Depositing micro- and nano-sized Coatings by means of Aerosol assisted large area cold atmospheric Plasma Technology

۩ Tom Van Hove


AbstractA material’s surface determines many functional properties. Therefore several technologies have been found in the past to alter the surface conditions by introducing desired surface-related functionalities. One of them is atmospheric plasma technology. When combining this kind of plasma with aerosol application a new versatile and flexible technique is born, which makes it possible to add distinctive micro- and nano-layers continuously on different kinds of materials. The ecologically friendly plasma process allows to support existing processing or can create an alternative for current finishing methods. Even completely new products are obtainable.

Keywordsplasma, atmospheric, aerosol, coating, functional

I.Plasma: general background


Plasma is known as the fourth state of matter next to the solid, liquid and gaseous state of a material. When adding extra energy to a gas its different (charged) particles obtain a higher rotational and vibrational energy. Besides the particles’ movements become faster i.e. having a higher kinetic energy value. The result is an avalanche of collisions which leads to a partially[1] ionized gas namely a plasma. This plasma is formed by a complex mixture of active and non-active components: free electrons, fotons, ions, excited particles, radicals, neutral atoms and molecules. This means a plasma contains both physically and chemically very reactive particles.

For industrial processing plasmas are mostly created by using electrical energy to ionize the gas in the reactor chamber. This is carried out by means of an electrode system onto which a high voltage is applied (see figure 1).

Figure 1 Principle of plasma generation

The result is an electrical current that flows into the created circuit. Each plasma has its typical current-voltage characteristic. A distinction can be made between corona discharges (high voltage, very low current), glow discharges (lower voltage, higher current) and arc discharges (very low voltage, very high current). The applied voltage can be a direct (DC) or alternating (AC) current. In case of AC the frequency (can vary from some tens of Hz to some GHz) is an additional important parameter.

B.Plasma systems: classifications

All the existing plasmas form a divers amalgam. Three main approaches can be used to classify artificially made plasmas for material processing.

1. Thermal and non-thermal plasmas

A thermal or equilibrium plasma is marked by a balance between three essential parts of the plasma: electrons, ions and neutral particles all have a similar high temperature. Such a kind of plasma is always hot: temperatures of several thousands degrees of Celsius are usual. Flames and nuclear explosions are examples of thermal plasmas. These hot plasmas are used in waste treatment (i.e. dissociation of chemical components known as plasma pyrolysis), sintering, vaporizing or melting materials which can hardly be melted,… Due to their destructive nature thermal plasmas normally can’t be used to treat materials.

Contrarily in case of a non-thermal or non-equilibrium plasma the electron temperature is much higher than those of the ions and neutral particles. This results in a cold plasma (temperature of the plasma < 200 °C), suitable for treating (polymer) materials. Table 1 provides values of some fundamentals parameters of thermal and non-thermal plasmas.

Table 1Comparison between thermal and non-thermal plasma

Thermal plasma / Non-thermal plasma
Pressure (atm) / low pressure to many atm / low pressure to 1 atm
Electron/ion density (cm3) / 1012 - 1019 / 109 - 1013
Electron temperature (K) / 5000 - 500000 (0,5-50 eV) / 1000 - 50000 (0,1-5 eV)
Ion/Neutral temperature (K) / 5000 - 30000 / 100 - 1000

2. Vacuum/intermediary/atmospheric plasmas

A primary process parameter during treatment is the plasma pressure. Figure 2 presents the three possible cold plasma systems with their corresponding indicative pressure values. Of old many plasmas were created in a vacuum chamber by electrical ionization of one or more gases which are introduced into the created vacuum. Working in vacuum conditions has its advantages namely a good controllable plasma medium as the surrounding atmospheric influences (humidity, dust, temperature fluctuations,…) are excluded. It leads to a maximally qualitative and homogenous surface treatment (e.g. longer shelf-life in activation cases). Even difficult materials like Teflon can be treated. Working continuously in vacuum conditions isn’t an obviousness at all, so nearly almost it is worked out in a batch configuration. Flat substrates as well as complex three-dimensional objects can be treated. The main disadvantage for vacuum plasma technology is the high capital investment cost even though the variable cost is substantially lower. Besides many applications require an inline implementation.

Figure 2 Classification based on plasma pressure

An atmospheric plasma system is working at a pressure close to 1 atm. So when working with process gasses (nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen,…) the gas consumption is much higher under atmospheric circumstances than under the vacuum equivalent, which will lead to more waste gas. The investment cost however is clearly lower comparing with low pressure plasma equipment (e.g. a complicated pump system for creating vacuum conditions isn’t necessary anymore). It’s also important that the elimination of the need for a low pressure will make it possible to work inline, which means implementation of atmospheric plasma systems in existing production lines is feasible. This fact linked to a lower process cost creates a competitive alternative for vacuum technology. Certainly when considering that recent developments in atmospheric plasma are revealing its huge potential: many effects created with vacuum technology are perfectly reachable with the atmospheric counterpart.

Intermediary plasma systems try to combine the strengths of both vacuum and atmospheric technology. They make it possible to treat materials offline or inline at a certain reduced pressure to obtain more process control. When varying the pressure effects like plasma penetration depth, grade of cleaning or activation, deposition rate,… can be influenced.

3. Active versus remote plasmas

In case of an active plasma treatment the substrate is led between the two electrodes of the system by means of which the plasma is created. This technique enables the generation of a high concentration of active particles at the substrate’s surface, what will lead to high treatment efficiency. The distance between the two electrodes has to be limited to create a uniform discharge. This means only materials with a limited thickness[2] can be treated. Another drawback is the possible backside treatment and/or the pinholes formation.

A remote plasma wants to overcome the above mentioned limitations. Such a plasma system uses a gas stream that blows through the formed plasma to transfer the active particles towards the material’s surface situated outside the plasma zone. The efficiency will decrease as the concentration of active particles at the surface is lower owing to their short life time outside the plasma zone. However thick materials and complex 3-D geometries can be treated now without risking backside treatment or pin-holing. Commercial remote devices are often referred to as plasma torch, jet, shower or booster partly because they create a limited plasma treatment zone. For treatment of wider fabrics a whole battery of torches is required then, but when rotating them a lower investment cost is obtainable due to the higher coverage of the emitted plasma. Another aspect is the relatively high plasma temperature (> 200 °C) of many existing remote systems which prevents speaking about a real cold plasma. Figure 3 visualizes the fundamental difference between active and remote plasma.

Figure 3 Principle of active and remote plasma

C.Fundamental plasma-surface interactions

During plasma treatment several processes can be distinguished at the substrate’s surface:

  • Anisotropic etching of the surface:via a highly reactive plasma (often fluorine based) removing the material’s top layer, this removal can have nano- or micro- dimensions
  • Surface fine cleaning: removing small amounts (# mg/m2) of organic contaminants (heat stabilizers, anti-oxidants, lubricants, mould release agents, dust,…), inorganic products such as salts aren’t removable [1]
  • Activation or topochemical functionalization i.e. building in of polar groups as hydroxyl (-OH), carbonyl (=CO), carboxyl (-COOH), amino (-NHx), nitro (-NO2)
  • Polymerization/deposition: attaching a highly crosslinked functional top layer on the material

Most often several of these processes are combined in one treatment step or one after another depending on the specific case. For instance cleaning can be followed by activation or a polymerization requests sometimes a pre-activation to obtain a permanent effect.

D.Plasma applications

Normally only the material’s upper molecule layers (10 – 15 nm deep) are influenced during plasma treatment[3]. This means the bulk will remain its properties as it isn’t affected by the plasma. Therefore plasma applications are to a large extent restricted to surface related effects. A non-limitative survey of existing plasma applications in different sectors is given below.

  • (bio)medical field: activation of catheters and syringes prior to glueing, pore cleaning and enhancement of wettability of membranes, biocompatible coatings on implants, cleaning of lenses, permanent hydrophilic coating of Teflon tubes, medical equipment sterilization,…
  • Electronics: etching of PCB, cleaning of lead frames, activation of capacitor housings/CD players/LED-screens prior to printing and glueing,…
  • Automotive: activation of car bumpers before lacquering, better adhesion of flockings e.g. for hand shoe boxes,…
  • Textiles/fibres/non woven: activation for better adhesion and wettability during processing (dyeing, coating, lamination, printing), hydrophobation of non wovens for gas and liquid filtration applications, hydrophilic treatment of PP or PP/PE non wovens used for battery separation,permanent hydrophilic treatment of yarns, treatment of fibres and tissues (PP, PES/CV, Kevlar) for an optimal adhesive property in composites,…
  • Aerospace, aviation, military: cleaning of navigation tools and sensors, barrier coatings on windows,…
  • Plastics: cleaning and/or activation prior to coating, lamination, printing and metallization, H20/O2/CO2 barrier formation for packaging, hydrophilic or oleophobic coatings, antifogging,…
  • Waste treatment: destruction of water or air contaminants

II.Coating deposition via combination ofatmospheric plasma and aerosol application

A.Minimal add-on coating techniques

Of old many materials were coated or finished while applying a considerable amount of active product. Sometimes this was a necessity e.g. when wanting to alter typical bulk characteristics like strength, elasticity and stiffness. Many other properties are predominantly or even completely surface-related. For instance thinking of hydrophilicity, hydro- and oleophobicity, adhesion, fogging, antimicrobial and antistatic behaviour,… These parameters are stronglylinked to a restricted number of molecular top layers. Because of this they can be clearly modified by minimal add-on coating techniques.

Various methods for producing ultra thin coatings have been developed: Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD[4]) and Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD[5]), ionic beam deposition, galvanic deposition, spraying and roll coating with a very low solid content solution. Plasma technology forms another option. When injecting specific gas and/or aerosol precursors into the plasma highly crosslinked functional coatings can be created just on top of the substrate. When changing the substrate’sresidence timein plasma micro- and even real nano-coatings are attainable. This means (new) functional surface coatings are possible over a whole range (see figure 4).

Figure 4 From macro to nano size

Plasma treatment has some inherently interesting characteristics which speak in favor of it comparing with existing alternatives: environmentally friendly (no solvent, less chemicals, no drying because water-free), flexible and reliable processing, energy efficient, highly performing technology. That’s the reason why plasma is implemented in a rising number of industrial processes.

B.Aerosol assisted plasma technology

Commercial application of thin surface coatings via plasma is often done by means of a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) [2]. This is mostly worked out through a parallel plate electrode system. At least one of the electrode surfaces is covered with a dielectric i.e. a special ceramic. Covering both is the best because this assures an optimal discharge behaviour preventing substrate damage. Creating a glow discharge (often radio frequent: 40 kHz or 13,56 MHz) guarantees a maximal uniformity and flexibility, comparing with other discharge types [3]. Because of this glow discharge isthe most widespread in plasma depositing technology. The high tension set on the electrodes for forming the plasma can vary from 1 kV to 40 kV with an applied power of 0,5 – 10 W/cm². Using a high power per electrode surface unit will constrain an adequate cooling of the electrodes because of heat dissipation effects.

The working principle is presented in figure 5. A carrier gas is brought between the two electrodes to be ionized for creating the ‘basic discharge’. Commonly used carrier gasses are inert gasses like helium (He), argon (Ar) and nitrogen (N2). Even air can be used. The layer which is deposited originates from a precursor that is injected into this ‘basic discharge’. Different precursor systems can be used: gasses, liquid vapours, aerosols or nano-powders. Most often gasses and/of aerosols are used. This publication deals with the atmospheric cold large area plasma deposition technology using aerosols for the nano- and micro-coating of web materials.

Figure 5 Principle of plasma deposition

A classical polymerization normally uses products with reactive groups. This means they have an intrinsic reactivity towards each other (figure 6, path (1)). However, after deposition onto a material adhesion failures are possible due to the substrate’s characteristics (soiled, temperature sensitivity preventing high curing temperatures, chemical inertness,…). The precursor used in a plasma polymerization process can be inert (i.e. non-reactive by itself), because it becomes activated during the plasma-precursor interaction (path (2)). This enables the formation of a crosslinked structure built of elementary precursor units (path (3)). Combining this with the plasma activation of the substrate’s surface (path (4)), a thin (multi)functional top layer can be severely attached to the material (path (5)).

The ionization of the carrier gas has to lead to a stable and homogenous discharge that cleans/activates the material’s surface on the one hand, and creates a highly reactive precursor (starting polymerization) on the other hand. The use of noble gasses like helium and argon will lead to the best results. This is due to the fact that noble gasses will result in highly stable discharges. Moreover the noble gas particles aren’t built in onto the substrate during treatment. This means you won’t have an (unwanted) interference with the added layer. This can be importante.g. in case of an oleophobic treatment: having a completely perfluorinated surface leads to the highest oil repellency values. The big disadvantage however is the high cost of noble gasses. Keeping in mind that an atmospheric wide area plasma unit requests a considerable gas flow, plasma treatments might become an exclusive matter for selected niche markets. That’s the reason why many research groups are opting for nitrogen as carrier gas. It’s clearly less expensive and has satisfying discharge properties too. The building in of nitrogen based functionalities during plasma treatment can’t be avoided then. Though this isn’t restrictive in many applications, and if so the impact will be minimal with adequate process settings.

Figure 6 Plasma polymerization

As earlier mentioned a depositing plasma uses a gas, an aerosol or a combination of it as precursor mostly. Depending on the desired functionality other gasses and aerosols are applied. Typical used (non-)saturated gasses are methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene, tetrafluoromethane, hexafluoroethane and hexafluoropropylene. Common used aerosols types are e.g. acrylic acid, hydroxyethylmethacrylate, hexamethyldisiloxane, polyethylene glycol [4].

C.Working with aerosols

1. Aerosol as precursor instead of gas

A plasma can split up (high) molecular particles. This has a strong repercussion: only elements and components with a low molecular weight can be utilized as gas precursor in plasma depositing applications. As there are much more liquid than gaseous precursors available, the number of possible surface chemistries is clearly higher when working with aerosol precursors. Various polymer, oligomer and monomer systems can be simultaneously applied in aerosol form during plasma treatment. So working with aerosol precursors offers more flexibility and more treatment possibilities.

2. Methods of aerosol production

Different techniques can be used for aerosol production:

  • ultrasonic
  • piezo technology
  • special nozzles

Nozzles are the most stable system in case of constant production. Important parameters are the distribution of the drop size and the average drop diameter. These two parameters are depending on the aerosol production method, its settings (e.g. the frequency of the nozzles for ultrasonic nebulisers) and the liquid precursor’s characterics (likesurface tension, density, viscosity, temperature,…). Commercial plasma systems use aerosols with an average drop diameter from 1 micron to some tenths of microns. The smaller the drop size, the higher the interaction precursor-plasma.

3. Aerosol formulation

A monomer system can be used as liquid precursor. The advantages are twofold in this case. First of all the applied functional layer is only built up out of precursor elements, because of working with 100 % pure monomer products. Secondly there is the ability to create tailor-made surface coatings as the real polymerization step occurs during plasma treatment. This means for instance that a formulation of three different monomers can be used as precursor to build up a three-dimensional terpolymer structure with different basic functionalities.

Polymer based aerosols are the main alternative. Polymers will only request a crosslinking step and an anchoring on the activated substrate, because the basic polymer structure is already present at the start. The best is working with water based polymer systems, because solvents include a security risk and are ecologically not favorable (VOC) at all. The water component however will also be injected into the active plasma zone, so it gets activated and built in onto the material’s surface. This building in of polar groups (-OH, =O, -O-O-,…) is unwanted in applications like hydrophobic and oleophobic treatment, so it puts some restrictions to the application potential. Moreover the interaction water-plasma will also lead to the formation of oxygen and very aggressive oxygen radicals that can affect the chemical structure of the polymer. Finally this can result in unwanted substrate damage.