VersionJune 20,2018, Guidelines: 2018ROA and 2019POWfor County Extension Faculty

Pleaseutilize your most recent, PS & Promotion Packet,3 yr. packet, or ROA to begin this process or start with a new document (new faculty).

-All main text and text from previous year(s) must be in black (accumulation of this will help faculty to complete their next promotion packet easier). For more details on promotion packet preparation, see,

-Do not change any numbering or the format of tables, as they match the 2018-2019 PS &P packet format.However, these may change if the UF Board of Trustees and Provost approve a change (usually in the Spring).

-Please delete all guideline instructions and explanatory textbefore submitting ROA/POW to your DED.

-All information added/modified to your “current ROA” (for calendar year 2018) must be in blue.If any new information is added/modified to your POW for 2019 it must be in red.

-Changes from 2017-18 guidelines areyellowhighlighted in this document.

General guidance for ROA/POW packet development:

  • Do not use filler/divider pages.
  • Limit use of shading, underlining, bolding, bullets, etc. (except that it is helpful to bold the section titles).
  • Use consistent font size and type throughout the packet.
  • Explain use of asterisks.
  • Spell out acronyms that are not commonly known.
  • Use of summaries and/or tables where appropriate is recommended.
  • Carefully check spelling and grammar.
  • Remove all explanatory text and “track changes” notations.
  • Adhere to word limits where noted; concise narratives that describe program impacts are strongly encouraged.

This should be a brief description of the assigned duties and responsibilities of the nominee (max. 150 words).Specific duties by percentage of FTE, highest % list first (use exact titles of Extension Programs and % FTE found in Section 23)

Specific Duties by percentage of FTE:

  1. Program titleX %
  2. Program titleX%
  3. Program titleX%
  4. 4-H (if non-4-H faculty) and Other Programmatic EffortsX%

Total 100%

Non-4-H RSAs and SSAs do not have official 4-H responsibility.


Briefly describe your area(s) of specialization. Self-explanatory 2 or 3 bullets.


Please list the assigned activity while employed at the University of Florida beginning with 2018 and working backwards. For purposes of PS and promotion, an academic year is from August to August. Most county Extension faculty should be 100% Extension.

Department AG “County Name”
Term/Year / Teaching / Research / Service / Extension / Clinical / Sabbatical / Leave(mainly FMLA) / Other / Total
Fall 2018 / 100 / 100 %
Summer 2018 / 100 / 100 %
Spring 2018 / 100 / 100 %
Fall 2017 / 100 / 100 %
Summer 2017 / 100 / 100 %
Spring 2017 / 100 / 100 %
Fall 2016 / 100 / 100 %
Summer 2016 / 100 / 100 %
Spring 2016 / 100 / 100 %
Fall 2015 / 100 / 100 %
Summer 2015 / 100 / 100 %
Spring 2015 / 100 / 100 %
Fall 2014 / 100 / 100 %
Summer 2014 / 100 / 100 %
Spring 2014 / 100 / 100 %
Fall 2013 / 100 / 100 %
Summer 2013 / 100 / 100 %

(edit the data in this table with your information if different and insert or delete rows if needed to show your employment since last promotion or since hire date)


List all degrees awarded, beginning with the highest degree. All entries must include the university/college attended, field of study, degree and date awarded. (replace the data in this table with your information)

Institution / Field of Study / Degree / Year
University of Florida / Ag Education and Communication / MS / 2005
University of Florida / Plant Science / BS / 2000

Employment should be listed in reverse chronological order with the University of Florida employment appearing first. Please show whether or not the position was permanent status or permanent statusaccruing in an academic institution. (replace the data in this table with your information)

Institution / Position / Dates
UF IFAS Extension, Orange County / Extension Agent II
Permanent Status (PS) / 2015– present
UF IFAS Extension, Orange County / Extension Agent I
PS Accruing / 2008-2015
Leon High School / Science Educator
Non-PS accruing / 2004-2008
  2. TENURE AND PROMOTION CRITERIA– not needed in ROAand this will be added automatically to promotion packets submitted online
  3. TEACHING, ADVISING, ANDINSTRUCTIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS–None or appropriate information (i.e., guest lecture).
  6. GRADUATE COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES –Noneor appropriate information, UF Committee

Candidate’s Role / Student / Major / Complete Date

Listeducational products in reversechronological order.Add current works in blue for ROA and addplanned works in red for POW when POW is required, previous year(s) must be in black and use the same logic for the rest of the document.

Please provide total number of creative works for each subheading Example: (Total – 23, 7 since last promotion)

Do not include flyers or brochures in this section. Explain those effortsas a summary in Marketing - Section 33.
Do not include Poster presentations at a professional meeting in this section, but do include them in Section 17.

  • Exhibits and Displays(Total – 23, 7 since last promotion)

(the focus should be on the product when created, do not need to list where presented)

  • Instructional Multi-Media Presentations (This is the subheading to use for your PowerPoint slide shows. List individually for the ROA. For past years summarize for eachyear in black. Sample

2015 (Total 7) Instructional Multi-Media presentations on topics such as XXX, YYY and ZZZ, range of slides was 21 to 46.

  • Educational Plays, Games
  • Radio, TV Scripts
  • Web-based Communication and TeachingTools

-List URL created, web pages that you created and managed. Please verify that the links are active and if not, make a statement after the link this is no longer active.

-Do not include merely posting of documents to the web or social media sites.There must be a creative/interactive component, e.g., links, tests, selections, responses, etc.

- Include social media if you have creative/interactive and educational components.Social media used for only marketing and networking only will go into section 23 under a heading Marketing.

-Can include Webinars, scholarlyBlogs, YouTube file,podcast, or other Web-based educational materials created

  • Other
  1. PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS – None or appropriate information

Should be listed in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent publication and going backwards. The format of the citation is the nominee’s choice, but should be consistent in the packet andcontain the information requested below. Please include the names of all authors.

Please use the following “key” to indicate author relationships:

Senior/principal Author(s) = Underline; Self = bold; Fellow = f; Graduate Student = g;

Other = &; Post-Doctoral Assoc/Fellow = p; Resident = r

Program Assistants, Volunteer, Interns, etc. listed as authors should be identified with an * and an accompanying footnote.

Non-English titles should be immediately followed by the English translation in parentheses. Includeall category headings a through k. If you have no entries for the category, put “none” after each. On-line publications require a letter from the publisher (place in section 33) unless the publication can be accessed via URL.

Please provide total number of publications for each subheading Example: (Total – 23, 7 since last promotion)

Indicate at the beginning of the section if the nominee published under a different name.Add current publications in blue for ROA and addplanned publications in red for POW.

a.Books, Sole Author (Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)

b.Books, Co-authored (Co-author(s), Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date,

Inclusive Pages)

c.Books, Edited (Editor, Co-editor(s), Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date,

Inclusive Pages)

d.Books, Contributor of Chapter(s) (Author, Co-author(s), Title of Book and Chapter,
Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)

e.Monographs (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Series of Volume, is applicable, Publisher,
Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)

f.Refereed Publications (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Publication, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages). Refereed publications are screened by reviewers to determine if the article meets the standards of the professional journal.

g.Non-refereed Publications (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Bulletin, Circular, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages)

(Most Extension publications go here. List URL if they are online. You can create sub-categories such as)

You should delete any subheading under “g.”if you do not have anything to report

  • County Fact Sheets
  • Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS)
  • (peer-reviewed)include URL
  • (non-peer reviewed) include URL
  • Newsletter Edited
  • Newsletter Articles
  • Newspaper Articles
  • Trade Journal Articles
  • Others

h.Bibliographies/Catalogs (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Publisher, if applicable, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)

i.Abstracts (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Publications, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages)

j.Reviews (Author, Co-author(s), Title and Author of Work Reviewed, Where Review was Published, Date, Inclusive Pages)(This is mainly for state faculty)

k.Miscellaneous (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Source of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)

(This is the appropriate category for published media releases with educational content, do not include calendar items, agendas and program announcements as publication)


Include since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment for PS nominees, whichever is more recent.
This listing is to be in reverse chronological order. Entries must also tell if the contribution was an oral presentation or poster and placed in the proper sub category: invited, refereed(a committee or person selects from those submitted for consideration), or other(all submittals are allowed, e.g., some poster sessions do not limit the number accepted). Only include presentations made by you. Each entry should indicate participation as a presenter, co-presenter, panelist, organizer, president or moderator in parentheses after your name.

  • Lectures, speeches, or posters presented by others under the supervision of the faculty should be identified as such and be discussed in Section 23 under educational activities of the related program.Explain your role training and mentoring them for the presentation. Put “none” (a - f) in every category for which you have no entries.
  • A symposium, conference, or scientific meeting may be considered as “international” if there were a significant number of international participants either because it was declared an international event from the start by the organizers or attracted a significant number of international participants due to its scope or importance.
  • Invited seminarsgiven at UF or other institutions may be briefly summarized in the teaching, research, extension or international section as appropriate, but should not be listed in this section
  • Please delete all subcategories that are not used.
  1. International
  2. Invited
  3. Refereed (previously Selected)
  4. Other (previously Contributed)
  1. National
  2. Invited
  3. Refereed
  4. Other
  1. Regional(i.e., Southeastern US)
  2. Invited
  3. Refereed
  4. Other
  1. State (EPAF presentations are selected, not invited)
  2. Invited
  3. Refereed
  4. Other
  1. Local (including district presentations)
  2. Invited
  3. Refereed
  4. Other
  1. CONTRACTS AND GRANTS since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment for PS nominees, whichever is more recent

Include all subcategories (a)-(c). If there is no data for the category, put “None”. Information on funding amounts for both external and internal grants should include both the percentage of your share, and the total amount of the grants. The only roles to be included in the information are Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, Senior Personnel, Investigator, or Sponsor of Junior Faculty. For PS/P packets some data has been imported from contract and grant records. Please update, correct or add information as necessary. Expand the charts as needed.

Role- PI, Co-PI (include percentage responsibility to the first column), Senior Personnel, Investigator or Sponsor of Junior Faculty (no other roles should be included in this table). Dates- effective dates (i.e., 2010-2012, or 2011 for one year grant). Candidate Allocation – The amount available to you (not the total grant amount)

a.Funded –

  1. Provide a listing of each funded grant, including the title and effective dates of the contract/grant, whether it was internally or externally funded, the amount of the award, the percentage assigned to you, the name of the external funding agency, and your role, i.e., P.I., co-P.I. (including percentage responsibilityfor that grant), Senior Personnel, Investigator or Sponsor. No other roles should be included in this list. If applicable, the list should include funding received while employed by another institution. You must total both columns

List of Funding <Year> to <2018

Role / Agency / Grant Title / Dates / Total Award / Candidate Allocation (Amount) / Int/Ext
County PI
(100%) / USDA SNAP Ed. - UF / “County” Family Nutrition Program / 2016 / $40,000 / $40,000 / Int.
County PI
(100%) / Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services / BMP Demonstration / 2016 / $1,000 / $1,000 / Int
(50%) / USDA / Integrated Pest Management / 2016 / $30,000 / $15,000 / Ext
(50 %) / National 4-H Foundation / Marketing Youth Development / 2016 / $30,000 / $20,000 / Ext
Total / $101,000 / $76,000

2. Provide an overall Summary, by Role, of the information from the list in a.1. above:

Summary of Grant Funding, <Year> - 2018

ROLE / TOTAL / Direct Costs / Indirect Costs
Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator
Senior Personnel
Sponsor of Junior Faculty

3. A short narrative explanation of grant funding may be included.

b. Submitted – Pending Decision – Provide a list that includes the date of submission and other relevant information as in 18.a, including if a resubmission.

List of Funding <Year> to 2018

Role / Agency / Grant Title / Dates / Total Award
Requested / Candidate Allocation (Amount) / Int/Ext

c. Submitted - But Not Funded – Provide a list that includes the date of submission, amount of proposal, name of agency, proposed role of nominee. Indicate any resubmissions.

Role / Agency / Grant Title & Submission Date / Amount

When determining whether funding should be categorized as external or internal, consider the role of the faculty member in obtaining the funds. If he or she applied directly to an outside funding agency, the funding would be external. If he or she obtained funds from a UF or IFAS office, those funds would be internal, even if the funds originally were from an external funding source.

  • d and e below are for county extension faculty.
  1. In-kind Contributions

Year / Type / Donor / Amount

Use this statement for volunteer hours:

“*Calculation of economic value of trained volunteers’ contribution to extension programs: According to 2017Florida data from the Independent Sector ( the estimated dollar value of a volunteer hour is $23.33.

In Extension, trained volunteers are contributing to Extension program by dedicating their time, skills, talents and expertise under supervision or guidance by faculty. The estimated dollar value of a volunteer hour was $22.70 in 2016, 22.08 in 2015,$21.61 in 2014, $21.24 in 2013, $20.86 in 2012, $18.85 in 2011, $18.66 in 2010, $18.40 in 2009, and $17.68 in 2008”

  1. Monetary Contributions [includes cash contributions or and registration fees to 182 and 171 (SHARE) contributions, and to our affiliated foundations (501c3), remaining advisory accounts etc.]

Year / Donor or Source / Amount
2018 / Revenue Enhancement (182) / $25,450
2018 / Stakeholder SHARE gift (171) / $3,000
2017 / FDAC Revenue Enhancement (Pesticide education) / $6.000

(Additional subheadings, such as f. etc. can be added if needed to report other categories)

  1. UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE - list in reverse chronological order.

Put “none” under all subheadings and remove the table when submitting PS/P packet where you have nothing to report

  1. University

(e.g., 2015) / Name of Activity
(Committee, etc.) / Role
(e.g., member, chair, etc.)
  1. College, IFAS

(e.g., 2015) / Name of Activity,
(Committee, etc.) / Role
(e.g., member, chair, etc.)
  1. Department/Center/District

(e.g., 2015) / Name of Activity
(Committee, etc.) / Role
(e.g., member, chair, etc.)
  1. County Government

(e.g., 2015) / Name of Activity,
(Committee, etc.) / Role
(e.g., member, chair, etc.)

Go beyond your own programs to the greater benefit of the whole, such as Faculty Assembly, Initiative and Action teams, task force assignments, Search & Screening committees, serving on Annual Award Selection Teams, EDIS reviews, etc.

In this section, also include participation in county government committees as governance and service to the University of Florida.


Date / Location / Work Performed / Organization/Employer

This requires an outside activity form submitted through the UF IFAS system


Pleaselist whether the nominee was an editor, served on an editorial advisory board, or was a reviewer, the name of the journal or publication, the date(s) of service and number of manuscripts reviewed etc. (EDIS reviews go under section 19)

Put “none” under all subheadings where you have nothing to report

  1. Editor
  2. Editorial Advisory Boards
  3. Reviewer for Scholarly Journals
  4. Book Manuscripts Reviewed

Briefly describe teaching, research, and service activities in light of their significance for your scholarly career, including your rationale and goals for engagement in international activities, and any outcomes or impact resulting from your international engagement. This section allows you to summarize and attach significance; do not list items, or repeat items noted elsewhere except to summarize or reference their impact.

Refer to separate guidelines provided by IFAS Global for preparing this section at


Delineate the major extension programs carried outbased on logic model.

See this link for suggestions how to complete this section:

Role and Activities of Advisory Committee:

Explain how your advisory committee helps in the identification of your educational programs and how you have addressed clientele or societal needs, problems, concerns or issues (i.e., needs assessment) and that you have complied with IFAS guidelines on advisory committees. Include the dates (at least two per year) of advisory committee meetings, and geographic, socioeconomic and racial representation of members.

Statewide Extension Road Map Initiative No. (Init. No) Priority Group(s) provide a brief narrative that describes your role in support of the initiative and work group(s).