Property Name/Description: / Frontier – Sage Pointe II / 58 remaining near finished lots
Property Location: / South of Muscatel Street and west of Escondido Avenue, about 1 mile east of IH 15, Hesperia, San Bernardino County, CA
Relationship Manager (review client): / Aram Poladian
Borrower's Name: / OREO Corp. – Bank Group owned asset
Intended Use of Review Document: / Support KeyBank transaction underwriting
Intended User(s) of Review: / Internal Bank Client
Purpose of Review Assignment: / Determine reasonableness of market value estimates and regulatory compliance of appraisal
Appraisal Firm: / Michael Frauenthal & Associates, Inc.
Appraiser Responsible: / Scott Peterson
Legal Interest Appraised: / Fee Simple
Appraisal – Date of Report: / April 27, 2009
Reviewed By/Effective Date of Review: / Marcella N. Pardo, MAI / June 11, 2009
Appraisal Type: / Complete /
/ LimitedAppraisal Report Type: / Self-Contained / / Summary / X
Market Value Conclusions /
Effective Date
/ Market ValueAs Submitted /Market Value
As Adopted
Market Value As Is on Appraisal Date: / 4/15/09 / $530,000 / $530,000Disposition Value on Appraisal Date*: / 4/15/09 / $450,000 / $450,000
*Disposition Value, as defined by the client, is a limited marketing period equal to a six month marketing period associated with the market value conclusion.
/ Excellent / Good / Avg. / Below Avg. /Poor
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Completeness of the report: / X /
Adequacy and relevance of the data, and propriety of any adjustments to the data: / X
Appropriate appraisal methods & techniques: / X
Analysis, opinions & conclusions appropriate, & reasonable: / X
Overall Appraisal Quality Rating / / X
Yes / No
Market Value Conclusion Reasonable / X
RECOMMENDATION: / Adopt / Adopt as modified by appraiser / Adopt as modified by reviewer / REJECT
In compliance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP, Standards Rule 3), the following disclosure is made concerning the nature, extent, and detail of the review process conducted regarding the appraisal identified within the attached review document, and the reporting of the results of the appraisal review.
Unless otherwise stated herein, this review is limited to a desk review, which is completed without a field inspection of either the subject property or the comparable properties and is limited by the data presented in the report. The appraiser’s methodology and techniques are reviewed for appropriateness and calculations are checked. In addition, data in the report is checked for consistency and that the appraisal was completed in accordance with the Bank's guidelines, Title XI of FIRREA, and USPAP. The opinions and conclusions of the review are summarized in the attached "Real Estate Appraisal Review Document.
Unless stated otherwise in the following Expanded Scope Of Work section, the analyses, opinions, and conclusions in this review are based solely on the data, analyses, and conclusions contained in the appraisal report under review.
- It is an Extraordinary Assumption of this review that the data in the appraisal report is representative of existing market data. No attempt has been made to obtain additional market data for this review. Unless otherwise indicated in the Certification, I have not personally inspected the subject property or comparable market data. Furthermore, I have not independently researched or verified the data supplied by the appraiser within the report.
- All items in the work under review that the reviewer concludes are credible and in compliance with the applicable USPAP Development Standards are extended to the reviewer’s development process in this appraisal review document on the basis of an Extraordinary Assumption.
None noted.
The subject consists of 58 near-finished remaining lots in the Sage Pointe II subdivision. Recent data paints a weak picture of the regional and local housing markets. Prices continue to decline, pushed lower by competition from foreclosures, short sales, and by buyer’s fears and difficulty qualifying for loans. Very high foreclosure rates continue to drive home prices downward.
Builders who purchased land during the peak markets years of 2005 and 2006 cannot build profitably at today’s prices and many are choosing to mothball their projects or simply walk away. As a result, lots are selling at a fraction of the original price. With their lower cost basis, the new builders will be able to undercut existing projects, pushing additional developments into foreclosure. Until the inventories of distressed lots and homes are depleted, recovery is unlikely. The appraiser reports that most experts believe the market will remain depressed through at least 2009 and likely well into 2010.
The subject property was previously appraised by Scott Peterson in August 2008. The as is market and disposition values (deemed to be the same at that time) were $670,000. The current appraised market and disposition values mirror the continued decline in values and reflect the extended marketing time due to additional inventory available for sale in the subject market.
· Remaining costs to finish the lots is considered minor at $1,000 to $2,000 per lot
· The subject high desert area rates the highest affordability index in the state at 83%, with an entry level home priced at $103,220
· No sales/closings of finished/near finished lots in the high desert since October 2008
· Weak economic conditions
· As more banks foreclose on lots, supply is continuing to increase
Overall Near-Term Market Trends for Subject Property TypeImproving Market Trends
Stable Market Conditions
Cautionary Concerns are Present
X / Deteriorating Market Trends
The success of the subject sub-market is largely tied to the larger macro market, therefore until regional downward trends reverse; the subject sub market is vulnerable to further deterioration. Until then, value pricing and the ability of buyers to secure financing is paramount in generating sales.
The market overview presented was as of 4th quarter 2008 and considered dated. The appraiser was asked to update the information to 1st quarter 2009. Further detail was requested regarding community facility district (CFD) taxes and whether the assessment directly applies to the subject lots. Lastly, various minor inconsistencies were noted and remedied as well. The appraiser provided a revised pdf incorporating the review comments, with no value change.
Overall, the review notes that the value opinions stated in the report under review were developed in compliance with applicable standards and requirements. The value conclusions are appropriate and reasonable given the data and analysis presented. The KRETS Reviewer has adopted the report and the value conclusions as outlined on Page 1 of this Real Estate Appraisal Review Document for lending purposes.
Page #
1 / Does the appraiser state the identity of the Client and Intended User(s)? / 2-2 a/b (i) / 22 / Does the appraiser state the intended use of the appraisal? / 2-2 a/b (ii) / 2
3 / Does the appraiser sufficiently identify the real estate involved in the appraisal, including the physical and economic property characteristics relevant to the assignment? / 2-2 a/b (iii) / i-iii
4 / Does the appraiser state the real property interest appraised? / 2-2 a/b (iv) / 3
5 / Does the appraiser state the type and definition of value and cite the source of the definition? / 2-2 a/b (v) / 3
6a / Does the appraiser state the Date of the Report? / 2-2 a/b (vi) / 2
6b / Does the appraiser state the Effective Date of the Appraisal? / 2-2 a/b (vi) / 2
7 / Does the appraiser state the Scope of Work used to develop the appraisal, including a description of the extent of collecting, confirming and reporting data? / 2-2 a/b (vii) / 2
8 / Does the appraiser discuss the information analyzed, the appraisal methods and techniques employed, and the reasoning that supports the analysis, opinions, and conclusions; exclusion of the sales comparison, cost approach, or income approach must be explained? / 2-2 a/b (viii) / 66
9a / Does the appraiser state the use of the real estate existing as of the date of value? / 2-2 a/b (ix) / 46-52
9b / Does the appraiser discuss the use of the real estate reflected in the appraisal? / 2-2 a/b (ix) / 46-52
9c / Is the appraiser’s rationale for the opinion of highest and best use discussed? / 2-2 a/b (ix) / 63-64
10a / Are Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical Conditions disclosed in a clear and conspicuous manner? / 2-2 a/b (x) / 7-8
10b / Does the appraiser state that the use of Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical Conditions might have affected the assignment results? / 2-2 a/b (x) / 7-8
11 / Is there a signed certificate in accordance with SR 2-3? / 2-2 a/b (xi) / Addenda
12 / Is the subject sufficiently identified (street address, legal description, assessor’s parcel number, tax id number, etc)? / X13 / Does the appraiser state the date of inspection? / X
14 / If applicable, are retrospective and prospective values properly identified per USPAP? / X
15 / Is a statement of ownership history of the subject provided, and is any listing, option, or pending contract revealed and discussed? / X
Comments: No significant deficiencies noted.
/ N / NA16 / Are the discussion and analysis of regional and neighborhood data and trends relevant and adequate? Does appraiser include a discussion of population and employment trends and their impact on area occupancy, rent, and value trends? / X
Comments: No significant deficiencies noted.
/ NA17 / Is the site description adequate, including size, shape, frontage, drainage, and discussion of surrounding properties? / X
18 / Are easements, flood plain, wetlands, and/or other encumbrances adequately identified and addressed? / X
19 / Are environmental hazards identified and addressed or standard disclaimer included? / X
20 / Are zoning and tax analysis adequately addressed? / X
21 / Is the description of improvements adequate, including photographs, site plan and drawings of improvements? / X
Comments: No significant deficiencies noted.
HIGHEST AND BEST USE ANALYSIS/MARKET ANALYSIS / Y / N / NA22 / Does the appraiser follow the four criteria for establishing a Highest and Best Use? / X
23 / Are any probable physical, legal or external changes considered, such as a pending change in zoning that may impact property value? / X
24 / Does the appraiser identify the Most Likely Buyer/Typical User, and is the analysis consistent with this conclusion throughout the report? / X
25 / Is the level of market analysis compliant with the terms of the engagement and the size and complexity of the transaction involving this collateral? / X
26 / Does the appraiser provide an adequate discussion of economic feasibility for proposed new construction or changes in the existing improvements? / X
Comments: No significant deficiencies noted.
LAND VALUATION / Y / N / NA27 / Are land sales current, comparable, and appropriately adjusted? / X
28 / Is the land value opinion logical and reasonable? / X
COST APPROACH / Y / N / NA29 / Is the basis for the replacement cost estimate properly documented? / X
30 / Does the estimated cost to complete proposed improvements include leasing expenses and/or holding cost during construction? / X
31 / Are all forms of accrued depreciation considered and supported? / X
32 / Does the appraiser account for and adequately support Entrepreneurial Profit? / X
33 / Is the value indication via the Cost Approach logical and reasonable? / X
SALES COMPARISON APPROACH / Y / N / NA34 / Are the improved sales current, comparable, and cash equivalent, and are photographs of the sales included? / X
35 / Are the improved sale write-ups comprehensive, including indications of income, expenses, Ro, and EGIM? / X
36 / Are the improved sales adjusted for occupancy, deferred maintenance and/or remaining tenant finish at date of sale? / X
37 / Is the value conclusion via the Sales Comparison Approach logical and reasonable? / X
Comments: No significant deficiencies noted.
INCOME APPROACH / Y / N / NA38 / Are the contract rents appropriately analyzed and supported? Is a rent roll and/or income history provided? / X
39 / Is the market rent appropriately analyzed and supported, including rent comparable photographs? / X
40 / Is the income for all sources, including reimbursements, considered and analyzed? / X
41 / Is vacancy and collection loss reasonable and supported? If applicable, is the absorption forecast reasonable and adequately supported? / X
42 / Are expenses appropriately analyzed and supported? / X
43 / Is an expense history provided? Are expense comparables included that may include IREM or BOMA references? / X
44 / Are the overall and terminal capitalization rates and discount rates reasonable and supported? / X
45 / Are the pro forma income statements and/or DCF assumptions and projections reasonable and supported? / X
46 / Is the value indication via the Income Approach logical and reasonable? / X
Comments: No significant deficiencies noted.
RECONCILIATION AND FINAL VALUE CONCLUSION / Y / N / NA47 / Is the estimated exposure time and marketing period disclosed and reasonable based on the data presented? / X
48 / Is the final value appropriately split between realty and non-realty items? Is the impact of their inclusion/exclusion on the estimate of value discussed? / X
49 / Are final value opinions consistent with the data presented, and sufficient documentation included to assess the appraiser's logic, reasoning, judgment, and analysis? / X
Comments: No significant deficiencies noted.
USPAP, FIRREA and KeyBank POLICY ISSUES / Y / N / NA50 / Are Assumptions and Limiting Conditions, Extraordinary Assumptions and Hypothetical Conditions appropriate and reasonable? / X
51 / Has the engaged appraiser certified personal inspection of the property? / X
52 / Are Qualifications and copies of the State Certifications included in the report for all appraisers providing a significant contribution to the completion of the appraisal assignment? / X
53 / Does the appraisal conform to generally accepted appraisal standards as evidenced by the USPAP (unless principles of safe and sound banking require compliance with stricter standards)? / X
54 / Is appraisal written with sufficient information and analysis to support the institution's decision to engage in the transaction? / X
55 / Does the appraisal analyze and report appropriate deductions and discounts for proposed construction or renovation, partially leased buildings, non-market lease terms, and tract developments with unsold units? / X
56 / Did state licensed or certified appraisers prepare the appraisal? / X
57 / If information was unavailable, is that fact disclosed and explained in the report? / X
58 / Does the report conform to FIRREA, and KeyBank appraisal policy? / X
59 / Are engagement instructions and other appraiser correspondence included in the report? / X
Comments: The appraisal report conforms to the policies and procedures of KeyBank.