If Your Brightest Color is Orange

“Way to go! What a pro you are at answering my questions! I bet you got the answers really quickly. When I’m colored with so much Orange!

I feel so much energy. I just want to have fun! Your friends must like

having you around because you’re so quick and funny. Sometimes

in school, I bet it’s hard for you to sit still. Try wiggling your toes!

“My Orange friends all like to play games. In school, they like P.E. and

Arts and Crafts, and some of them like to be in plays.

When they sometimes get the chance to play games to learn math or reading, they really like it. That way they get to try to win!

Sometimes they like to act out what they read, to show their acting talent.

A lot of my Orange friends want to grow up to be stars, in movies, tv, and music. But they really want to be stars in the classroom!

“The books you like to read have action and adventure, and a lot of books you like are funny. Do you like comic books?

Some of my Orange friends collect them, because they’re full of action.

“I bet you like to pretend that you are on an adventure, trying new things,

in a new place, every day. That way you get to use your courage, skill and energy. My Orange friends say that “Life is an adventure!”

“Here’s a big word that describes you: resourceful! It’s a great word that means that you are very good at finding new, surprising

ways to get things done. You have a talent for getting things done,

and making life fun for other people. Fun is important

Our world needs more people like you!”