Food Security Course Outline
Spring 2015
*Instructor may make changes as necessary
Week / Theme / Readings to be read/viewed prior toTuesday class / Expected from you in class / Due
1 / Big Picture and University Food Challenges
U.S. Food Security Challenges / For Tues:
- DiscussFood insecurity prevalence among college students at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, by Chaparro, Zaghloul, Holck, & Dobbs
- Documentary “A Place at the Table”—available through Netflix, Amazon Prime, or library reserve (Course Reserves is located behind the Circulation Desk, 1st Floor)
- Hunger University: Are College Students the New Face of Food Insecurity? by Holt
- Comments to the Summer 2015 students in Google Drive (accessed initially through D2L with your PDX acct)
- CISFS web page
- Checkout D2L platform page for the class
Intro, discussion on the Hawai’IMānoa article
Ann Mestrovich and Jessica Cole,
Co-chairs of the CISFS committee (community/PSU partner) / Thurs:
Be prepared with questions for CISFS partner
Bring What is notable book
2 / Prior to class on Tues:
- USDA Household Food Security in the United States in 2013 (National folder)
- FRAC: Food Hardship in America 2012 (National folder)
- Food Insecurity at CUNY: Results from a Survey of CUNY Undergraduate Students (University)
- Commitment to volunteer hours
- More College Students Battle Hunger(University)
- Lost in Transition?(University)
Bring What is notable book
Updates of progress with resources
3 / OSU and Oregon Food Bank / Prior to class on Tues(in the University folder):
- Oregon State University Human Services Resource Center
- What is Oregon State University doing to be the model in the state?
- Why Campus-Based Food Banks?
- College and University Food Bank Alliance (CUFBA)
- Campus meetings
- Focused, specific, scheduled meetings and/or defined tasks
Tues: What campus meeting or project will you be working on for Thurs-be specific / Due to Dropbox, prior to Thurs, 11.45 a.m.:
Two-page paper using your “What is notable?” notes; choose one specific, tight topic related to campus food insecurity and expand on that theme using at least two materials from the class (or your own researched materials). Maximum of two double-spaced pages (so be concise and make every word count); must cite your courses and include a separate References page.
4 / Oregon and the Oregon Food Bank / Prior to class on Tues(in the Oregon folder):
Oregon Food Bank’s web page
- Oregon Food Bank:
- Understanding Hunger tab
- Our Work tab
- Oregon Food Bank: Voices
- OSU Food Security database
- Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon
5 / National Hunger / Prior to class on Tues(in the National folder):
- An Alarming Number of Food Pantries are Slashing Portions to Meet Rising Demand
- USDA: Household Food Security in the United States in 2013
- FRAC: Food Hardship in America 2012; just skim and note the Oregon sections
- Catch-up with readings, group projects, etc.
This What is Notable#2 paper centers on what we can learn from other food banks and other campus food bank programs. Relate some of the class materials (or additional outside resources) to PSU’s culture, campus, and environment. You must include aspects of our own culture and campus.Two pages max, double-spaced. Citings and Ref page.
6 / The Role of Religion? / Prior to class on Tues (all in the National folder):
- A Peace of Bread: Faith, Food, and the Future (video linked in National folder)
- Witnesses to Hunger: 11 Photos of Loving Low-Income Mothers (National folder)
- Union Gospel Mission, link is in the National folder (look through their services and offerings)
- Bread for the World, U.S. Hunger: the five resources in the Measurements, Survey
- Be prepared for updates on 14 hours of service experiences
- Group updates
7 / Measurement Tools/University Students / Prior to class on Tues:
- SEED Wayne: Cultivating Student Leadership in Sustainable Food Systems
- International Students: A Vulnerable Student Population
- Food Insecurity Among Community College Students: Prevalence and Association With Grade Point Average
- Read resources in Tools, Course Tools
8 / Tuesday:
- Catch-up with last readings
- Format to be determined
- “What is Notable” exam book(s) submitted
This, too, is a max two-page, double-spaced paper; choose one or two aspects of your service that impacted you the most or had the greatest impact on PSU. Submit 14 Hours of Service exam book in class.