Key Note & Plenary Speakers

Key Note #1Wayne Muller

Plenary #2Loving Self

Wayne Muller is an executive leadership mentor, therapist, minister, community advocate, consultant, public speaker, and bestselling author of several books. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, he has spent the last thirty-five years working with people suffering abuse, alcoholism, poverty, illness and loss.

"When we are lost or afraid, we can tend to isolate, to bear down and get through it, to make it on our own. Jesus says, ‘When two or more are gathered, there I am in your midst.’ When we enter into companionship with another, something larger than ourselvesis born. Choose a few people whose companionship you will seek when times are difficult. One of the most precious gifts we can offer is to be a place of refuge, to be Sabbath for one another."

- Wayne Muller

Plenary #1Romero House

Loving Neighbour

Romero House started almost 25 years agowhen asmall group, who believed that refugees could be treated differently, took over a refugee shelter threatened with closure. They welcomed refugees to stay in apartments without internal locks, as neighbours rather than simply clients, and set out to help them to establish themselves in Canada and create community together. The focus is supporting transition and adjustment of Refugee families.


Thursday, June 2, 2016

6:00 pm Registration andNetworking

7:00pm Welcome, Announcements

Gathering Worship Reception

Friday, June 3, 2016

7:00 am Breakfast

7:30am Registration Desk opens

8:00am Welcome

8:15 am Gathering Worship

8:30 am CAPNM AGM #1

9:00am Plenary #1 - Loving Neighbour

10:30 am Break

10:45 am CAPNMAGM #2

12:00 pm Lunch and Networking

1:00 pm Gathering Worship

1:15 pm Breakout for CAPMN Committees

and Working Groups

2:45 pm Break and Sponsor Displays

4:00 pm Worship Service

4:30 pm Free Time to explore Toronto


Saturday, June 4, 2016

7:30 am Breakfast

8:00 am Registration Desk opens

8:30am Welcome & Housekeeping

Gathering Worship

9:00 am CAPNM AGM #3

10:00 am Break

10:30 am Plenary #2– Loving Self

12:00 pm Prayer Walk with Bag Lunch

1:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

– Sabbath and Self-care

2:30 pm Break

3:00 pm CAPNM AGM #4

4:00 pm Worship Service

6:00 pm Banquet

Sunday, June 5, 2016

7:30 am Catholic Mass

8:00 am Breakfast & Check Out

9:00 am CAPNM AGM #4

10:30 am Closing Worship

11:45am Lunch & Goodbyes

2016 Conference Registration

Please fill out and send to

2016 CAPNM Registrar

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION includes all events, breaks, welcome reception, three lunches, and Saturday banquet

Conference Registration / Cost / Check
Full Conference
Prior to May 1/16 / $250
Full conference
After May 1/16 / $275
Education Day
Includes breaks & lunch / $125 per day

No Refund after May 1, 2016

St. Michael’s College Accommodations

Includes three nights stay and three breakfasts

Accommodations / Cost / Check
Single Room& Breakfasts (single bedcommunal bathroom) / $225
Extra Banquet
Ticket / $50
Total amount Enclosed
Please makes cheques payable to

If additional nights are required, please contact

2016 CAPNM Registrarat

Registrar: Katie Cunnington

8 Tamarack Place

Ingersoll, ON N5C 3Z3


Payments can be made by credit card by going to and clicking on PayPal

Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______Prov: ______

Postal Code: ______Phone #______

Email: ______

Any dietary restrictions: ______

I give permission for CAPNM to release my name


PARISH NURSING is a health ministry of faith communities which emphasizes the wholeness of body, mind and spirit. Rooted in the vision of Christ as Healer, this ministry grows out of the belief that all faith communities are places of health and healing and have a role in promoting wholeness through the integration of faith and health.

PARISH NURSE: a parish nurse is a registered nurse with specialized knowledge, who is called to ministry and affirmed by a faith community to promote health, healing and wholeness.

THE ROLE OF A PARISH NURSE: the role of a parish nurse is to promote the integration of faith and health in a variety of ways that reflect the context of the faith community.

Specific examples include:

  • Health advocacy
  • Health counselling
  • Health education
  • Resource referral

(taken from for the Conference
In this conference we will explore ways to embrace fullness of life in parish nursing ministry by:

Experiencing worship that enriches our lives and our ministries (Loving God)

Learning and reflecting on the challenges of settlement and transition of refugees (Loving Neighbour)

Being nurtured through Sabbath rest and self-care (Loving Self)


St. Michael’s College School was founded in 1852 by the Basilian Fathers, and stands as Ontario’s only independent Catholic school for young men.

Rooms are single occupancy with a communal bathroom. There are a very limited number of double rooms available.


Parking is available on campus at an additional fee payable to the College.

More information will be available closer to the Conference start date

Embracing Life’s Rhythms:

Loving God,

Loving Neighbour,

Loving Self

Canadian Association for

Parish Nursing Ministry


JUNE 2 - 5, 2016

St. Michael’s College

30 Bond St., Toronto, ON