Healing Testimonies
Sr. Sanjana
Ctc.:+971 55 6237290
For 3 days, this sister’s been ailing with cough & itchy throat. She’s instantly healed in the presence of the Living God. Her throat is clear. She praises Lord Jesus for the miracle healing. Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Bro. Prince
Ctc.:+971 56 7473270
This brother came to the service with severe right shoulder pain. During the service, power of God LORD Almighty touched him & healed him completely. Now can move hands up & down easily. No more pain. He rejoices & gives all glory to Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Ctc.:+ 971 50 4601879
For 3 years, this dear one’s been badly affected with skin rashes. Today, during the service, by the compassion of Lord Jesus, she’s instantly healed. Her skin is completely healed & restored. She rejoices. Jesus Christ is the Healer! Thank you Lord Jesus.
Ctc.:+971 50 8882467
For 1 month, this brother’s been ailing with infirmity in his spinal cord. He came to the service with the pain. During the service, after he took part in the Lord’s Table, immediately, every pain vanished, by the power of the Holy Spirit. No more pain. Now, can bend down easily. He rejoices & gives all glory to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Healer! Thank you Lord Jesus.
Ctc.:+971 55 3683682
This sister came to the service with mental agony, trusting Lord Jesus for a miracle. During the service, through the ‘Word of Knowledge’ it was called out ‘Jesus is removing every mental agony & sorrow’. Instantly, she experienced the great power of Jesus Christ all over her, blessing her with inexpressible peace & joy. Every sorrow vanished. Lord Jesus removed every sorrow & blessed her with faith & assurance of divine blessing. She rejoices. Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Ctc.:+971 55 5780242
For 2 weeks, this sister’s been badly affected with terrible pain in her right hand. She’s instantly healed by the power of the Holy Spirit. She rejoices & thanks Lord Jesus for the divine healing. Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Ctc.:+971 50 8846009
This sister came to the service troubled with great burden & mental agony. During the service, through the ‘Word of Knowledge’ it was called out ‘Jesus is removing every mental agony’. Instantly, every sorrow vanished. Lord Jesus had taken it off & blessed her with divine peace. She rejoices & gives all glory to Jesus Christ. Blessed be the name of Jesus, the Son of the Living God.
Ctc.:+971 558242189
This is Morris. He came to the service expecting a miracle. During the service, through the ‘Word of Knowledge’ his name was called out by the power of the Holy Spirit. As soon as, he heard his name called, instantly he was filled with great peace & faith. Lord Jesus called him by name & blessed him. He rejoices. Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Ctc.:+971 50 1469289
This sister came to the service extremely burdened over her work situation. During the service, as the Word was ministered, every tension & fear vanished. She was filled with great peace, that everything will be well. Lord Jesus removed every sorrow & blessed her with divine peace. Blessed be the name of Jesus, our Loving Savior.
Bro. Blondel
Ctc.:+971 50 2475896
For 4 days, this brother’s been ailing with congestion. During the service, by the compassion of Jesus, he’s completely healed. He rejoices & thanks Lord Jesus for the divine healing. Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the Healer!
All Praise & Glory to our LORD & Savior Jesus Christ.
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