Natal Coast Kennel Club

Proudly presents the


Sunday 29th April 2012 Ashley Sports Club, Pinetown

Handling commences 7:30 am

Breed judging commences 8:00 am

Rottweilers will be judged first at 8:00am, followed by Italian Greyhounds

/ Gundogs & Group (not before 10:30am) / Mrs. Glenda Cook (Aust)
Herding & Group / Mr. John Thompson (Aust)
Hounds & Group / Mr. Angus Peden (KZN)
Terriers & Group (not before 10:30am) / Mr. John Thompson (Aust)
Toys & Group, excluding Italian Greyhounds / Mrs. Edith Hogg (KZN)
Utility & Group / Mrs. Glenda Cook (Aust)
Rottweilers, Italian Greyhounds followed by the balance of Working & Group / Mr. Stephen Hall (UK)
Child Handler & Junior Handler / Mr. Stephen Hall (UK)
Best Puppy in Show / Mr. John Thompson (Aust)
Best Junior in Show / Mr. John Thompson (Aust)
Best Veteran / Mr. John Thompson (Aust)
Best in Show / Mr. John Thompson (Aust)

Breed Classes: Minor Puppy; Puppy; Junior; Graduate; SA Bred; Veteran; Open; Champion

All breeds to be judged in alphabetical order as listed in Appendix A of Schedule 2 of the KUSA Constitution, except where specified above.

Entry Fees: R85.00 per dog per class R30.00 per Child/Junior Handler

Catalogues: R50.00 (full) to be paid with entries. Membership: R20.00 single; R30.00 double

Entries to: The Secretary, Mrs. Bernice Uys Tel: 031 708 4148 or 084 733 7789

Email: Fax: 0865 099 927

Postal Address: 32 Pastoll Road, Pinetown, 3610


Banking details: First National Bank, Pinetown

Acc no: 51381297486 Branch code: 221-626

Note: Please fax or email confirmation of deposits and EFTs. No Postal Orders will be accepted. No post-dated cheques/EFT deposits with dates after the closing date of the show will be accepted. Please add an additional R15.00 to each cash deposit to cover bank charges.

Camping: Camping will be permitted on the small top field only from Thursday 26th April to Monday 30th April at a rate of R100.00 per night per caravan/tent. Camping fees are payable in advance only. Please pay HIGHWAY KENNEL CLUB with entry fees. Camping discs will be posted.

Rosettes to : BOB; RBOB; Puppy; Group Winners; BIS; RBIS; BPIS; BJIS; BVIS

Catering will be available on the day – no alcohol to be brought onto the grounds.

Entries postmarked on or before 1st April 2012 will be accepted provided that they are received within 5 days of the closing date. Late entries will be returned. No entries marked RAF or TAF will be accepted.

Bitches in season will be allowed to compete. The mating of bitches within the precincts of the show is forbidden. Puppies under 6 months of age are not eligible for exhibition.

The Club reserves the right to appoint alternative judges, should any be unable to officiate for any reason.

This show is held under KUSA regulations.

Please note that Handlers/Exhibitors are personally responsible for the control of their dogs at all times and shall be personally liable for any claim which may be made in respect of injuries which may arise or be caused by their dogs.

Club Officials: Chairman/Show Manager: Mr. K. Smith; Hon. Secretary: Mrs. B. Uys; Treasurer: Mr. K. Packer

Vet on Call: Dr. Steve Wimberly KUSA Rep: TBC