26th July, 2017

LIS/ACAD/ 2017-18/029


Dear Parent,

Greetings from Lakshya Team

We are glad to inform you that IK-3 is learning about celebrations astheir 2nd unit of inquiry.. TheTheme for 2nd Unit of Inquiry is “How we express ourselves” Topic :Celebrations. We can really find that children are enthusiastic inquirersabout the different kind of occasions, reason behind the celebrations)which are taught so far. On account of this, Ik-3 will experience the fun of these celebrations in realistic way. They will have the practical experience of each celebrations. A formative and summative assessment will be taken on the basis of these activities. Occasions have been categorized into four groups : 1. Individual celebrations 2. Celebrations with friends 3.Celebrations with community and 4.Celebrations with family.

(Kindly make sure that students should not be absent except medical reasons as they will really miss the celebration of learning.

Kindly follow the date and the instructions given below:

S.No / Date / Occasions / Dress to be worn / Things to be brought
1 / 27.07.17(Thursday) / Movie Party / Casuals and school shoes.
School dress should be sent in a separate packet. / 1 packet of Pop corn and juice packet
2 / 28.07.17(friday) / Pajama Party / Night suit and Sleepers. School uniform to be sent in the bag. / Send a small pillow.
3 / 01.08.17(Tuesday) / Pool party / Regular school uniform / Prepare a Paper boat and send it.
4 / 02.08.17 (wednesday) / La Tomatina
(Spanish) / Casual and school shoes. School dress to be sent in the bag / Send 3 tomatoes
5 / 03.08.17 (Thursday) / Bull run (inspired from Spanish celebrations) / Boys : white shirt and white pant Girls : brown pant and brown T shirt. / Prepare a Hand made mask of a bull (if possible.) – Draw and colour (A3 size paper)
6 / 07.08.17
(Tuesday) / Chinese new year / Casuals (with red and yellow colour) and school shoes. (If possible dress up as Chinese) / Send Hand made paper folded Chinese fans (readymade if available)
7 / 08.08.17
(Wednesday) / Ganeshchaturthi and Diwali / Traditional dress (School dress not required / Bring one Decorative Candle
8 / 09.08.17
(Thursday) / Dussera / Bengali Traditional dress (Saree -Girls) /
Dhotis and Kurta for boys / Bring 2Marigold flowers
9 / 10.08.17
(Friday) / Countries special days / Dress with Orange / Green and White colours. With school shoes .
School uniform to be sent . / Bring a small flag of India, One Image of Gandhi,Subhash Bose, Rabindranath Tagore, Nehru, Dr. Abdul kalam, B.R Ambedkar, and Ranilaxmibai (Don’t stick anywhere)

If you have any concern, please call us at 8142176004 (Class teacher).We will be happy to help you out.


PratimaDubeySoma BanerjeeSatyakiBanerjee

PYP CoordinatorPre primary Asst. CoordinatorHead of School