Physics 2014-15Hard work, done well, feels good!
Teacher: Mr. Wilterdink
Behavioral expectations:
Much of your class time will be spent working in the lab or on practice problems. The rate at which work is completed varies widely among students. It is common courtesy to be quiet during these unstructured times. Using this time to socialize with friends will not only affect your performance, but also those around you who may have difficulty concentrating. I-pods will not be allowed unless permission has been specifically granted by me. Use of any i-pod games, calculator games, or cell phones will result in the following consequences:
1st offense – verbal warning
2nd offense – confiscation of the device, returned at the end of class, and a written reprimand
3rd offense – device will be turned over to the principal along with a written reprimand
Your grade is based on the total points received divided by the total points possible. This percentage is then converted to a letter grade using the school’s default grading scale. Each topic will be concluded with a 10-point quiz. Each lab activity will be worth 10 points as well. The lab points will consist of a lab report (5 points) and a subsequent lab quiz (5 points). There will be a year-long cumulative test at the end of each quarter worth 50 points. The material specific to that quarter will make up 40 of the 50 points. The topic quizzes are directly related to the homework for the topic. While the homework is not worth any points directly, not doing it will negatively impact your quiz and test scores. If you’ve done all the homework and still don’t have a firm grasp of the material, I can give you additional help and/or more practice problems.
Hall passes:
Each student will receive 2 hall passes per quarter. These passes are to use the restroom, retrieve materials from your locker, or getting a drink from the drinking fountain. You may not leave the classroom without a pass. Ram bucks may also be used as hall passes.Students must sign out on the yellow sheet on the lab table closest to the clock whenever they leave the classroom.
Class content:
The class is set up so that students may work independently at their own pace if they choose. Working ahead is not only acceptable, but encouraged. Students who finish the required material prior to the end of the semester will work on additional topics that will better prepare them for AP Physics. The additional topics will be worth extra credit and can only improve your semester grade.
A student will be considered tardy if they do not have two feet inside the doorway by the final bell. This includes students that reported to class and then left to go to the bathroom or to get a drink before the final bell. The consequences for tardies after first period are as follows and will reset each quarter:
1st offense: verbal warning
2nd offense: teacher-student conference
3rd offense: 15 minute detention
4th offense: behavioral plan referral and a detention
Students tardy to first period must obtain a pass from the office and are not subject to the above consequences.
Semester 1Topics
Topic 1 - Math Review
Topic 2 – Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration
Topic 3 - Newton’s Laws of Motion
Topic 4 –Projectile Motion
Topic 5 – Uniform Circular Motion
Semester 2Topics
Topic 6 - Conservation of Energy
Topic 7 - Conservation of Momentum
Topic 8 - Conservation of Heat
Topic 9 - Universal Gravitation
Topic 10 –Geometric Optics
Each topic will culminate in a 10-point quiz based on the homework given during the topic.
“Ram buck” benefits
- Extra hall pass (1 ram buck)
- Listen to music while you work (1 for a single day, 2 for the entire week)
- Lowest quiz score dropped for the quarter (1 ram buck) (one per semester, void if you exempt from a test)
- Exemption from a quarter test (first exemption - 10 ram bucks, second exemption – 20 ram bucks) (limit of one exemption per semester)
- Class party (1 ram buck for every person on the class roster, including those that are absent)
(Please note that I reserve the right to change the benefit menu based on inflation, a changing ram buck market, or simply an executive decision. Items may be added to the list during the school year.)