance and credit.

• Institute of distance education and increasing of qualifications. Is carrying out part-time study on specialties are not regional and not joint faculties of KSTU.

• Institute of Mining and Mountain Technologies prepares engineers on specialties’: Underground mining of deposits of minerals, Mining machines and equipment, Security of the environment and rational using of natural sources, Geology of petroleum and gas, Geophysics, Search and investigation of underground and superficial waters, Applied geochemistry, petrology and mineralogy, Mine underground construction, Applied geodesy, Open mining works, Explosive works, Engineering protection of an environment, Metallurgy of ferrous metals, Metallurgy of non-ferrous metals, Enriching of the minerals.