Kinsella Magnet School of Performing Arts
English Language Arts 8th Grade Syllabus
Christine Tocionis
Kinsella’s eighth grade English Language Arts course is designed to help students develop as critical readers and become more deliberate and skilled writers. Our curriculum foundations are adopted from the Expeditionary Learning curricula. Below is the link for all curriculum modules in the eighth grade.
We will read, discuss, analyse, write about, respond to, integrate the arts and design projects based on the following central texts:
Module One: Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai
- Focus: Finding Home: Refugees
Module Two: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
- Focus: Taking a Stand
Module Three: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
- Focus: American Relations during World War II
Module Four: Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollen
- Focus: Sustainability of the US Food Supply Chain
In addition to the central texts, the curriculum is supplemented with a diverse variety of narrative non- fiction and creative non-fiction.
Students will be given their own copies of these texts and consumable student workbooks ( lost copies must be replaced by the students).
Independent Reading
Each student is required to read thirty minutes nightly from a self- selected independent reading book. Independent reading is essential for continued intellectual growth. Most often, class time will be allocated daily for independent reading. During this time, I will also review student journals and conduct mini reading conferences. Our classroom library is rife with books of all genres. Students will be required to present one independent reading project per marking period. Students need to have their independent reading books with them at all times.
Grading categories and weights of categories are as follows:
- Reading Standards: 20%
- Writing Process: 20%
- Independent Reading: 20%
- Assessments: 20%
- Projects: 20%
The writing process will be a focus this year culminating with four academic essays that will be featured in writing portfolios.
Grammar instruction will be based on helping students clarify and strengthen their writing.
Other instructional elements include class discussion, collaborative group protocols, reading aloud and informative journal writing.
It is expected that students bring the following items to class each day:
- Central text
- Response Notebook
- Independent reading selection and student reading log
- Student consumable curriculum workbook
Each student will have a work portfolio kept in class. Parents are welcome to request portfolio during conferences or at any point.
Please subscribe to my webpage. This is a place where nightly homework is present and other valuable information is located on my webpage. Please go to the following link to subscribe:
type in Tocionis and this will lead you to my webpage
Remindis a way that I send group texts to your phone. This mode of communication is used for important eighth grade reminders and announcements. Please go to the website for instructions or ask your student to provide the written instructions passed out the first week of school.
My email:
Please do not hesitate to contact me.
I am looking forward to a productive year as we work together to prepare our student for high school.
Ms. Tocionis