November 26, 2013

The regular meeting was duly posted. Mayor Ryan Patterson called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 p.m. in the Board of Supervisor Meeting Room at the County Annex.

ROLL CALL: Vice Mayor Spence Udall, Councilwoman Kay Hauser, Councilman Michael Cirivello, Councilman Tony Raykovitz, Councilman John Richardson, and Councilman Pete Hancock.

ABSENT: Mayor Ryan Patterson( called in but lost the call)

STAFF PRESENT: Interim City Manager Paul Ramsey, Finance Director/City Clerk Timothy Hinton, Deputy City Clerk Cindy Lee, Officer Trett Bishop, Officer Miles Crosby.

OTHER PRESENT: Kristl Jones, Payton Jones


  1. Possible Hiring of the City Police Chief. The Council may vote to discuss this matter in executive session pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03(A)(1). “Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee or employee of any public body.”

Interim City Manager Paul Ramsey stated that the board interviewed 3 of the applicants for the Police Chief position. Out of the three interviewed, 2 were qualified. The board felt that Jerry VanWinkle would be the best choice for the position of the City Police Chief. He is qualified for the position. All his references gave him a high recommendation. Not one had anything negative to say. All spoke highly of him.

Councilman Michael Cirivello was asked how the interviews went. He commented that the interviewing process went well. There was a 15 question questionnaire. They had about 30 minutes with each applicant, then they were brought into in another room and given a financial problem to solve (a mock budget). They had to cut the budget by 8%. They were given an hour to complete the mock budget. Then they had to come back before the board and give a proposal of the 8% of the budget. It was interesting to see the difference in how they were going to cut 8% off the budget, with one applicant that hadlimited command experience, one with military experience, and one with civil service experience. The one that did the best was VanWinkle, because of his training in this area of budgeting. It was a good process. Councilman Cirivello thought that the staff did a great job.

Councilman John Richardson asked Councilman Cirivello, “Do you know VanWinkle? Are you familiar with his work in Taylor/Snowflake?”

Councilman Cirivello commented that was the most conversation he has had ever with him. He knew who VanWinkle was, but he had never had any interaction with him, other than at meeting or conferences.

Councilman Pete Hancock commented that he had some concerns with VanWinkle.


Councilman Michael Cirivello moved to go to Executive Session due to sensitive issues. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Spence Udall.

Motion passed 6-0

Adjournment into Executive Session at approximately 6:40 p.m.

Back to Order

The meeting was called back to order by Vice Mayor Spence Udall at approximately 7:24 p.m.


Vice Mayor Spence Udall made a motion to extend an offer to Jerry VanWinkle for the City of St. Johns Police Chief at the level 4 salary. Motion was seconded by Councilman Tony Raykovitz.

Motion passed 6-0


  • Special Meeting for City Hall requested by Councilman Pete Hancock. Schedule a date and a time. Tentative date is December 4th in the afternoon.



Motion was made to adjourn by Vice Mayor Spence Udall. Motion was seconded by John Richardson.

Motion passed 6-0

Meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.

Ryan Patterson, Mayor


Cindy Lee, Deputy City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the St. Johns City Council held on the 26th day of November. I certify that the meeting was duly called and held and that a quorum was present.

Cindy Lee, Deputy City Clerk

*Please Note: Approved minutes are not a verbatim record of what happened at the City Council meeting, they capture a summary of the meeting as well as all actions taken. A recording of the entire meeting is available upon request at the City Clerk’s office for three months following each meeting.

City Council Special Meeting Minutes

November 26, 2013