Bowling!Starts Thursday, February 16, 2012

To:Intermediate Parents and Students

Dates:February 16, 23 and March 1, 8, 15 (Thursdays)

Time:3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Cost:$35.00 (for all five sessions) Cash (please send exact amount) or checkpayable to Springer School & Center

(Forms and Payment due by Monday, February 6th)

(2 games of bowling each week)

Place:Madison Bowl – 4761 Madison Road

Transportation:Springer parents

Coordinator:Mark Phelps (Springer’s Physical Education teacher)

Other Info:

  • Students sign up for all four sessions of bowling. Only one permission form to sign and one payment.
  • Students who sign up for bowling will be marked as attending on all bowling days unless a note or phone call is received from a parent stating that their child is not attending that day.

Please note: As with our other after-school programs, there will be no refund of money for missed dates.

  • This activity is held off-campus and relies on parent volunteers to provide transportation for students. If you signed up on the general volunteer sheet distributed at the beginning of the school year, GREAT! We’re counting on you. Please indicate on attached form which dates you are available. If you did not sign up but would like to, please fill out the attached form as well. Reminder phone calls to parent drivers will be made before a scheduled date to drive.
  • Students are picked up by their parents at Madison Bowl at 4:30.
  • The attached permission/transportation waiver form and the emergency form must be completed for child to participate.
  • Parent drivers are welcome to stay for the activity.

Complete and return by Monday, February 6th

the attached Permission/Transportation Waiver and Emergency

forms along with payment of $35 in envelope

marked “Bowling – Attn: Barb Kerr”

Bowling Permission/Transportation Waiver Form

(Forms and payment due by Monday, February 6th)

My child ______has permission to participate in the Springer After-School Bowling sessions at Madison Bowl, 4761 Madison Road on February 16, 23 and March 1, 8, 15, 2012.

I am aware that if I do not provide transportation, my child will be traveling in a vehicle that is the personal transportation of another parent. I understand that the insurance policy of the driver/owner of the vehicle transporting my child will be the primary insurance against which all claims will be filed in the event of an accident.

If I am a parent driving my child and other children to this school-sponsored activity in my personal vehicle, I assert that I have a valid driver’s license and personal car insurance. I understand that my insurance policy will be the primary insurance against which all claims will be filed in the event of an accident.

I understand that I must pick up my child at Madison Bowl at 4:30 if I do not attend this activity.

I fully understand and accept the above statements.


Father/Male GuardianMother/Female Guardian


DateHomeroom Teacher

Driver Sign Up

Parent Drivers are necessary for this activity. If you signed up on the general volunteer sheet distributed at the beginning of the school year, GREAT! We’re counting on you. Please indicate below which dates you are available. If you did not sign up but would like to, please fill out below as well.

A reminder phone call will be made before your scheduled date(s).

Best number to reach me: ______

I am willing to drive on:

_____ February 16_____ February 19_____ March 1

_____ March 8_____ March 15

Number of passenger seat belts ______

Name ______