36 West Allen Street - Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-6257
July 15, 2014
President Whitcomb announced that he is on call with his employer and may have to leave the meeting. If that occurs, Vice President Winchell will preside over the balance of the meeting. President Whitcomb called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.
President Whitcombled the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present were President Whitcomb, Vice President Winchell,CouncilmenMcDermott, Miller, Pellman, Stoner andWeber, Mayor Ritter, Solicitor Coyne,Engineer Rogalski, Chief Seagrist,Secretary Dennis and Assistant Secretary Boyer. Chief Spotts was absent and Sgt. Curtis was present to represent the Police Department.
Carl Hursh, Citizen Recycling Committee member, announced the July Recycle Right Rewardwinners. They are Douglas and Michelle Lauver. The Lauver’s received a $50 gift card donated by Weis Markets. Mr. Hursh explained the Recycle Right Reward Program is designed to recognize and reward residents in the Borough that do an exemplary job of recycling.
CouncilmanMiller made a motion, seconded by Councilman McDermott, to approve the agenda. The motion passed with all in favor.
Glenda Blair, 229 West Locust Street, inquired about the timeline for installation of the one-way sign she requested at the end of West Locust Street. Ms. Blair also requested a stop sign be installed at the end of the alley. Sgt. Curtis informed Ms. Blair that a traffic study would be required to install a stop sign at that location, since one was not there previously. Sgt. Curtis was directed by President Whitcomb to look into the stop sign installation. Ms. Blair asked why there is space being provided for commercial uses as part of the Hess Farm development. Manager Dennis stated that the parcel is zoned for Traditional Neighborhood Development, which includes a commercial use component as a requirement. Ms. Blair asked about the type of housing to be included in the proposed development on the Hess Farm tract. Mr. Dennis stated that there are going to be a variety of housing types contained within the development. Ms. Blair asked if the Borough has asked the developer to include space for a community garden. President Whitcomb stated that at this time, there is no plan to have a garden at this location.
Vice President Winchell noted a typographical error on the transcript of the public hearing held on June24th; his name was omitted from the list of officials on the first page of the transcript. Boyer stated that she will contact the court reporter and have this corrected. Vice President Winchell made a motion to approve the minutes of June 17, 2014 as presented. Councilman Pellman seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor.
Manager Dennis reported that pool surveys were distributed at the pool and put on the website to gather feedback from pool patrons. Manager Dennis reported that the suggestions received so far indicate that pool patrons would like the pool to open earlier, not later. President Whitcomb suggested that when all the surveys are obtained, staff will compile the information for pool management and Borough Council.
Manager Dennis stated that United Water completedtheir repairs on South Market Street and did some repairs on South Frederick Street for the Borough. Manager Dennis reported that Engineer Rogalski is working to keep the Byers Alley project moving forward. The paperwork has been sent to Norfolk Southern.
Manager Dennis reported that the Borough EMC Insurance renewalonly had a $572 increase in the premium. Manager Dennis stated that at this time, it looks like there will be a 5 to 6 percent increase in the healthcare insurance costs which are up for renewal in October.
Manager Dennis thanked Borough Highway, Sewer, Administrative and Police Department employees for their hard work which brought about another successful Jubilee Day.
Sgt. Curtis reported:
- Sgt. Dyer received an award from the Pennsylvania Aggressive Driving and Education Program for his performance over the past fiscal year. Sgt. Dyer also received congratulatory letters from State Senator Pat Vance, State Representative Sheryl Delozier and US Representative Scott Perry.
- Sgt. Curtis received a commendation from the Mechanicsburg Area School District for his work at career day held at the middle school.
- Officer McMillian received a citizen commendation for his work on a suspicious person incident.
- Officers Anthony and McMillian were commended for their work on several thefts from vehicles which occurred on the evening of June 30th into July 1st.
- Officer Lazzarivich received a citizen commendation for his efforts in a traffic case on June 19th.
- Officer Vincent was commended for his work in evidence disposition related to arranging items for the COG Auction.
- The Mechanicsburg Police Department received an award from the Pennsylvania Aggressive Driving and Education Program for outstanding participation during the last fiscal year.
Mayor Ritter submitted the following written report:
June 19th / Jubilee Day another success, thanks to all who participated and helped.June 25th / Officiated a wedding in the Mayor’s Office.
June 26th / Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting at the Apicella-Lorei Orthodontics Office, 400 East Main Street.
June 27th / Worked crosswalk detail with Sgt. Dyer of the Mechanicsburg Police Department.
July 14th / Crime Watch guest was Fritz Schriffler from PennDOT. Crosswalk enforcement was discussed from the pedestrian and driver point of view.
July 15th / Mechanicsburg Chamber of Commerce Mixer was held at the Joseph T. Simpson Public Library from 5-7 PM.
Trivia Question: What was the original name of Jubilee Day?
Answer:Farmers and Merchants Day.
Solicitor Coyne reported that since the last meeting, a public hearing was held regarding the proposed text amendment to the Traditional Neighborhood Development section of the Zoning Ordinance. The Borough PlanningCommission has reviewed the proposed text amendmentat public meetings held on December 23, 2013: February 24, 2014; March 24, 2014 and April 28, 2014. Borough Council took action to authorize the drafting and advertisement of the proposed ordinance for a public hearing held June 24, 2014. The Cumberland County Planning Commission reviewed the proposed revisions and found that they are in support of the revisionssince they are in compliance with the Borough and County Comprehensive Plans. The public hearing was held on June 24th and a transcript of the proceedings has been received and sent to Borough Council for their review. Following the public hearing, proper notice was given for this body to consider action this evening on the proposed text amendment. The proof of publication of the notice of intent, which was published on June 26th and July 3rd in the CarlisleSentinel, are attached to these meeting minutes. Solicitor Coyne stated for the record, she has identified two typographical errors in the text of the ordinance and has made Borough Council aware of these minor revisions.
Engineer Rogalski reported that the Borough’sChesapeakeBay Pollutant Reduction Plan was completed last month. This report, which was submitted July 1st, is part of the Borough’s MS4 permit. The plan identifies how the Borough can strive to meet the proposed Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Limits that are outlined in the Statewide Watershed Implementation Plan. Engineer Rogalski asked Borough Council to block out some time to review this plan looking forward to 2017 and 2025. Engineer Rogalski stated that there will be a cost to implement the long range plan. Engineer Rogalski reported that he met last week with the Borough Environmental Advisory Council to discuss the public education component of the Chesapeake Bay Plan and how they can help. Engineer Rogalski stated that he provided Borough Council with some drawings on the proposed improvements this evening.
Chief Seagrist reported that the Fire Department had a successful and quiet Jubilee Day. Both the Washington and Citizen Fire Companies did well with their fundraisers. Chief Seagrist reminded everyone not to drive through standing water in the roadways after periods of rain, as it makes it hard for Emergency Service personnel to respond to other emergencies. July 28th is the date for the annual pump test. Chief Seagrist reminded everyone that on July 19th, Washington Fire Company will be having a Chicken BBQ at Palmers Auto at 699 East Simpson Street. Citizen Fire and Rescue will be having a breakfast buffet on August 3rd from 7:30 to 11 AM.
President Whitcomb announced that there will be a short Executive Session on a matter of personnel, with no action, following this meeting.
Discussion and Possible Action on Ordinance 1139 Revising the TND Section of the Zoning Ordinance and Use Table.
Councilman Stoner made a motion to adopt Ordinance 1139, with the revisions noted by the Borough Solicitor. Councilman Pellman seconded the motion. There was no discussionand a roll call vote was taken as follows:
McDermott / Yea / Miller / Yea / Pellman / YeaStoner / Yea / Weber / Yea / Whitcomb / Yea
Winchell / Yea
The motion carried.
Discussion and Possible Action to Advertise the Bid for Reconstruction of the Tennis Courts and Phase II of the Memorial Park Rehabilitation Project.
Councilman Weber made a motion to advertise the bid for reconstruction of the tennis courts and Phase II of the Memorial Park Rehabilitation Project. Councilman Stoner seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Certificates of Appropriateness for the Following Applications:
- Kandace & Matthew Speicher, 227 South York Street, Roof Replacement, Exterior Alterations to Gutters and Chimney Removal.
CouncilmanMiller made a motion to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for Kandace & Matthew Speicher, 227 South York Street, for roof replacement, chimney removal and exterior alterations to the gutters as per the conditions in the Historic Architectural Review Board minutes of July 7, 2014. Vice President Winchell seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor.
Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Special Events Application for the Community Sidewalk Sales on August 1 & 2, 2014, Subject to the Conditions on the Special Event Worksheet.
Councilman Pellman made a motion to approve the Special Events Application for the Community Sidewalk Sales on August 1 & 2, 2014, subject to the conditions on the Special Event Worksheet. CouncilmanMcDermott seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor.
Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Special Events Application for the Children’s Fairy Festival on September 6 & 7, 2014, Subject to the Conditions on the Event Worksheet.
Vice PresidentWinchell made a motion to approve the Special Events Application for the Children’s Fairy Festival on September 6 & 7, 2014, subject to the conditions on the Special Event Worksheet. Councilman Pellman seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor.
Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Special Events Application for the Halloween Parade on October 14, 2014, Subject to the Conditions on the Event Worksheet.
Councilman Stonermade a motion to approve the Special Events Application for the Halloween Parade on October 14, 2014, subject to the conditions on the Special Event Worksheet. CouncilmanMcDermott seconded the motion, which passed with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Website Disclaimer.
Councilman Weber made a motion to approve the disclaimer. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Solictor Coyne reviewed the changes thatshe made, which are highlighted in yellow and attached to the minutes. Councilman Weber stated that the Municipal and Community Outreach committee decided to remove the forum feature from the Community page, as the Borough Facebook page provides that format. After discussion, the motion passed with all in favor.
Consideration and Possible Action to Approve the Resignation of Park Security Officer Scott Martz, Effective Immediately.
Councilman Pellman made a motion, seconded by Councilman Weber, to accept the resignation of Park Security Officer Scott Martz, effective immediately. The motion passed with all in favor.
Discussion and Possible Action to Accept the Resignation of Patrick McKinney from the Environmental Advisory Council, Effective Immediately.
Councilman McDermottmade a motion, seconded by Vice President Winchell, to accept the resignation of Patrick McKinney from the Environmental Advisory Council, effective immediately. The motion passed with all in favor.
Approval of Capital, Fire, General, Highway, Pool, Sewer & Capital Sewer Fund Expenditures from June 1, 2014through June 30, 2014:
Capital: $2,509.27 Fire: $3,966.15 General: $193,777.26 Highway: $4,094.31 Pool: $12,649.48 Sewer: $58,965.20 Capital Sewer: $16,925.31
CouncilmanStonermotioned and Councilman Weberseconded to approve the expenditures for June 2014 as noted above. After discussion, the motion passed with all voting in favor.
Dick Sndyer, 338WestMainStreet, recommended that Council get some stronger yellow caution tape because the tape used did not stop the tree in the park from falling over. Manager Dennis stated that the Highway Department will be contracting to remove some of the dead trees in Memorial Park. Mr. Snyder offered his thoughts on the source of the odor at the pool. Vice President Winchell asked if the Borough Engineer could look into the odor for the Borough Council. Engineer Rogalski stated he can research some options.
Robin Agerton, 423 West Simpson Street, asked Manager Dennis when the Borough will be changing to the lower rates for season pool passes. Ms. Agerton suggested that be done, as memberships are down. Manager Dennis stated that he asked the Parks and Recreation Director when that is usually done and how much the rates are reduced. Manager Dennis stated he is waiting to receive that information. Ms. Agerton stated that there is still an issue with odors at the pool and asked what the Borough is doing about the issue. Manager Dennis stated that Borough staff is working to determine the cause of the odor. Discussion followed on the procedures being used to determine the source of the odor. Ms. Agerton stated sometimes the smell lasts as long as six hours. Councilman Weber stated that he has been told that swimmers can taste it in the water. Councilman Miller suggested that DEP or EPA be contacted. President Whitcomb suggested that the Borough try to determine the cause of the odor before calling in an outside agency. Ms. Agerton stated that Pool Management is working at capacity. Ms. Agerton expressed her thoughts about what a good job the pool staff is doing this year. Ms. Agerton again expressed her desire to have the Cumberland County Visitor’s Bureau logo on the home page of the Borough website. Vice President Winchell asked that Manager Dennis take steps to have the logo added to the website. Manager Dennis stated that he is working on having it added.
Glenda Blair, 229 West Locust Street, questioned a newspaper article where the developer of the Hess Farm voiced their concerns over the recent installation of the Shepherdstown Interceptor. Ms. Blair asked if the interceptor pipe would be removed. President Whitcomb assured Ms. Blair that would not happen.
Assistant Secretary Boyer stated that Compost gate keycards are on sale now at the Borough and Silver Spring Township offices and residents should get their passes before August 18th.
Councilman Weber asked about the status of the “No Truck”signage he requested at the last Council meeting. Manager Dennis stated that he spoke with Highway Superintendent Yinger about the proposed signage. Mr. Yinger suggested that “No Truck” signs be placed on West Green Street and two “Local Deliveries Only” signs be placed on North Washington Street. When a truck comes down North Washington Street and sees that it can’t turn onto West Green Street, they will go into the parking lot, turn around and go out Washington Street. Councilman Weber stated he would like the “No Truck” signs placed on Washington Street, near the entrance from Allen Street by Memorial Park Drive, so the trucks can get to ACT, but not turn down Washington Street. Councilman Weber stated he would like to eliminate trucks on Washington Street altogether. Vice President Winchell asked if the Borough could put signs on West Main Street. Manager Dennis indicated that they could not, but these signs would be on Washington Street. Discussion followed on the effectiveness of the proposed signage. After discussion, it was decided to put in two “Local Delivery Only” signs on North Washington Street and two “No Truck” signs on West Green Street.
Councilman McDermott announced that the Borough has a vacancy on the Environmental Advisory Council and encouraged interested residents to submit their name to the Borough Office. Vice President Winchell asked that the vacancy be placed on the website.