Unit Title:Unit 6.3: Non-Fiction Study: Newspapers and Current Events Week #:2

Teacher: Subject: EnglishGrade: 6thDate: From _______to ______20____

Desired Result /
Enduring Understanding
EU1. Challenges are opportunities for new understanding.
EU2. Readers must read news with a critical eye to distinguish what news is most important.
EU3. A newspaper is a resource that keeps members of the community informed.
EU4. We can learn about our local and global community through various media sources. /
Assessment Evidence /
PT Writing a News Article
PT Writing an Editorial Article /
Learning Plan /
Suggested Learning Activities: /
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Language
Reading / Language / Language / Language / Language
Expectations / 6.R.4I
6.LA.1 / 6.LA.1 / 6.LA.1 / 6.LA.1 / 6.LA.1
Academic Strategy
Objective / The student will demonstrate command of English grammar and usage when writing, and explain meaning of content words by indicating the part of the article in which it should appear and order the statements to form the original story. / The student willdemonstrate command of English grammar and usage when writing by identifying subject and predicate while watching School of Rock Video- The Tale of Mr. Morton
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG7jEmZu1Wo / The student will classify correctly each sentence strip presented by the teacher according to the sentence type. / The student will state the difference between a statement and question. / The student will practice asking questions to a classmate to demonstrate his/her understanding of how to formulate closed and open ended questions.
Initial Activities / Introduce task and give instructions to complete 6.3 Sample Lesson Attachment Putting a Sentence in Its Place. / Introduce task and give instructions. / Introduce task and give instructions. / Introduce task and give instructions. / Introduce task and give instructions.
Development Activities / Complete 6.3 Sample Lesson Attachment Putting a Sentence in Its Place. / Watch School House of Rock Video subject/predicate- The Tale of Mr. Morton and copy text presented to identify subject/predicate
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG7jEmZu1Wo / Grammar Practice for nonfiction writing- Sentence Types exercise. / Grammar Practice for nonfiction writing- Difference between statement and question. / Ask a partner open and close ended questions using Grammar Practice for nonfiction writing- Attachment 6.3 Question Chart
Closing Activities / Discuss exercise and provide feedback on student responses. / Discuss students’ answers and clarify concepts. / Review and check for students’ understanding. / Review and check for students’ understanding. / Review and check for students’ understanding and provide feedback on students’ performance.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection