KS1 Topic: Carnival of the Animals Block B: Mammals
Learn about common mammals found in the African Savanah, the Australian outback, and about domestic farm mammals and domestic pet mammals.Learn about their characteristics, needs and life cycles. Create a class safari park, collages, aboriginal artwork, and much more!Invite visitors to admire your work from this fantastic block!
This Block provides the opportunity to have Eric Carle as the focus author; build a collection of his books throughout Block to enjoy with the Class during story times and for chn to read, and then be ready to create a unique Class Book in S12.Block B: Mammals
[3 strands, each with 4 sessions] / Main outcomes:Science and Geography
Other outcomes:D&T, PHSEandArt
By the end of this block you will have achieved the following outcomes: / Children will:
- Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
- Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
- Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets).
- Name and locate the world’s 7 continents and 5 oceans.
- Locate hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles.
- Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features – vegetation, season, weather.
- Use world maps, atlases and globes to identify countries, continents and oceans.
- Design purposeful, functional, appealing products based on design criteria.
- Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing.
- Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks.
- Select from and use a wide range of materials and components.
- Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria.
- Living in the Wider World - importance of respecting + protecting environment.
- Develop a wide range of Art and Design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
(African Savannah) Session 1
Odd Man Out
Science andGeography
Play the game ‘Odd Man Out’ to distinguish between different/ similar features of mammals living in the African Savannah; locate continent of Africa on world map and identify location and key physical features of the Savanah. / Children will:
- Play the game ‘Odd Man Out’ to distinguish between different/ similar features of mammals living in the African Savannah.
- Locate continent of Africa on world map and identify location and key physical features of the Savanah.
(African Savannah)Session 2
Life Cycles
Learn 4 characteristics of mammals;research the life cycle of the lion and the elephant and make life cycle mobiles. / Children will:
- Learn 4 characteristics of mammals.
- Research the life cycle of the lion and the elephant.
- Find out other interesting facts of the lion and the elephant.
- Know the meaning of the terms carnivore\ herbivore\omnivore.
- Know some key physical features of the African Savannah.
(African Savannah) Session 3
Making Models
Study body shape and different features of the lion and elephant; use practical techniques, skills to create imaginative 2D and 3D representations of the lion and elephant. / Children will:
- Study body shape and different features of the lion and elephant.
- Use practical techniques, skills to create 2D and 3D representations of the lion and elephant.
(African Savannah) Session 4
Safari Park
Discuss the role and purpose of a Safari Park in the UK; consolidate your learning from previous sessions as you design and build spaces and shelters for African animals. / Children will:
- Discuss the role and purpose of a Safari Park in the UK.
- Consolidate their learning from previous sessions.
- Design and construct products for a specific purpose.
(Australian Outback) Session 5
Kangaroos and Koalas
Science andGeography
Wear kangaroo masks and pouches as you research to find interesting fun facts about other mammals that make their home in the Australia Outback. / Children will:
- Identify different/ similar characteristics & features of mammals living in the Australian Outback.
- Locate the continent of Australia on world map and identify location and key physical features of the Outback.
(Australian Outback) Session 6
Life Cycle Diagrams
Science andGeography
Research the life cycle of focus mammals, kangaroos/koala and make life cycle diagrams. / Children will:
- Learn 4 characteristics of mammals.
- Research the life cycle of the Kangaroo or another Australian mammal.
- Find out other interesting facts about Australian mammals.
- Know the meaning of the terms carnivore\ herbivore\omnivore.
- Know some key physical features of the Australian Outback.
(Australian Outback) Session 7
Outback Enclosure
Use recycled/ reclaimed materials to construct a shelter large enough for Australian animal model to fit inside; work together to construct new enclosures for the safari park. To meet the needs of the Australian mammals. / Children will:
- Design and construct products for a specific purpose.
- Consolidate their learning from previous sessions.
- Show awareness of the needs of other living creatures.
(Australian Outback) Session 8
Aboriginal Art
Art and PSHE
Produce a piece of art work in the style of Aboriginal Art to go in an Art Gallery for visitors to the Safari Park. / Children will:
- Produce a piece of art work in the style of Aboriginal Art.
- Peer assess their classmates’ work.
- Learn about the Aboriginal people in Australia.
(Domestic mammals) Session 9
Old MacDonald’s Farm
Science andPSHE
Learn about domestic farm mammals; write a short description about the care of a specific domestic farm mammal; learn about dairy farming. / Children will:
- Learn about domestic farm mammals.
- Learn about dairy farming.
- Write a short description about the care of a specific domestic farm mammal.
(Domestic mammals) Session 10
Pet Corner
Learn about the care of pets and consolidate your learning by creating a pets’ corner for the safari park which meets the needs of our pets. / Children will:
- Learn about the care of pets.
- Ask questions and listen to the answers from a variety of visitors.
- Consolidate their learning.
(Domestic mammals) Session 11
Choose a Mammal!
Look carefully at the structure and features of common mammals and consolidate your learning by representing a chosen mammal by painting in the style of Eric Carle. / Children will:
- Present and consolidate their learning.
- Produce artwork in the style of Eric Carle.
- Identify the structure of selected mammals.
(Mammals) Session 12
Invite adults into classroom to admire your completed Safari Park, lion and elephant collages, Aboriginal artwork, mammal alphabet and other creative work and writing completed during this block. / Children will:
- Consolidate their learning.
- Take part in a presentation/performance.
Session 1
Provided: Key vocabulary word cards; Copies of odd one out sheets, numbers 2 to 12.
You will need: Plastic model African Savannah mammals; + kangaroo odd one out sheet enlarged/displayed on IWB for teacher to model; Role play costume for Saint-Saëns (S-S); Non-fiction books on Africa / Savannah / Animals.
Session 2
Provided: Copies of life cycle images; Copy of ‘The African Savannah’ for teacher to read aloud; Examples and facts for elephants and lions; Session 1 Word cards.
You will need: Small PE hoops; Blu-tack; Sticky tape; Small whiteboards; Selection of non-fiction books; Coloured stiff paper + felt tip pens.
Session 3
Provided: Session 3 elephant and calf picture.
You will need: Selection of books by Eric Carle; Books about Africa, savannah, animals both fiction and non-fiction; Play dough; Animal shape cutters; Tracing paper; Lion coloured paper and tissue paper; Grey, blue, black, green tissue paper; Firm ‘art’ paper A1 size; Glue; Scissors; Elephant / lion coloured; Paint + brush; Paper plates; Stiff paper/light card for models; Felt tip pens; Small white boards, pens; CD ‘Carnival of the Animals’.
Session 4
Provided: Small world ideas.
You will need: Role play safari hats/ pith helmets/ or suitable party hats; You could make ‘Wildlife Expert’ badges; A3 paper for each child.
Session 5
You will need: Plastic models from S1 – elephant, lion, kangaroo; Hand puppets - kangaroo + koala; Card for kangaroo and koala masks; A4 brown envelopes (to make pouch); Non-fiction texts.
Session 6
Provided: Large, cut out curved arrows for life cycle diagram; Illustrations for life cycle of kangaroo; Fact box examples.
You will need: Selection of non-fiction books to research Australian mammals; Felt tip pens, glue, scissors; A3 coloured paper.
Session 7
Provided: Photos and labels forAlphabet of mammals – print a selection (‘washing line’ pegs); Suggestions for alphabet.
You will need: Toy kangaroo with letter (you will need to produce this); ‘Wildlife Expert’ hats and badges; Flip chart (f/c); Selection of reclaimed/recyclable materials; stiff paper/thin card; Glue, scissors, felt tip pens, crayons, colouring pencils; Small plastic bags, dried pasta, card to make ‘bag Roos’; Plastic models of Australian mammals; Play dough in assortment of colours; Construction kits; Small world play resources; Binoculars, pith helmets, other role play ‘jungle’ resources; A selection of non-fiction books regarding Australia; Card for writing labels.
Session 8
You will need: Artefacts / images of Aboriginal Art; Templates of Australian mammals (created by cutting out pictures from previous sessions); Art paper and comment cards; Cotton buds & paint brushes; A selection of different sized tools with round ends, such as pencils, clay tools, wooden cylinders (bricks); A selection of paint in ‘earth colours’.
Session 9
Provided: Images of farm animals.
You will need: Kangaroo and Koala soft toy/puppet (K&K); Toy farm; Paper and colouring pencils; Card cut into hay sheaf shape; Non-fiction books – farms and farm animals; Letters to go home, inviting pets into school.
Session 10
You will need: Flip chart (f/c) or IWB; Pre-arranged visits of owners and their pets; Small world pets + accessories; Construction kits; Role play items for ice cream kiosk, shop, café, Vet’s surgery, Pet Shop; Paint, paper, brushes, pencil crayons, oil pastels, felt tip pens; Mini books for free writing; Selection of Eric Carle books, information books about pets, fiction featuring pets; For plenary – visit from a member of staff who doesn’t have a pet and could pretend to be considering having one.
Session 11
You will need:A selection of Eric Carle books and illustrations, including Brown Bear what do you see; Paint, brushes, paper, pencils, scissors, stick tape; Information books; Paper for writing fact boxes.
Session 12
Provided: Words for the narrators (adapt for 1 to 8 people as suitable for your circumstances).
You will need: Items created during the Block – elephant, lion, kangaroo and koala masks; Life cycles; Art work from S11; CD Carnival of the Animals or YouTube clips from previous sessions.
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