Killearn Kirk Kids
A warm welcome to all children and their families to Kirk Kids Sunday School. Whether you are just visiting or come to Church regularly we on the Kirk Kids team want you to feel free to join in all the activities that we have on offer for all children of nursery and primary school age.
You will find that we run a regular programme (see back cover) of Bible Stories and activities in the Church hall organised into small, age-appropriate groups. We use Scripture Union materials and all the members of our teaching team are vetted under the national child protection system (PVG).
Family and Special Services
On other Sundays your children are welcome to stay in the main Church service at both the all-age family services and the special services listed on our programme. We recognise that for some children on these days additional activities may be required to keep them fully engaged and so we invite you to collect a bag and select a variety of activities to take with you into the service. These materials can be found on a table just inside the new hall (an elder will direct you). All we ask is that you return any materials that can be reused to their original place at the end of the service. All of these materials can be used by your children if they are with you in Church during the school holidays too.
For The Safety of Your Children: if your children regularly attend Kirk Kids then it is essential that you complete a Registration Form. These are always available from our Child Protection Officer Kirsty Smith on 550654.
If you have any other questions please contact Agnes Macintosh 550794 who is always happy to help.
Arrangements For Leaving and collecting your children
Our normal practice is for all children to stay and sit with their parents for the first part of the service. After the short children’s address and the hymn that follows our organist will play some music to allow the children and their teachers to leave for their time at Sunday school. Parents wishing to leave their children at crèche should take this opportunity to accompany their children through to the crèche room and once their children have settled they can slip back into the main service.
Once the service ends we ask that parents collect their children promptly from their activity areas and you are then invited to take them through to the middle hall for juice and biscuits and of course for coffee or tea for yourselves.
If the doors to the Kirk Kids hall are closed then we ask that you wait a few moments until the lesson finishes. You can observe the end of the lesson through the glass windows. One of the teachers will open the door of the hall to allow you to join us and collect your children very shortly after the main service ends.
Kirk Kids Programme
February- June 2018
Month / Date / Story ThemeFebruary / 4 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Story Seeds
25 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Story Seeds
11 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Jesus Cares
18 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Jesus Cares
April / 1 / EASTER HOLS
22 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Jesus Cares
13 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Jesus Cares
20 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Holy Spirit
June / 3 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Holy Spirit
10 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Holy Spirit
17 / Kirk Kids Sunday School / Holy Spirit
24 / Kirk Kids Presentation / Celebration
30 / No Kirk Kids until September