Stockholm, Sweden /
Template for the EPUAP Annual Conference 2014Stockholm, Sweden
Author Name 1*, Author Name 2, Author Name 3 Author Name 4 Author Name 5
1* Institute, Country, or
2 Institute, Country, 3 Institute, Country, 4 Institute, Country, 5 Institute, Country
Copyright © 2014 by EPUAP
Proceedings of the 17th Annual European Pressure Ulcer MeetingStockholm, Sweden /
Please use this template for your abstract submission, by replacing the text provided herein with your own text, but without altering font type or size, margins and overall layout.Abstracts must be limited to one single A4 page including any figures and tables. The title should not exceed 200 characters including spaces. Please limit the number of authors to no more than 5, and indicate each author’s affiliation as above. Please do not use titles (e.g. 'Dr.', 'Mrs.' etc.) for author names. Please make a clear and concise introduction. Please begin the filename with the name of the presenting author and submit your abstract via e-mail to , also copying
fore the closing date of 30th April, 2014.
Please use only the formatting provided in this template. Abstracts formatted differently or exceeding a 1-page length cannot be considered for inclusion in the program. If you select to include a color figure in your abstract, please consider that it might be produced in grayscale in the printed proceedings, but color will be maintained in the electronic proceedings. Please make sure to reference all figures, e.g. (Fig. 1) and Tables, e.g. (Table 1).
Fig. 1: The experimental setup.
If equations are needed, they should be numbered, centered and in italic, with each symbol clearly defined in the text, for example:
S=f×N / (1)where S and N are the shear and normal forces (in Newtons) and f is the friction coefficient.
Table 1: Summary of the most important data
Group / Surgery time [hours] / Pressure ulcersControl (N=25) / 6.5 ± 0.5 / 15%
Intervention (N=20) / 6.7 ± 0.6 / 7%
References should be cited in the text using numbers in brackets, e.g. [1].
- It will be impossible to resubmit revisions, change authorship or make editing after the submission, so please verify that the abstract is complete and final.
- Submissions should be made by the corresponding author as indicated above.
- Please submit the file as a Word file that is no larger than 500kb.
- Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.
By submitting an abstract to the EPUAP meeting, you transfer all Copyrights to EPUAP, for the purpose of publishing the abstract in any printed or electronic form. Author's use of the material for educational purposes, inclusion in other publications, as well as posting it in the author's website is allowed.
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Clinical relevance
Briefly summarize the clinical relevance of your work here (1-2 sentences).
We appreciate the help of ...
Conflict of Interest
[1] Author A. et al., J. Tissue Viability. 10:1-10, 2009
[2] Author B. et al., J. Wound Care. 11:155-7, 2007
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