2016 Distance Education Symposium

Key Notes and Workshop synopses

Rydges World Square on 28 and 29 July, 2016


Key Note Biographies

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg 4

Michael McQueen 5

Workshop Session 1

E is for evidence 6

Targeting Early Numeracy (TEN) in the DE context 7

Using the English textual concepts resource to design learning K-10 8

Easing anxiety, Engaging immediately 9

Learning, innovation and teachers as change agents 10

Workshop Session 2

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers through a distance education lens 11

Growth Mindset in DE 12

Creating interactive and engaging online learning 13

Distance Education: The role of State office 14

Building Student rapport 15

Workshop Session 3

Why Music matters? - Singing in a virtual world 16

Teaching and learning cycle in action with literacy 17

Inspiring teachers to use Adobe Connect for synchronous lessons 18

Numeracy Skills Framework 19

Positive Education Error! Bookmark not defined.

Workshop Session 4

Sharing a story 21

Maths from the very beginning- pre-early stage 1 numeracy 22

Using the Colaboratus model in distance education learning 23

Crocodiles wear glasses too! What comes first giftedness or disability? 24

Understanding personalised learning and support 30

Worshop Session 5

The body politic: theory and process 26

The Maker Movement within the context of distance education 27

Modelling, scaffolding and independent practice: Providing immediate feedback to students of distance education 28

Introducing the NSW Physical Literacy continuum K-10 29

Improving engagement through Google Classroom Error! Bookmark not defined.

Key Note Biographies

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

Michael is one of Australia's highest profile psychologists. He works in private practice as a nationally registered child and adolescent psychologist and is passionate about delivering national and international evidence based psychology workshops and seminars that make a difference to the health and wellbeing of young people. His training and approach incorporates cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), mindfulness skills and interventions drawn from positive psychology research. He is a founding member of theNational Centre Against Bullying and Chairs their Digital Literacy Committee. From October 2010 - 2013 he was appointed the official advisor to the Queensland government on cyber safety.
He is member of the Australian Psychological Society Committee (Melbourne Branch), a Director of the an ambassador for the federal Government'sNational Drugs Campaign, a columnist for a number of publications includingNew Idea, Girlfriend Magazineand theAustralian Boarding Staffpublication Lightsout. He is the resident parenting expert on Channel 7's Sunriseas well as Psychologist for the top ratingMorning Show with Neil Mitchellon Radio 3AW.
He is an author of 9 books including the bestselling"Princess Bitchface Syndrome"and is currently working on his 10th. He specialises in the area of parenting adolescents and adolescent mental health. He also served on the advisory committee for the Federal Government's Boys' Education Lighthouse School Programme, the Youth psychology advisory group for Victorian Roads Minister Tim Pallas, and as an Advisor to theQueensland Schools Alliance Against Violence
Michael was educated in Kenya, England, New Zealand and Australia. In 1985, he named and co-founded the world's first national teenage cancer patients support group,CanTeen- The Australian Teenage Cancer Patient's Society. He has held a variety of appointments including Executive Director of theNew Zealand Drug Foundationand Director of the Centre for Social Health at the University of Melbourne and Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne. Michael has been the recipient of a number of awards including the Australian Jaycees Outstanding Young Australian of the Year (1987) and in 1997; he was made a Paul Harris Fellow by Rotary International in recognition of his work in the prevention of youth suicide.

Michael McQueen

Michael McQueen is anAustralian-born speaker,social researcherandbestselling author.
Coming from a background in marketing and research, in 2004 Michael founded a consultancy specializing in demographic shifts and social trends called The Nexgen Group.
Michael’s first bookThe ‘New’ Rules of Engagementwas the culmination of a 3-year study of thekey drivers of youth culturearound the world. With an emphasis on the values and attitudes ofGeneration Y, this 2007 release was designed to helpbusiness leaders,educatorsandparentsbetter engage younger generations.
In 2009 and 2010, Michael went on to release a range of gift books calledMementoandWisdomwhich were designed to bridge the generation gap in families by helping parents pass on their stories and life lessons to the next generation. Building on the international success of this gift book range, Michael recently created an online memoir-writing app for parents calledHistography.com.
Michael’s latest bookWinning the Battle for Relevanceis a landmark title that explores why eventhe greatest businesses and institutions become obsoleteand how others can avoid their fate. Drawing on research looking at over 500 of the world’s most iconic brands, Michael outlines a game plan for organisations and businesses that are committed to staying ahead of the curve by re-inventing themselves before they are forced to do so.
Having spoken to over 200,000 people across 5 continents since 2004, Michael is known for hisengaging,entertainingandpractical conference presentations. He has shared the stage with some of the biggest names in the business including Bill Gates, Whoopi Goldberg and Larry King.

Workshop Session 1

E is for Evidence

Presenter: Sueanne Matthews; Karrabar Distance Education Centre

Stage of learning: All Stages

Curriculum area: Cross Curricula


This presentation is designed to assist Distance Education teachers seeking accreditation at higher levels (Highly Accomplished and/or Lead) with how to align their teaching practice to the Australian Professional Teaching Standards and the requirement for evidence to support practice. Sueanne Matthews is an Accredited Teacher Lead, who has extensive experience in identifying appropriate evidence to support standards and how to write the annotation supporting the evidence.


Teachers will reflect, review and evaluate their own practice and be armed with the skills to discern what is appropriate evidence and what is not.

Targeting Early Numeracy (TEN) in the DE context

Presenter: Jill Hadobas; Queanbeyan Distance Education Centre

Stage of learning: Early Years (K-2)

Curriculum area: Mathematics


Targeting Early Numeracy (TEN) is a Best Start initiative aimed at ensuring all students are on track in their numeracy by Year 3. It is a program that is differentiated for all learners.

This hands-on workshop will give an overview of the benefits of the program to students, demonstrate the links to the numeracy continuum, describe how TEN works and show how Queanbeyan Distance Education Centre is implementing the program across K-2 using carefully designed resources and instructional videos.

Delegates will participate in hands-on games and activities and takeaway a sample kit from the QDE TEN program. Jill is happy to share further resources with distance education centres looking to implement the TEN program.


To demonstrate how QDE is implementing TEN in the DE context to personalise learning and to encourage sharing of the resource to broaden knowledge and improve practice across the DE network.

Using the English textual concepts resource to design learning K-10

Presenter: Prue Greene; Learning and Teaching Directorate

Stage of learning: All stages- secondary

Curriculum area: Cross Curricula


English Textual Concepts is a professional learning resource for English K-10 teachers that promotes ‘a passion for and deep understanding of their teaching content’ Great Teaching and Inspired Learning: A blueprint for action. The resource identifies, explains and charts the development of the core knowledge and textual concepts of subject English that students must know and use through all stages of learning.

This session will explore the new English Textual Concepts resource, its development from the NSW English syllabus for the Australian Curriculum K-10 and its implications for teaching and programming. Teachers will consider existing units of learning or create an overview for a unit of learning linking the Textual Concepts approach, the selection of texts and assessment.

Teachers will also explore how the learning processes guide the development of teaching and learning activities, differentiation and the benefits for curriculum transition, particularly between Stages 3 and 4 that the resource provides.

Please bring a copy of the following:

Textual Concept descriptors and stage summaries https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/detresources/descriptors-and-summaries-portrait-logos_WqRPebHEKa.pdf

Textual Concept learning progressions

https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/detresources/process-descriptors- and-summaries-logos_hYxiQEkAdy.pdf


Teachers will learn to:

·  interpret the NSW English Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum K-10 in order to embed higher order thinking and the learning of the core concepts of subject English in their learning and teaching programs

·  understand the core processes for thinking, composing and responding to texts that the syllabus implies and states

Easing anxiety, engaging immediately

Presenter: Shane Williams, Camden Haven High School

Stage of learning: All Stages

Curriculum area: Cross Curricula


This project aims at supporting schools in engaging students during the enrolment period by providing schools with all the resources and training required to engage students during the enrolment period.

This will include:

1.  creation of a student engagement package (SEP)

2.  Ongoing support for transition students

3.  Professional learning for home schools

Shane is working towards Lead accreditation level with the Institute of teachers and is engaged with the Leadership Development Initiative (LDI). This project is his major set for evidence for the LDI.


The success of this project will be determined by an increase in student course work submission in the first few weeks of enrolment. As the results of surveys from students/supervisors staff evaluating the effect of the SEP and adjusted processes on the initial engagement levels of new students.

The outcomes for this workshop are as follows:

1.  Participants will explore the SEP and analyse the range of engaging teaching strategies

2.  Participants will develop a stronger understanding of processes that increase student engagement

3.  Participants will explore the adjustments CHHS have made to enrolment procedures to ensure higher levels of engagement

Learning, innovation and teachers as change agents

Presenters: Melissa Ellis, Katie Grubb and Fraser Munro; Southern Cross School Distance Education

Stage of learning: All Stages

Curriculum area: Cross Curricula


How is our pedagogy meeting the changing needs of future workplaces? Southern Cross DE presents learning, innovation and teachers as change agents. This presentation covers ways to include Cross-Curricular priorities and General Capabilities across all learning areas and the potential of global collaborative technology for delivery. It also highlights needed shifts in workplace culture and attitudes that allow for prioritising learning and innovation within schools with the aim to help learners becoming innovative creators rather than consumers. Changing our workplaces to become more positive and open to change is key to facilitating this and for educators to stay tuned-in and inspired. We want teachers to understand and develop ways to create a rock star professional learning network and to get involved in global education PD from your couch at home. Our workshop will activate you by showcasing some of our innovative student led projects, workshop creative thinking and brainstorm future learning and teaching strategies that you can take back to your school.


·  Understanding the innovation boom in Australia, and the importance of having learning and innovation teams at schools

·  Ways of using technology collaboratively in learning projects to better prepare students for future workplaces

·  Strategies for building and engaging in professional learning networks and the power to become a thought leader in regional Australia and beyond

·  Sharing resources freely with other educators on innovative projects being conducted across the state, country and globe

·  To find out what technology teachers are currently using in DE to gain insight into what works and what might be useful to implement at Southern Cross DE and other DE schools in NSW.

Workshop Session 2

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers through a distance education lens

Presenters: Cate Chapple and working party members; The Open High and various DE centres

Stage of learning: All Stages

Curriculum area: Cross Curricula


This workshop will unpack the 2015-16 project that has involved teachers form all the Distance Education Schools in NSW.

We will explain the aims of this important, user-friendly document that celebrates the 21st century pedagogy our schools deliver to all sectors in NSW. It provides both BOSTES and distance education specific examples and evidence of the Australian Standards for Teachers at proficient level.


All DE teachers will have a deep understanding of the Standards and how they are articulated in distance education.

Growth Mindset in DE

Presenters: Julie Lavis and Jodie Hartwig: Broken Hill School of the Air

Stage of learning: Primary (K-6)

Curriculum area: Cross Curricula


An introduction to the theory and practise of Growth Mindset and the Department initiative HOW2Learn, including insights into how Broken Hill School of the Air have adapted this program and are implementing it with early and middle years students within the distance education setting. It will include examples of the positive impact it is having on teaching staff and home supervisors as well as on the students themselves. A variety of resources, activities and sources will be available for perusal and discussion.


Participants will:

·  gain an introductory understanding of Growth Mindset theory

·  investigate their own beliefs regarding the process of learning

·  understand the impact that changing mindset can have on the whole school communities

·  become aware of resources that are available to support the development of Growth Mindsets

·  understand the importance of Growth Mindsets in distance education

·  understand how the HOW2Learn initiative can be implemented in a distance education setting

Creating interactive and engaging online learning

Presenters: Vickie Krikowa; Karabar Distance Education Centre

Stage of learning: All Stages

Curriculum area: Cross Curricula


So how do we design more interactive and engaging online learning experiences? This session will focus mainly on the use of video and how to create your own instructional/educational videos for your students using apps such as ScreencastOmatic, Clickview, Explain Everything and the use of Swirl and document cameras to create content.