MAT 0024College Preparatory Algebra

Reference Number: Spring 2007-2

Instructor’s Name: Email:

Office: Math Lab, room 2223Office Hours:

To leave messages for the instructor, call:305-237-3834

Website: Mailbox location: Math Lab, room 2223

Course Description:This course introduces you to the basic concepts of algebra.

You will simplify or perform operations on signed numbers, radicals, polynomials, and

expressions containing exponents; factor polynomials; solve and graph linear equations and inequalities in one variable; graph linear equations in two variables; solve related applications.

Learning Outcomes:The competencies and objectives included in this course will address some of the recently adopted Miami Dade College General Education outcomes, a set of 10 learning outcomes we expect graduating students to master in the years to come.

MiamiDadeCollege General Education Outcomes

As graduates of MiamiDadeCollege, students will be able to:

  1. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
  2. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data.
  3. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning.
  4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives.
  6. Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society.
  8. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.
  9. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities.
  10. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment.

The learning activities designed in this course will address outcomes 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8.

AA degree-seeking students: Upon successful completion of MAT 0024 (grade of S), you should register for MAT 1033, after which you should take MGF 1106, MGF 1107, or MAC 1105, depending on your major and the institution to which you are planning to transfer. Be sure to take your mathematics courses in consecutive terms.

Textbook:Carson, Gillespie, & Jordan, Elementary Algebra and Intermediate Algebra, 2nd ed. (Addison Wesley)

Assistance:You can obtain assistance for mathematics classes in the Mathematics Laboratory, room 2223. There, you will find course-related videotapes and computer software, and tutors that can help you to successfully complete this course. The Math Lab is open these hours:

MTWR 8:00 AM-9:00 PM, F 8:00 AM-4:00 PM, Saturday 8:00 AM-4:00 PM.

You do not need an appointment. The telephone number for the lab is 305-237-3834. If you have a problem with the Math Lab, please contact Arcides Acosta, Maliya Beylin, Jose De Paz, or Verdieu Lucas at 305-237-3834.

Study Sessions: You are required to attend your study session each week. One of the requirements for receiving an S in this class is to earn at least a grade of 70% in your study session. If you have a problem with your Study Session, please contact Verdieu Lucas at 305-237-3016.

Lab Hours: You are required to complete 16 hours during the term in the mathematics laboratory (Room 2223) You need to have completed a minimum of eight hours by the midterm date, and you may not exceed three hours on any one day. You May Not complete Lab hours during times when you are scheduled to be in class or in your Study Session. If you do so you could lose every hour that you have accumulated to that point. You will need to check in and out of the Math Lab each time you are there to earn the credit for the College Prep lab hour requirement.

Classroom and Laboratory Etiquette: Please refrain from bringing food or drinks into any classroom, lab, or into the courtyard. Please turn off any cellular phones and set pagers to "vibrate." You are expected to arrive on time to class, depart when the class has concluded, and treat others respectfully. You are encouraged to ask questions. The tutors in the lab must help all the students and take turns; they cannot work with one student for a prolonged period of time. For additional help, please see Arcides Acosta, Maliya Beylin, Jose De Paz, or Verdieu Lucas.

Problems with Instructor: If you are having a problem with your mathematics instructor, please see that instructor during office hours. Before or after class is generally not a good time to discuss a problem with an instructor who is either about to start class or on the way to the next class. If after speaking with your instructor during office hours you cannot resolve the problem, then you need to visit the chairperson, Dr. Alicia Giovinazzo (office 1540) as the next step.

Withdrawal: If you feel that you will be unable to complete the requirements for passing a class, it is important that you drop the class by the college's "drop date" as established by the registrar's office. You should speak to your instructor prior to making the decision to drop. Remember that it is your responsibility to drop a class, not the instructor's. If circumstances such as illness, accident, change in employment situation, etc., prevent you from continuing to attend your class BEFORE the drop date, speak to your instructor and see the Dean of Students (room 1201) for your options regarding an appeal. If such a situation occurs AFTER the drop date, you should contact the instructor for information as to how you can complete the requirements for passing the course.

Homework:Homework is assigned each day in class. Homework for each unit is turned in to the instructor and is generally checked for completion. All work must be shown. Your name, instructor’s name and reference number, book section numbers and problem numbers must be clearly written on your homework. It must be turned in stapled together in order. Homework may not be turned in late. Your instructor may assign online homework instead of, or in addition to, the homework listed on the syllabus.

Grading:In this as in all College Preparatory courses, you will earn an S (Satisfactory), P (Progress), or U (Unsatisfactory.)

To earn a grade of S you will need to fulfill ALL of the following requirements:

  • Complete 16 hours in the Math Lab (Room 2223)
  • Attend required Study Sessions and complete all class assignments, projects, and quizzes to earn at least 70% Study Session grade.
  • Earn at least 70% in your lecture class.
  • Earn a minimum of 60% on the College Preparatory Exit Test (CPET) which you must take during Final Exam week on the date and time designated by the Office of the Registrar.

To earn a grade of P you will need to fulfill ALL of the following requirements:

  • Complete 16 hours in the Math Lab (Room 2223)
  • Attend required Study Sessions and complete all class assignments, projects, and quizzes to earn at least 70% Study Session grade.
  • Attend and participate in all lecture classes.
  • Take the College Preparatory Exit Test (CPET) which will be given during Final Exam week on the date and time designated by the Office of the Registrar.

You will earn a grade of U if you stop attending class but you did not withdraw within the College’s deadline. Note that a grade of U counts against your GPA because it is calculated as an F.

The grade of I (Incomplete) is NOT given in this course.


Classes begin / T Jan 8
First day that lab hours can be accumulated in College Prep courses (MAT 0002, MAT 0020, MAT 0024) / T Jan 8
Last day for drop with W (regular 16 week classes only) / T March 18
Last day that lab hours can be accumulated in College Prep courses / T March 18
Last Day of Classes / F April 25
Final Exam Week / Apr 28 – May 2
Holidays or days there are no classes and the Math Lab is closed / Jan19, 20, 21.
Mar 6, 21, 22, 23.


Syllabus, Homework Assignments, and Study Session Activities

Abbreviations: R= Review T = Test CR = Cumulative Review SS= Study Session

All projects, done in groups, will be presented to the class on the designated days by each group.

Week / Section / Topic (class) / Problems (odds unless otherwise noted) / Study Session Activity
1 / Go Over Handouts and Syllabus;
Form Groups for Study Sessions / Go Over Math Anxiety Test, Symptoms, and Help
1.1 / Number Sets, Structure of Algebra / 1-9, 21-79
1.3 / Adding, Subtracting Real Numbers, Properties of Real Numbers. / 9-95, 97, 99, 105
2 / 1.4 / Multiplying, Dividing Real Numbers, Properties of Real Numbers. / 11-83
1.5 / Exponents, Order of Operations / 7-23, 49-61, 65, 67, 69, 77-83, 91 / Review HW Problems
SS Quiz 1
Holiday( Jan 21, 2008)
3 / 1.6 / Translating Word Phrases to Expressions / 1-35, 41-51
1.7 / Evaluation and Rewriting Expressions / 1-15, 41-47, 59-73 / Review for Exam1
2.2 / The Addition Principle / 1-5, 23-61, 67-75 / Review HW Problems
2.3 / The Multiplication Principle / 7-75
2.4 / Applying the Principles to Formulas / 5-19, 25-37, 41-57, 61, 63 / SS Quiz 2
5 / 2.5 / Translating Word Sentences to Equations / 7-39, 61, 63
2.6 / Inequalities / 5-43, 49, 53, 57
6 / 3.1 / Ratios and Proportions / 7-11, 21-27, 31-37, 47-63, 71, 73 / Activity 1: Percents
3.2 / Percents / 7-55, 59-63, 71, 75 / SS Quiz 3
DEPARTMENTAL EXAM 2 / Activity 2: Tables and Graphs
7 / 4.1 / The Rectangular Coordinate System / 5-31, 37, 41 / SS Quiz 4
4.2 / Graphing Linear Equations / 7-17, 23-55, 63, 65, 67
4.3 / Graphing Using Intercepts / 7-49
8 / 4.4 / Slope / 39-53 / Activity 3: Slopes and Plotting Points
4.6 / Inequalities / 5-39, 43
5.1 / Exponents and Scientific Notation / 7-37, 45, 49-57, 65-77 / Review HW problems
10 / 5.2 / Introduction to Polynomials / 7-51, 57, 63-93
5.3 / Adding and Subtracting Polynomials / 5-57 / SS Quiz 5
5.4 / Exponent Rules and Multiplying Polynomials / 7-25, 31, 33, 37, 39, 55-79 / Activity 4: Adding Like Terms
11 / 5.5 / Multiplying Polynomials; Special products / 7-27, 33, 37-69, 79-103
5.6 / Exponent Rules and Dividing Polynomials / 47-75
12 / DEPARTMENTAL EXAM3 / Review HW Problems
6.1 / GCF and Factoring by Grouping / 7-95
6.2 / Factoring trinomials / 5-69 / SS Quiz 6
13 / 6.3 / Factoring trinomials / 5-71
6.4 / Factoring special products / 7-75 / Review HW Problems
6.5 / Strategies for Factoring / 7-81
6.6 / Solving quadratic Equations by Factoring / 5-47, 67, 69
7.1 / Simplifying rational expressions / 7-71
14 / Integrated Exercises
15 / 10.1 / Radical expressions / 7-55, 73-83
10.3 / Multiplying, Dividing, & Simplifying Radical Expressions / 5-27, 33-75 / Review for Exam 5
10.4 / Adding, Subtracting, & Multiplying Radical Expressions / 5-15, 19-33, 39-45, 47-55
16 / Practice Exercises
Review Final

THE DEPARTMENTAL FINAL EXAM (CPET) must be taken during final exam week on the date and time scheduled by the register’s office.

Review for the FINAL EXAM ( CPET) is available in the MATH LAB, room 2233.


Syllabus, Homework Assignments, and Study Session Activities

Abbreviations: R= Review T = Test CR = Cumulative Review SS= Study Session

All projects, done in groups, will be presented to the class on the designated days by each group.

Week / Section / Topic (class) / Problems (odds unless otherwise noted) / Study Session Activity
1 / Go Over Handouts and Syllabus;
Form Groups for Study Sessions / Go Over Math Anxiety Test, Symptoms, and Help
1.1 / Number Sets, Structure of Algebra / 1-9, 21-79
1.3 / Adding, Subtracting Real Numbers, Properties of Real Numbers. / 9-95, 97, 99, 105
2 / 1.4 / Multiplying, Dividing Real Numbers, Properties of Real Numbers. / 11-83
1.5 / Exponents, Order of Operations / 7-23, 49-61, 65, 67, 69, 77-83, 91 / Review HW Problems
SS Quiz 1
3 / 1.6 / Translating Word Phrases to Expressions / 1-35, 41-51
1.7 / Evaluation and Rewriting Expressions / 1-15, 41-47, 59-73 / Review for Exam1
2.2 / The Addition Principle / 1-5, 23-61, 67-75 / Review HW Problems
2.3 / The Multiplication Principle / 7-75
2.4 / Applying the Principles to Formulas / 5-19, 25-37, 41-57, 61, 63 / SS Quiz 2
5 / 2.5 / Translating Word Sentences to Equations / 7-39, 61, 63
2.6 / Inequalities / 5-43, 49, 53, 57
6 / 3.1 / Ratios and Proportions / 7-11, 21-27, 31-37, 47-63, 71, 73 / Activity 1: Percents
3.2 / Percents / 7-55, 59-63, 71, 75 / SS Quiz 3
DEPARTMENTAL EXAM 2 / Activity 2: Tables and Graphs
7 / 4.1 / The Rectangular Coordinate System / 5-31, 37, 41 / SS Quiz 4
4.2 / Graphing Linear Equations / 7-17, 23-55, 63, 65, 67
4.3 / Graphing Using Intercepts / 7-49
8 / 4.4 / Slope / 39-53 / Activity 3: Slopes and Plotting Points
4.6 / Inequalities / 5-39, 43
Conference Day
10 / 5.1 / Exponents and Scientific Notation / 7-37, 45, 49-57, 65-77 / Review HW problems
5.2 / Introduction to Polynomials / 7-51, 57, 63-93
5.3 / Adding and Subtracting Polynomials / 5-57 / SS Quiz 5
5.4 / Exponent Rules and Multiplying Polynomials / 7-25, 31, 33, 37, 39, 55-79 / Activity 4: Adding Like Terms
11 / 5.5 / Multiplying Polynomials; Special products / 7-27, 33, 37-69, 79-103
5.6 / Exponent Rules and Dividing Polynomials / 47-75
12 / DEPARTMENTAL EXAM 3 / Review HW Problems
6.1 / GCF and Factoring by Grouping / 7-95
6.2 / Factoring trinomials / 5-69 / SS Quiz 6
13 / 6.3 / Factoring trinomials / 5-71
6.4 / Factoring special products / 7-75 / Review HW Problems
6.5 / Strategies for Factoring / 7-81
6.6 / Solving quadratic Equations by Factoring / 5-47, 67, 69
7.1 / Simplifying rational expressions / 7-71
14 / Integrated Exercises
15 / 10.1 / Radical expressions / 7-55, 73-83
10.3 / Multiplying, Dividing, & Simplifying Radical Expressions / 5-27, 33-75 / Review for Exam 5
10.4 / Adding, Subtracting, & Multiplying Radical Expressions / 5-15, 19-33, 39-45, 47-55
16 / Practice Exercises
Review Final

THE DEPARTMENTAL FINAL EXAM (CPET) must be taken during final exam week on the date and time scheduled by the register’s office.

\Review for the FINAL EXAM( CPET) is available in the MATH LAB, room 2233.