Minutes of the meeting held on 6thJanuary2009in the Committee Room
Present: Terry Mackintosh – Chairman, Ian Bradley – Treasurer, Eileen Reynolds – Secretary,
Sue Byram – Social Committee, Bill Hartley – Neighbourhood Watch/Twinning, David Pepperell –
Horticultural Society, Mike Reynolds – Somborne Society, Caroline Stammers – Football Club,
John Vanderpump – Responders, Tony Ward – Development Committee (items 1, 2, 3 and 6)
Pam Watson – Social Committee.
TM opened the meeting by welcoming all and in particular Pam who had come to see how the Committee worked as she was arelative newcomer to the Village.
1. Apologies;
Belinda Baker, Frank Fahy, Wendy Hartley,Sandie Pepperell, Joyce Weeks.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting;
These were considered a correct record and signed by Terry Mackintosh.
3. Matters arising;
It was considered that these matters were covered elsewhere on the Agenda.
4. Hall Maintenance;
a) Plumbing; TM had carried out a temporary repair to the leak in the Gents and this was holding well.
b) Electrical matters; The broken socket in the Hall hasnot yet been mended and estimates for moving equipment from the kitchen to the bar area to create a temporary kitchen were awaited. TM
c) Sanitary disposal; A new bin had been provided in one of the cubicles and a notice to this effect had been placed on the door.
d) Stage Curtain; the wooden strut across the stage needs adjustment. TM
5. Financial Matters;
a) Treasurer’s Report;Oil prices had risen significantly and IB was looking at alternative suppliers.
The change of electricity supplier from Southern Electricity to Utility Warehouse had now been completed and electricity was being supplied to the Hall at a competitive rate. However, there was
still some dispute over the final reading given to S.E. and IB was trying to resolve this. IB
The balances in the accounts were as follows: Current Account £3,193, up from £1,441 given at the previous meeting. This increase was the result of the Ball which had made a good profit of £1,223.
Deposit Account £3,415.
The Carnival Account, which is soon to be closed, was unchanged. IB
b) Development Account; Peter Storey had reported that this balance now stood at £16,246.55
c) Reserves Policy: After discussion and aslight amendment to the proposed wording thefollowing was agreed;
“The King’s Somborne Village Hall Management Committee aims to hold the equivalent of not less than six months running costs based on the average audited accounts from the previous three years.
In addition, a contingency sum should be held, the amount to be agreed by the Committee, for essential maintenance. Any surplus maybe allocated at the discretion of the Committee and used for the long term development of the Hall”
This policy was arrived at to take into account the rising nature of energy costs and the possible fluctuating nature of Hall income during the development period.
ER undertook to inform the Development Committee of the agreed wording so that it could be
included in future grant applications if required. ER
6. Hall Development;
a) Progress Update: TW was able to report some progress on the kitchen and adrawing and specification has been produced and another estimate from a local builder for both building and installation is awaited.Also awaited (22nd Jan)is the result of the final bid for funds (£8,266) for this element of the development from HCC.
To date the following has been allocated/awarded;
VHDC £8,266
KSPC £4,132
TVBC £11,725
While TW is away, Peter Storey will be following these matters up and also looking into the possibility of the provision of three phase electricity to the Hall.
In connection with the kitchen, SB drew attention to the need, once the kitchen had been completed,
for a schedule to be prepared to ensure that all the new equipment was cleaned regularly and remained fit for purpose.
TW also reported that two bids for the building work proposed for the renovation of the Committee Room had been received. These varied widely and TM had undertaken to look into this and try to establish the reasons for the disparity. TM
TW confirmed that “Awards for All” were to be approached for funding to cover the furnishing of the Committee Room and a supply of new chairs for the Hall. TW
As yet our large scale bids for funding for the Pavilion had not been successful as we did not have enough room to provide two separate changing rooms for officials. Bids for smaller grants were now being prepared.
In answer to a question, TW confirmed that by the next VHMC meeting on 3rd February he would provide detailed estimates of cost from all the bids for the kitchen work and a recommendation
agreed by the Development Committee would be available for consideration. TW
c) Impact on Users: At the last meeting, it was recognised that, although it was hoped to keep the Hall open, the work would have considerable potential impact on Users. Every effort would be made to minimise this and to this end the bar area would be adapted as a temporary kitchen – subject to cost
and feasibility assessment. TM
TW was now able to provide more detailed timings on the work involved in both the kitchen and the
Committee Room. All being well, work on the kitchen should start towards the end of February and
be completed by the beginning of May. Early during this period the wall adjoining the Committee
Room would be moved and made good on both sides so that this room could continue to be used.
The remainder of the work would probably take place during the end of June and beginning of
July provided the necessary finances were in place.
Concern was expressed that it may be difficult to use Committee Room for meetings during the day
while the kitchen work was being undertaken as it may be rather noisy. In answer to a question
from MR, TW assured him that it would be possible to use the Committee Room at the end of March when the Somborne Society needed the room to prepare for their exhibition.
It was agreed that there was now enough information on timings for a letter to be prepared giving Hall Users an update of the situation and letting them know of the help available in the event of
it not being possible to honour any bookings made during this period. TM/ER
DP undertook to provide a report update on this item for the Gauntlet. DP
7. Hall Bookings
a) Possible booking for pre-school group;
The letter to the Chairman of the Parish Council dated 28th November making the case for the setting up of a pre-school groupwas circulated at the meeting.
Although it was considered desirable that the Village should have apre-school, the following concerns were raised in connection with it being located in the Hall.
The time requirements outlined at the last meeting would result in the Hall being used almost entirely by this one organisation during the day in term time.
A very large proportion of the Hall income would be dependant on one source which, if for any
Reasonthe pre-school did not continue in the Hall, might jeopardize the Hall’s financial viability.
Present users may no longer be able to use the Hall and access would be limited when the
pre-school was in session substantially reducing the income of the Hall.
The greatest concern, however, was that the Hall would no longer be available to all village organisations as it has always been.
It was agreed that this matter would be raised again at the next meeting when more details on the requirements of the group should be available. ER
b)ER had compiled a list ofHall/Pavilion key-holders. This was checked at the meeting and the name of Sue Byram was added to the list. ER
c) Setting up of a sub-group to look into rates of hire/booking mechanism;
It was noted that the present rates had been in operation since 2003 and that the present system of charges was complicated and difficult to operate.In addition, IB felt that it was not always easy to follow the present invoicing system.
The committee considered this was an ideal time for a group to be set up so that any changes to the
charges/booking procedures could be implemented following the completion of the initial stages
of the refurbishment of the Hall. In addition, at a recent meeting IB had had with Joyce she had indicated that she was considering giving up her present duties at the Hall.
It was agreed that the group should look at the following in particular;
definition of various types of users,
simplification of structure of charges,
level of charges,
making and confirmationof bookings,
application and recording of TENS.
The following kindly agreed to serve on the group; IB, DP and ER.
When invited, Pamela Watson agreed to attend meetings and share her financial expertise.
TM said he would attend the first meeting at The Old Forge, starting at 2p.m. on Monday
12th January, if he were able. TM/IB/DP/ER
9. Events/Fundraising/Donations
a) Moviola: Threefurther performances had been arranged – 8/1, 12/2 and 19/3
b) Black and White Ball: This had been a great success and TM thanked all involved
for their efforts.
c) Future events; plans were well in hand to hold the following;
Saturday 2nd May – Casino night being organised by the Football Club. Profit to be split
50/50 with Village Hall Development Fund. CS
Saturday 9th May - Ball being organised by the Social Committee. SB
Saturday 9th May – Clay Pigeon Shoot being organised at Compton Manor by the
Fund Raising Committee in conjunction with The Brains Trust JV
Friday 19th and Saturday 20th June – Variety Show. JV
Also under consideration were an event at Ashley Manor and Trailer Rides around John Chalcroft`s farm – possibly on the day of the Horticultural Show.
DP confirmed that the Horticultural Society were happy for the Dog Show to take place again this Year.
d) Donations; TM expressed the Committee’s gratitude for the generous donations made in connection with the Quiz Evenings held at the Crown.
10. Dates of Next Meetings
The next meetings would be held on 3 Feb and 3 March 2009.
ER 9/1/09
Draft minutes for approval on 6th Jan. 2009
Circulation: all Trustees, Victoria Finch, Dick Dyke, Peter Storey, Margaret Burgess, Joyce Weeks, Village Web Site.