We bring attention to our parishioners that it is most inappropriate to enter the Sanctuary during:
· Reading of the Lections until the Creed is recited
· During Confession and Communion
· During the Sermon
Please, wait in the vestibule until such time when it is proper to enter the Sanctuary.
Welcome to Parishioners and Friends
We are very glad to welcome all who have come to worship the Lord with us today. May God’s Holy Spirit strengthen and encourage each of us. If you are here for the first time, we are pleased with your presence and hope that you will experience the love of God and enjoy warm Christian fellowship. Please, be sure to fill out the “Welcome” card placed in the pew racks.
Fellowship Hour
Following church services, you are invited to the Fellowship Hour hosted by Sandra Hitik on behalf of the Women’s Guild.
Hokehankisd – Page 56 of the Divine Liturgy Book
Requiem Service will be offered today for the repose of the souls of Albert and Elizabeth Antonian, requested by Alyce, Bert, Lisa and Michael Schaffer.
Altar Flowers
The flowers adorning the altar today are presented to the glory of God by the Schaffer Family in memory of Albert and Elizabeth Antonian.
Summer Worship Hours
Summer Worship Hours during the months of July and August, including September 2nd and 9th are: Morning Services - 9:30 to 10:00 am - Divine Liturgy - 10:00 am
Let us remind ourselves that we still need to support the church during the summer months and thank God for all He has given us. Please attend church services as scheduled.
Prayers for the Sick (Der Voghormia) – Page 45 of the Divine Liturgy Book
Let us remember and ask God’s Blessings for our parishioners who are ill at home, in a hospital or nursing home. Let us continue with our prayers for:
Charles Bedrosian Mary Kerridan Alyce Schaffer
Jim Bottala Grace Klujian Lisa Schaffer
Kathy Burke Joshua Lion, MN Jim Sharoian
Susan Byrne Josh Najarian Mendell, CA Mark Silas
Ashley Davis Mary Martin Mary Sommese Hagop Dirilen Benjamin Manoyan Sam Sommese
Mihran Erkiletian Virginia Nazlaian Julie Tarpinian
Marty Hamparzomian John Paklaian John Traiforos
Harry Khachadourian, FL Hugo Sarkesian Denise Abezetian
Prayer Request
For those wishing to request Requiem Service (Hokehankist), prayers or to enter a loved-one’s name on the prayer list, please call the church office by Thursday of that week.
Nicene Creed
Together, we shall recite the Nicene Creed (The Profession of Our Faith) on pages 18-19 of the Divine Liturgy Book found in the pews.
Kiss of Peace – Pages 26-27 of the Divine Liturgy Book
The person giving the greeting says:
Krisdos ee mech mer haydnetzav.
(Christ is revealed among us.)
The person receiving the greeting responds:
Orhynal eh haydnootiunn Krisdosee.
(Blessed is the revelation Christ.)
Confession and Communion
For those who wish to receive Holy Communion, we ask that they remain in their pews and together read “Confession and Absolution” on pages 48-49 of the Divine Liturgy Book. When taking communion, make the sign of the cross and say:
I have sinned against God – Ø»Õ³Û ²ëïáõÍáÛ (Megha asdoodzo)
Ladies must have a head covering when approaching the Holy Altar.
Care, Maintenance and Cost of the “Light of St. Gregory”
Our thanks to Dr. Jeff Wittmus for taking the responsibility for the care, maintenance and cost of keeping the “Light of St. Gregory” illuminated for the month of July.
Church and Home: One in Spirit
“Home blessing” is a powerful Armenian tradition. All parishioners were made aware that the Armenian Church of American (Eastern) designated 2007 as the year of “Church and Home: One in Spirit.” This is to encourage every Armenian family to invite Fr. Aren into their home to conduct a Home Blessing service. We ask the faithful to please fill out the “Home Blessing Request” form at the bottom of Fr. Aren’s recent letter and send it to the Church Office. Fr. Aren will respond to your request bringing the Blessing of Christ into your home to benefit our Karekin II, Habitat for Humanity Fund.
We extend our sincere condolences to the family of Boghos Kokuzian who died on Tuesday, July 17, 2007. Funeral Services were held on Friday, July 20, 2007 at Armenian All Saints Apostolic Church, Glenview, IL. Interment: Ridgewood Cemetery. May God give rest to his soul and comfort the members of his family.
Calling Post
All parishioners are being asked to take a few minutes of their time to fill out the forms on the Calling Post/E-mail flyer sent last week. The information may be sent by mail, Fax (773-637-5592), E-mail () or dropped in the mail box just outside of the church office. It will be of tremendous help to receive this information as soon as possible so that the Calling Post can be put into service.
Hye Camp 2007
It’s a record year for Hye Camp which will be held on Sunday, July 29 through August 4 at Camp Hickory, 26202 West Nippersink Road, Ingleside, IL under the direction of Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian! Let’s not forget that all former and future HYE CAMPERS, staff members, interested parents and friends of Hye Camp are invited to the 5th Annual Open House on Sunday, July 29th. Come and visit the campsite for a tour of the facilities, introduction of staff, dinner and an afternoon of fun. Don’t miss it!
Women’s Guild
The next monthly meeting of the St. Gregory Women’s Guild will be held on Wednesday, September 5th at 7:00 p.m.
Update on the 33rd Annual Armenian Fest
The final meeting of the “fest” showed that it’s all being put together. All Mini Raffle tickets are to be returned as soon as possible and all unsold “Really Big Raffle” tickets are to be turned in by July 31st. And, we would like to stress that volunteers – young or old -- are needed for this most important fund raising event. If you can offer your services, please call the church office. Co-chairs of this year’s “fest” are: Craig Koresian and Armen Zakarian.
Conclusion of the Divine Liturgy
The faithful should remain in their pews until the final blessing. After the final blessing, the faithful should come forward to kiss the Gospel saying:
ÚÇß»ëó¿ î¿ñ ½³Ù»Ý³ÛÝ å³ï³ñ³·ë ùá:
Hes-shes-tseh Der za-me-nayn ba-da-ra-kus-ko
(May the Lord remember all your sacrifices.)
The Celebrant responds by saying:
î³ó¿ ù»½ î¿ñ Áëï ëñïÇ ùáõÙ:
Dat-zhe Kez Der Esd Ser-dee Koo
(May the Lord grant to you according to your heart.)
Upon leaving the sanctuary, one is to do so quietly and reverently.
When the Need Arises – Get in Touch with the Church Office
Before making any preparation, when choosing a date and time for Weddings and Baptisms, please, be sure to contact our pastor, Fr. Aren Jebejian. All Sacraments must be arranged at least three months ahead. Other church related matters, such as hospital and home visitations and counseling, should also be made first with Fr. Aren. In order to invite clergy from other churches, arrangements must be made through the church office.
Parish Council Meeting – 3rd Tuesday of each month – 7:30 PM
Bible Study – 1st and 3rd Monday of each month – 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Choir Practice – 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month – 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Children’s Sermon – 3rd Sunday of each month
Tuesday, July 24 - Parish Council Meeting
Sunday, July 29 - Deacons Service – Deacon Artur Petrosyan
Sunday, July 29
through - HYE CAMP 2007 – Camp Hickory, Ingleside, IL
Saturday, August 4
MOTHER-OF-GOD & Blessing of Grapes
Wednesday, Sept. 5 - Women’s Guild Meeting – 7:00 pm
Sunday, Sept. 30 - Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak
Tuesday, October 23 - Visit of His Holiness Karekin II, Wisconsin
Wednesday, October 24 - Visit of His Holiness Karekin II
Thursday, October 25 to Chicago
July 15th Attendance: 50
6700 W. Diversey Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60707
Phone: (773) 637-1711
Fax: (773) 637-5592
July 22, 2007
Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian