Design and Technology



This booklet is to be completed throughout Terms 2 and 3 in conjunction with your Resistant Materials course.

The contents, worksheets on each piece of equipment and hand tool used with woods, metals and plastics, will enable you to not only learn about each item in detail through usage, but also to keep a record to refer to when revising for examinations.

A ring binder is provided with this booklet, which must be kept in school except when revising for exams and tests.

You should also refer to your text book ‘Edexcel GCSE Design and Technology: Resistant Materials,’ which is also provided.


Knowledge Base: Checklist

Equipment / Hand Tool / Process
Wood Lathe / Try Square / Marking out board
Mortiser / Marking Knife / Marking out wood
Belt Sander / Marking Gauge / Process cutting
Band Saw / Tenon Saw / Straight cuts
Circular Saw / Bench Hook / Curved cutting
Planer/Thicknesser / Coping Saw / Planing
Router / Jack Plane / Lathing
Pillar Drill / Smoothing Plane / Mortising
Hand Drill / Mallet / Sanding
Hole Saw / Lathe Cutting Tool / Finger Joints
Flat Bit / File / Mitre Joints
Forstner Bit / Chisel / Halving Joints
Bench Vice / Hand Drill / Routing wood
Sash Cramp / Hardwood
G-Cramp / Softwood
Strap Cramp / Plywood

Knowledge Base: Checklist

Equipment / Hand Tool / Process
Centre Lathe / Scriber / Marking out on metal
Brazing Forge / Centre Punch / Blueing
Chip Forge / Engineers Square / Cutting metal
Gabro Bender / Dividers / Smoothing Metal
Guillotine / Hammer / Brazing Process
Pillar Drill / Hack Saw / Flux
Twist Drill / Junior Hack Saw / Emery Cloth
Countersink / File / Carbon
Bench Vice / Hand Drill / Brazing Rod

Knowledge Base: Checklist

Equipment / Hand Tool / Process
Strip Heater / Junior Hack Saw / Marking out on plastic
Plastic Oven / Coping Saw / Cutting Plastic
Injection Moulder / Band Saw / Smoothing Plastic
Gerbil Plastic Cutter / Hand Drill / Wet and Dry
Vacuum Former / File / Straight Bending
Hot Dip / Press Moulding
Pillar Drill / Vacuum Forming
Twist Drill / Drilling
Forstner Bit
Bench Vice

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 1

Equipment: Wood Lathe

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 2

Equipment: Mortiser

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 3

Equipment: Belt Sander

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 4

Equipment: Band Saw

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 5


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 6


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 7

Equipment: ROUTER

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 8


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 9

Equipment: HAND DRILL

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 10

Equipment: HOLE SAW

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 11

Equipment: FLAT BIT

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 12


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Equipment Worksheet NO: 13

Equipment: BENCH VICE

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 1

Equipment: TRY SQUARE

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 2


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 3


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 4

Equipment: TENON SAW

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 5

Equipment: BENCH HOOK

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 6

Equipment: COPING SAW

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 7

Equipment: JACK PLANE

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 8


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 9

Equipment: MALLET

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 10


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 11

Equipment: FILE

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 12

Equipment: CHISEL

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 13

Equipment: HAND DRILL

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 14

Equipment: SASH CRAMP

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 15

Equipment: G-CRAMP

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Wood Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 16

Equipment: STRAP CRAMP

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Metal Equipment Worksheet NO: 1

Equipment: SCRIBER

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Metal Equipment Worksheet NO: 2


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Metal Equipment Worksheet NO: 3


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Metal Equipment Worksheet NO: 4

Equipment: DIVIDERS

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Metal Equipment Worksheet NO: 5

Equipment: HAMMER

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Metal Equipment Worksheet NO: 6

Equipment: HACK SAW

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Metal Equipment Worksheet NO: 7


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Metal Equipment Worksheet NO: 8

Equipment: FILE

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Metal Equipment Worksheet NO: 9

Equipment: HAND DRILL

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 1


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 2

Equipment: COPING SAW

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 3

Equipment: BAND SAW

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 4

Equipment: HAND DRILL

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Hand Tool Worksheet NO: 5

Equipment: FILE

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Equipment Worksheet NO: 1

Equipment: Strip Heater

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Equipment Worksheet NO: 2

Equipment: Plastic Oven

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Equipment Worksheet NO: 3

Equipment: Injection Moulder

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Equipment Worksheet NO: 4

Equipment: Gerbil Plastic Cutter

Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Equipment Worksheet NO: 5


Purpose [what it is used for]
Hints and Tips [how to use it effectively and accurately]
Safety precautions [what you need to do and what is on the equipment]
I have discussed this and shown I can use this equipment: Y/N
Teacher signature:

Plastics Equipment Worksheet NO: 6