Word of God Claims: 2Tim3:15-17 wisdom for salvation 2Pet1:19-21 claims to be from God John14:29 God knows future Is46:9-10 foretells not predicts (Is45:21) Content: Dan2 (image, divisions map, secular historian quote) Amos3:7 nothing w/o revelation Consistency: Internal: 1500, 66, 40, 3, 1 Central theme. Translational: 1947 scrolls 98% accurate; 5000 Greek NT manuscripts 97% accurate; terms of appellation are fluff endings; disputed passages: John7:53-8:11, end of Mark16. Cultural: popular and transcultural. Experiential: I found bible to be voice of God to my soul App: How can an ancient book be so relevant? Def: Right books in there? Old Testament no question (2Tim3:16 John5:39); NT not authoritative collection but collection of authoritative books
Great Controversy Origin: Gen1 “good” texts- originally all good Mat13:24-30,37-39 “an enemy has done this” Lu13:10-16 bound by Satan Lu10:18 Jesus saw Satan fall Eze28:12-15,17-18 perfect x3 Is14:12-14 HOW did you fall? gun love example Outworking: 2The2:1-4 antichrist Rev12:9,13:1-4 commands worship Rev13/14 “worship” texts Mat4:9 creature audacity to ask for worship End: Eden to Eden (Gen1,2-Rev21,22) 1Pet5:8 lion strategy example 1Cor4:9 theater; story of Job Advanced: Phi2:5 Jesus’ seven steps Is14:15 Satan cast down while Jesus raised 1John4:8,16 God is LOVE App:Acts26:12-18 winning team Def: Why didn’t God kill Satan? Mat13 evil is maturing
Salvation Gen1:26-28,31 man’s original condition Gen3:1-8 “hid themselves” from God Rom5:18-19 universal consequence Rom3:23 all sin, Adam our ambassador Rom6:23 wages harsh! John1:1-4 in Him was life Is59:1-2 sin separates us from life 1John3:4 sin is lawlessness John3:16-17 came to save Mat20:28 ransom (price) for life Rom5:10 reconciled by death-saved by life; billionaire club example Rom10:9-13 two things to be saved Acts2:36-39 repent (turn); hard for Jesus, easy for you App: Sinner Need Accept Power John1:12 become son of God
Work of Spirit John 14:18 not orphans John16:8-11 promise of the spirit 3 things would happen Eph1:13-14 sealed-guaranteed Rom8:14-16 spirit confirms children Rom8:5-8 takes hostility-submit to law Heb10:15-17 forgiven writes law heart Gal5:19-24 contrast 2 lives-which one? John14:15-16 not command-fact App: Rev14:12 Amelia Erhart “fuel gone, position doubtful”
Law of God Ex24:9-11 sapphire stone Eze1:22-28 sapphire foundation Ex24:12 God GIVES tablets Num15:37-41 tassel reminder of tablets Ex25:10-22 ark of covenant Ex31:18 “tablets of testimony” Ps80:1 God dwells on throne Ex34:28 wrote with finger Deu4:13 law is covenant with us Rev11:19 ark now in heaven Rev15:5 temple of “testimony” opened Ps89:34 God won’t violate covenant Mat5:17-20 fulfill 1Cor7:19 keeping 10coms Rom7:25 dying to law ≠ disobey 1Jon2:3-6 liar Rev12:17,14:12 remnant App: willing law heart? Walk as Jesus? Def: dead to law Rom 6:14-Rom10:4 Christ end of attaining righteousness through law
Sabbath: Gen1:31-2:3 example John1:1-3 Jesus made (Col 1:16-17) Ex20:8-11 Mark2:27-28 Lu4:16 habit Lu23:53-24:3 holy at death Mat24:20 holy after ascension; 39 year prayer Acts18:1-4 Paul synagogue Is66:22-23 heaven App: come to church; how you feel? Def: How to keep? Is58 and Spirit of Prophecy Col2:16 what are ordinances? v14 Num9:11-12 Ceremonial markers (afflict, weeks, of the land, her, its, context) Sabbath markers(keep, day, holy, my) Hos2:11 prophecy that Col2:16 fulfilled. Rom14:1-8 Sabbath absent-this is fast day; Closer look at first verse-don’t dispute questionably
Second Coming: John14:1-3 declares return Acts1:9-11 manner of return Heb9:28 apostles declare it 2Tim3:1-5 people in last days Mat24 world state (1Thes4:16-17), 1Cor15:51-52 audible, new body Mat16:27 glorious 2Pet3:10, Rev3:3, 1Thes 5:1-6 unexpectedly sudden App: 2Pet3:3-4,8-9 Jesus is waiting for you to come to repentance.
Millennium: John5:28-29 two groups at last day 1Thes4:16-27 dead in Christ raised AT return Rev20:1-6 resurrection of death AT end of 1000 years Rev6:12-17 what happens to wicked living at Jesus’ return? 2Thes1:7-9, 2:8 wicked destroyed by Jesus’ presence Rev20:1-3 Satan bound Jer4:23-27 condition of earth, not full end (Jer25:30-33) Rev20:4,12 dead judged (1Cor4:5, 6:23 judge angels Ps149:4-9 judge kings) Rev20:7-10 Satan again deceives Rev20:13-15 second death App: Rev21:1-5 death pass away 2Pet3:12-13 God makes all new
Hell: Mat13:24-30, 36-43 separation at harvest Mat25:31-34, 41 sheep and goats-hell for Devil 2Pet3:7-13 evil is reserved for fire Rom6:23 wages death (John3:26 perish, Heb12:29 God is a consuming fire) Rev21:1,5 all things new (Rev20:9-10 tormented forever - aion=eon Jude7 Sodom and Gomorrah burning? 2Pet2:6 ashes now Mal4:1-3 wicked will be ashes Ezek28:16,18-19 and Satan? (Nahum1:9 affliction shall not rise again) App: Ezek33:11 No pleasure in destruction
State of Dead: John14:6 Jesus is the life 1Tim6:16 alone immortal Gen2:7 Dust + Breath (ruah-Heb; pneuma-Greek=Breath) (Soul= nephesh-Heb; psuche-Greek) Acts17:24-28 God sustains everything Gen3:9 undoing of a human Job14:10-14 die but raised again Ecc12:7 breath goes back to God Ecc9:5-6 cannot love, hate, or anything contrary to popular ghost stories Ps146:4 thoughts perish Ps115:17 dead can’t praise God John14:1-3 promise of resurrection John11:11-14,17,23-24 death is like sleep Acts2:29-34 David is dead 1Thes4:16-17 dead raised at return John5:28-29 two resurrections App: 1Cor15:51-54 changed and put on immortality Def: Luke23:43 -John20:17; Isn’t soul immortal? Mat10:28, Ezek18:4; Paul’s writings difficult 2Pet3:15-16; 2Cor5:1-8 – Phil3:21 – What was Satan’s first lie?
Judgment: Sanctuary (The heavenly sanctuary is the command center of the universe. It is a place of worship, intercession, and judgment) Ex25:8-9 God commands Israel to make sanctuary after his pattern (Is59:1-2 iniquities have separated us) Heb8:1-2,5 Our tabernacle after one in heaven Ps77:13 God is in sanctuary (only KJV/NKJV) Heb9:1-5 Description of tabernacle (visual) Heb9:12-14,18-22 Jesus paid with blood, tabernacle shadowed that Heb8:1-2,6 Jesus our blood and high priest John1:29 lamb which takes away sin Acts22:16 laver for washing of sins John6:35 bread of life-studying word and communion John9:5 light of world Rev8:4-John14:6 prayers to thru Jesus to father Ex25:22 sanctuary is command center of universe Lev4:27-32 daily sacrificial service Lev16:29-34 Yearly day of atonement (at-one-ment) App: Rev21:22 no temple Heb4:14-16 come boldly to throne
70 Week Prophecy Dan8:27-9:23 context Dan9:24-27 prophecy Num14:34/Ezek4:6 day for a year Mat18:21-22 time for forgiveness and probation Ezra6:14, 7:7-8 rebuilding of Jerusalem Acts10:37-38 Jesus was anointed and became the messiah Luke3:21-23 anointed at baptism at 30 years Luke3:1 history proves this Mark1:15 time prophecy fulfilled Mat27:51 veil rent (1Cor11:25 blood of new covenant spilled) Acts7:51-60 first martyr-this was prophetic Mat24:15 abomination of desolation Luke19:41-44 destruction of Jerusalem App: Luke24:13-34 Don’t miss Jesus’ second coming like first.
Judgment: 1844 Dan8:1-14 prophecy Dan8:15-27 interpretation Dan9:24 70 weeks are cut off from the greater prophecy Dan7:9-10,13-14 parallels cleansing of sanctuary Dan8:10-14 focus on spiritual warfare of little horn Lev16:29-34 Day of atonement; heavenly sanctuary cleaned Heb7:23-8:2 Christ new high priest Heb9:6-7 yearly cleansing Heb9:23-28 sanctuary in heaven needed cleansed Rev14:7 hour of judgment come App: Mat22:1-14 Want robe of Christ’s righteousness?
Mark of the Beast: Rom6:16 service makes you a servant Mat4:9-10 Jesus correlates worship and service Rev14:9-12 what identifies God’s saints? Rev13:2 clues to Beast’s identity. Who was used to kill Jesus? Historian Arthur P. Stanley: The popes filled the place of the vacant emperors at Rome, inheriting their power, prestige, and titles from paganism. Historian Thomas Hobes: the Papacy was, “the ghost of the deceased Roman empire sitting crowned upon its grave”. Rev13:5,7,8,18 worldwide religious power, persecuting, ruling for 1260 years John10:30-33, Luke5:20-21 blasphemy Rev13:15-18, 14:1 parallel to Rev14:9-12 Ex20:8-11 Sabbath has God’s name in it Ex31:13 Sabbath is a sign App: Rev13:15-17 if you can’t obey now, how can you when it may cost you your life? Def: 1Cor1:21-22 both are seal, the HS does sealing, Sabbath is proof of seal Rev14:12 10 Commandments are spoken of here (Rom7:7, 1John3:4)
Remnant: 1Cor14:33 why are there multiple interpretations? John10:12 who scatters sheep? John10:16 what does Jesus do? How do we hear his voice? 2Tim3:16 Jesus teaches thru scripture 1Tim3:15 church teaches TRUTH Rev12:1 woman represents church 2Cor11:2 virgin woman Rev12:2-6,13 true church arose after 1798, when persecution stopped Rev121:17 keeps commands John5:39 OT testifies of Jesus, and true church believes it Rev14:6-7 message of judgment App: John10:16 Is Christ your shepherd? Follow voice
Baptism: John3:1-8 must be born again Mark16:16 believe and be baptized to be saved Eph4:5 ONE baptism Rom6:4-6 buried and crucified-meaning dictates method Mark1:9-10 how Jesus was baptized Acts8:36-39 Ethiopian Eunuch John3:23 much water. 3 preconditions: Mat28:18-20 teach beliefs Heb11:6 faith in Christ Acts2:38 must repent App: Acts2:38, 2Cor6:2 now is day of salvation Def: Can’t be baptized- 2Cor8:12
Gift of Prophecy: Gen15:13-14 God predicts Israel’s affliction Ex3:7-10 God sends Moses Jer29:10 70 year prophecy Ezra1:1,5:1-2 god raised prophet to end 70 years Dan9:25 483 years Mark1:1-4,14,15 John ends prophecy Dan8:14 sanctuary shall be cleansed; Prophetic gifts: Is8:20 speak according to Bible Deu13:1-3 come true and center God (Jer28:9 must come true) 1John4:1-2 confess Christ came in flesh Num12:6 must have visions and dreams 1Thes5:20-21 do not despise, prove all things. www.whiteestate.org Def: woman 2Ki22:14, Luke2:36. Non-canonical 1Chr29:29, 2Chr9:29, 1Sam9:9 no more prophets Eph4:7-13, 1Cor1:6-7, Joel2:28-29. 1856 Vision (T1p131-132) Jer18:7-10, Jonah3:1-10, 1Sam2:27-31
Christian Living: 2Cor5:20 ambassadors (representative of highest order). The way we live should reflect the kingdom we’re from 1John2:15-17 should not love or be distracted by world 2Cor3:18 by beholding we are changed Phil4:8 things to think on Rom12:1-2 renew mind thru Christ; be in world not of world 1Pet2:9 purchased as peculiar people Gen35:1-4, Ex33:2-6 jewelry as god Gen24:22,51-53 used as money Esther8:8, Luke15:22 functional use 1Tim2:9 main principle of adornment Gen3:7,21 modesty in God’s eyes App: 2Tim2:3-4 soldiers of God Heb11:5 please God-be translated 1Pet3:3-4 gentle and quiet spirit says “God, if it doesn’t please you, I won’t do it”.
Prayer: Is44:3 thirsty shall be filled Mat5:6 recognize need Ps66:18 ask forgiveness for all known sins Is59:1-2 sins separate Heb11:6 please God thru faith Mark11:24-26 believe and receive, forgive Mat6:12 as we forgive others James5:16 keep praying fervently Ps55:17 cry unto lord all day James4:2-3 ask right reasons Phil4:6 tell God everything Mat7:7 seek and find 1John5:14-15 ask according to His will App: Mat11:28-30 lay burdens on Jesus Def: pray only to God Mat6:6, what position to pray in? Laying: Is38:1-2, 2Chr6:12-14, Mark11:25, Sitting: 2Sam7:18, Mat15:35-36
Health: 1Cor3:16-17 God destroys those who destroy their temple 3John2 we are to prosper and be in health Gen1:29 original diet Gen9:1-4 restrictions on meat as with poisonous herbs Gen7:2 clean and unclean before ordering to eat “all” Lev3:17 no fat or blood Pro23:29-35 alcohol Pro20:1 makes unwise 1Cor6:10 drunkards don’t inherit kingdom App: 1Thes5:23 body preserved Rom13:14 don’t fulfill lusts Phil4:13 Christ can change us Ps84:11 God doesn’t withhold good Def: Pro31:1-7 – Mat27:34, Lev10:9, 1Pet2:9, Rev1:6; 1Tim3:1-8 – 1Cor10:31, 1Cor3:16-17, 1Thes5:22; Acts10:9-16 – Acts10:28; Mark7:18-19 – Mark7:1-2, Lev11; Rom14:2,14, 1Cor8:8, 1Tim4:1-5 – defend by context
Stewardship Ps24:1 world is God’s Gen1:26 commits it to men Luke14:33 asks for it all sometimes (Luke5:27-29 Levi “gave” all; Mat10:37 love God above all) Ex20:8-11 created everything 1Cor6:20 bought us (1Pet1:18-19 paid for with blood) Mal3:7-10 robbing God Gen28:18-22 tithing initiated 1Cor12:7-11 use talents Eph5:16 time is God’s Mark10:21-22 give all or lose it Mark10:28-31 disciples gave all and were promised reward App: Jim Elliot (Ecuador) “He is no fool who gives that which he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose” Elizabeth Elliot and friends decide to go to Wawdoni Indians and preach to those who killed her husband and friends (Movie: End of the Spear)
Witnessing Mat28:18-20 great commission Mat4:19 fishers of men Rom10:13-15 preachers must be sent Rom1:16 gospel is power of salvation John12:32 Jesus lifted up Ezek33:8-9 God will hold you accountable for not telling others Mat10:32-33 confess Jesus, He confesses us John1:35-51 Andrew calls Peter, John calls Nathaniel Luke8:30-39 Jesus sends demoniac as missionary App: Is43:10-12 we are his witnesses