Monday, 09 May, 2016

Meeting opened: 7:04pm

Present: Selena Kilpatrick, Robyn Sheahan, Dominique Maidment, Sue Vollert, Kayleen Wright, Belinda Johnston, Jason Drury, Julie So Choy, Vicky Taifalos. Apologies:Rob Leonforte, Juanita Hunter, Darryl Drury.

Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were tabled and accepted.
Moved: Sue Vollert. Seconded: Belinda Johnston.

Business arising from previous meeting:
Asbestos Awareness Presentation: presentation from Education Department (available online
Belinda advised that a WAAP (Work Area Access Permit)isrequired for any
work done on school grounds. There will be a WAAP on each classroom while the air conditioners are
being installed. No one (teachers, parents, students) will be allowed access until WAAP is closed on each job.
Quotes for oval shelter: Rob following up on quotes. Advised to get 3 (three) quotes.
Kerbing (garden in front of D-block) not yet complete but Ernie will finish soon.
Atherton High School Hall: booked for 26 August for Fancy Dress. Selena will confirm booking.
New footpath from prep building: ongoing.
Metal Screens: Wasyl has inspected the screens and found rust. They are no longer safe to be installed.
Air-conditioners: letter has gone out to parents with details of installation.
Newsletter: in term 4 the newsletter will be sent out by email and paper copy.
From start of 2017 (term 1) newsletters will only be sent by email.
Prizes drawn for early payment of school levy. Published in newsletter.
Student Council: have a proposal for tables & chairs to install in shelter in front of B-block.
Includes one central table/chairs setting and two bench seats at a cost of $5028.
Motion moved to support and approve proposal (Sue Vollert). Approved unanimously.
Tuckshop: Julie & Dominique reported that the eftpos fees are too high to get a machine for the tuckshop.
Family Portraits: Kayleen advised that dates need revising with Maria.
Microsoft Outlook: Jason advised that to download a free copy you require a Misc. ID (can obtain from
iPads/Chromebooks: Kayleen has discussed with SWD teacher and ICT team. Chromebooks are not the best
option. Kayleen has a quote for a set of iPads. Approximately $26,500 for 30 ipads, plus cases and 30
docking stations. School should have 4G internet installed by end of term 2.
To be considered further by P&C.
Juanita will contact Vicky to do a handover for the tuckshop.
Correspondence:Letter from Kursty Joy(Assistant Tuckshop Convenor) to advise she needs to go on extended
leave until 2017. Casey is happy with that and will get Paula Barletta in as a replacement
when necessary.
Celebrate Canteen Week: 8-12 August (follow up with Casey).
Flexi schools (tuckshop online ordering) (run by Casey).
2016 National Excellence Teaching Awards pack (to be advertised in newsletter).

Treasurer’s report:March closing BALANCE: $33,192.80 (no expenses)

Report moved: Dominique Maidment. Seconded: Bindi Rose.

Tuckshopreport: Opening April BALANCE:$16,585.73
Closing April BALANCE:$17,050.66

Report moved: Bindi Rose. Seconded: Dominique Maidment.

Principal’s Report:
P&C of the Year Awards: prizes on offer (commbank) if P&C makes a video demonstrating their contribution
to community (details on file).
Letter from student: Ty Lynch-Symonds has been selected to play in the Peninsula team for basketball (State
Championships to be held in Mackay in June) and requested support from P&C.
$50 unanimously approved.
Kayleen requested funding for Talytha MacDonald who has been selected for Peninsula under 12s hockey
(State Championships to be held in Buderim). $50 unanimously approved.
Kayleen provided dimensions of transformer box to be installed out the front of B-block (on file).
Kayleen provided an executive summary and full report of School Improvement Unit Report (available
online). Hard copies on file.

Moved: Kayleen Wright. Seconded: Bindi Rose.

General Business:
Rob (via Dominique): provided dates for his availability for next month. He would like to attend.
Monday 20 June.
Dominique: Maria MacDonald will check dates for family portraits (November).
Maria wanted to thank Mr Stroud, Mr Lamperd and Mrs Greene for assisting her daughter at Butcher’s Creek
Cross Country when she had a bad asthma attack. Queried if all teachers are qualified in asthma training
that attend district cross country. Kayleen advised that all Tolga teachers are trained; however it is possible
that some parent volunteers on the day are not qualified.
Robyn: provided information on pancake machine. Casey is interested in purchasing a
machine. New machine: $2860 (including freight + GST). Refurbished machine: $1100 (plus freight). P&C would like more information on running costs. At this stage appears to be a bit expensive.
Robyn queried if Kayleen had received information regarding advertising for Tablelands Art Group (for kids).
Kayleen had not received information so Robyn will follow it up.
Julie (query from a parent): queried the $7 cost to attend Butcher’s Creek District Cross Country. Tolga

parents pay and still have to transport students to BC. Kayleen knows that some other Tableland schools do

charge a fee, however basically it gets back to the fact that this fee has just always been in place and never

changed. Butcher’s Creek charges $7 per student. The issue needs to be looked at further (in November with

school budgeting).
Bindi: advised that there have only been two volunteers (this year) for the position of Parent Liaison in
classrooms (2 out of 15 classrooms). Kayleen suggested just trying to implement Prep-Year 3. Belinda will
talk to teachers. Bindi will talk to Janette Doyle (Parent Liaison Co-Ordinator).
Jason suggested some fundraising ideas: bingo, movie night, trivia night, coffee pod recycle. Jason will find
out what’s required for coffee pod recycling.

Sue will get a quote from Dominoes for Fancy Dress.

NextP&C Meeting: Monday 20 June, 7:00pm

Meeting closed:9:12pm