World History FinalSTUDY GUIDE

Unit 1- Geography and Culture

Mesopotamia means _

Land Between The Rivers______.

The world’s first civilizations emerged near River Valleys

What is the difference between a monotheistic and a polytheistic religion?

Mono = 1….Poly = multiple or 2+

Founder / Sacred Text / Mono or Poly?
Judaism / Abraham & Issac / Torah & Talmud / M
Christianity / Jesus H Christ / Bible / M
Islam / Muhammad / Quran or Koran / M
Hinduism / (none) / Vedas & Upshinads / P
Buddhism / Buddha / Triptakas / P

Christians believe God has 3 forms:

1) Jesus ( The Son)

2) God (The Father)

3) The Holy Ghost or Spirit

The first written collection of laws was Hammurabi’s Code.

The Senate was the law-making body of Rome, copied by the USA.

The American concept of Innocent until Proven Guiltywas first developed by the Romans.

Feature / Greece / Rome / Egypt
Famous City & Government
Major Religions & Social Classes
Jobs &
Public Works
Arts &

Sparta Athens


Offed the Weak

Fight Early Age

Unit 2- The Dark Ages

The Silk Road was a trade route from CHINA to AFRICA.

Feudal PERSIA / Europe / Asia / Africa
Political / Feudal / Dynasties / Mansa Musa (Mali)
Religion / Christian / Poly or Islamic
Social / Black Plague
Artistic / Kabuki & Writing

How Did the Black Plague Impact Europe? The Rest of the World?

Easily spread disease from fleas to rats to human beings. HIGH death rate. Affected Rich & Poor… at the Same D*** Time

Unit 3- Renaissance & Reformation

Artists andReformers of the Renaissance

Unit 4- First Global Age

Unit 5- Absolutism

Define Absolutism

All Powerful…ABSOLUTE POWER…Control E’rything

Compare & Contrast Two Absolute Rulers

Peter the Great- Russian; Modernize Russia

Catherine the Great- Russia; Same

Philip I- Spain; Used Strong Spanish navy (Armada)

Louis XIV- France; Sun King & Built LAVISH Palace at Versailles

King James I- England; Limited the Power of Citizens in England

Scientific Revolution

Unit 6 -Enlightenment & Revolution


Name / Beliefs
Hobbes / People Born CRUEL & Selfish
Locke / Life, Liberty, & Property
Montesquieu / 3 Branches of Government w Checks & Balances
Rousseau / Society Corrupts People
Voltaire / -
MARKET Economy / COMMAND Economy
Adam Smith / Founder? / Karl Marx
People/Businesses / Who makes economic decisions? / Government
Capitalism, Free Enterprise / Also known as… / Socialism, Communism
“Invisible Hand” / Key Vocabulary / “Proletariat” & “Bourgeoisie


Unit 7- Industrialization

The Steam ENGINE Provided Transportation and Has Not Changed Much Even to Today

Other Inventions: Seed Drill; Dynamo; Dynamite; Steel; Electricity; Chemical Fertilizers

Causes of the Industrial Revolution:

Small Farms Bought by BIG Farms. Families Out of Work so MOVE to the City.Needed NEW Jobs.

Results/Conditions of The Industrial Revolution:

DANGEROUS Factories & Machines.Child Labor.Long Hours.Groups to Protect Workers Rights.POLLUTION. Growth of Cities/Middle Class

Unit 8- Nationalism & Imperialism

Reasons for Imperialism (Examples)

1. Economic (Take Their Resources)

2. Political (Gain Power in Another Land)

3. Social Darwinism (White Man’s Burden)

4. Humanitarianism (Provide Schools/Hospitals)

Nationalism Definition (2 Examples)

  1. Loyalty to Your Nation; Thinking Your Nation is Better Than Others; Pride
  2. Germany (Unification of Germany)
  3. Russia (Communist/Bolsheik Revolution)

Continent / Europe / Asia / Africa
Examples of Imperialism / -Scramble for Africa
-British Control of India / -Opium War
-Boxer Rebellion / -Slave Trade in Africa

Unit 9- World War I

Cause / Nation’s
Policy / Event Example / Result After War
Militarism / Building Your Military / United States Preparing for War in Europe / Removal of German Military
Alliances / Agreement Between Countries / -Germany & Austria-Hungary
-Great Britain, Russia (Early), France, & US / Italy Broke from main Alliance; Isolation = What Countries Want
Imperialism / Conquering Other’s Land / Serbian Terrorist Attack on Austria-Hungary / Isolationism; Countries Started Overpowering Weak Nations
Nationalism / Pride In Your Nation / Propaganda / Rise in MORE Nationalism; Especially for Countries SCREWED Over

Reasons US Entered

1. Sinking of Lusitania (German U-Boats Attacked; Killed Americans))

2 Zimmerman Note (Letter Sent From Germany to Mexico, Telling Them to Invade U.S.)

New Weapons

1 Flamethrowers

2 Tanks

3 Machine Guns

4. Trenches (BIG Ditches)

Unit 10- World War I I & Cold War

Name / Country & Side / Type of Government / Major Moment / Fate of Country
Franklin Roosevelt/ Harry Truman / US/Allies / Democracy / FDR: Pearl Harbor/Conferences
HST: Drop Atomic bomb / Became a World Power; Cold War
Adolf Hitler / Germany/Axis / Nazi / Holocaust; Invade Poland; Pacts / Split Btwn Communist & Democracy
Winston Churchill / England/Allies / Democracy / Inspired British to KEEP Fighting / Needed Rebuilding Through Marshall Plan
Benito Mussolini / Italy/Axis / Fascist / Conquered Greece/Ethiopia; Hitler’s Boy; Created Fascism / Also Rebuilt Through Marshall Plan
Josef Stalin / Russia (USSR)/Allies / Communist / Initially Agreed NOT to Fight Hitler; BEAT Hitler in Russia / Became a World Power; Cold War
Hideki Tojo/ Hirohito / Japan/Axis / Totalitarian / HT: Attack US
H: Refused to Surrender After 1st Bomb / Rebuild After Bombing

Battles During WWII (Results)

1 D-Day (Invaded France; Allies Win)

2 Spanish Civil War (Unofficial; Axis Win)

3 Pearl Harbor (Attack on US; Axis Win)

Appeasement: Give An Aggressor What they Want Hoping They’ll Stop

United Nations: Group of Nations Organized to Solve World Problems…TOGETHER

Russia & U.S. Comparison During Cold War: World Powers, Afraid to Kill Each other, Spent Billions on Weapons/Defense…Different Governments, NATO vs. Warsaw Pact

Unit 11- Modern Global Issues

NAFTA: North Atlantic Free trade Agreement (Btwn US, Canada, Mexico)

Modern Wars / Causes / Major Event / Results
Persian Gulf / Iraq invades Kuwait / US Removal of Iraqi Troops / Hussein Still in Power
Iraq / Saddam Hussein “Has” Weapons of mass Destruction / NO Weapons of mass Destruction; Capture of Saddam Hussein / Troops Withdrawal in 2012
Afghanistan / Events of 9/11; Remove Taliban / Removal of Taliban / IDK!?!?!?
Terrorism / Events of 9/11 / Killing Osama Bin Laden; NEW Strict Laws / IDK!?!?!?!
Korea / Communist NK vs Democratic SK during Cold War / Guerilla Tactics / Korea STAYS Split in Two Separate Countries
Vietnam / Claim Attack on US Ships by Communist NV; Cold War / -Guerilla Tactics
-US Citizens Angry / Anger at WAR and Cold War From Citizens & WORLD
Bosnia/Rwanda / Remove Dictators in Small Countries / -Mistakes made By Allies/UN/US / -Short Wars; Solved Problems Quickly


Oil controlled by countries like Iran Iraq Saudi Arabia; crisis in 1970’s cut off oil supply to US.


Leader of Iran who was supported by US removed by Iranian people US saved him an Iran wanted him back to punish. New leader of Iran religious ayatollah

Climate Change

Environmental laws changed to stop climate change/pollution.