Parish Clerk – Vickie Watts

| 07971 516916 | Gallant Hill Farm, Foxcote, Radstock, BA3 5YB

ON 11th September 2017 AT 7.30PM
Present / Cllr Grant Bolton (Chair), Cllr Crowcombe, Cllr David Van Dyk, Cllr Mitchell, Cllr Gallo and Cllr Alan Price
In attendance: / Vickie Watts (Clerk) took the minutes. 9 members of the public attended.
1 / Declaration of interests and dispensations
Cllr Crowcombe declared an interest in both planning applications listed at agenda items 5.1 and 5.2. Cllr Gallo declared an interest in the Quarry Way planning application listed at agenda item 5.2.
2 / Apologies for Absence
No apologies were received.
3 / Agreement of Minutes for the Parish Council meeting which was held on 14th August 2017 and matters arising
All Councillors had received the minutes prior to the meeting. It was noted that in the public forum it was in fact Mr Blaker who spoke rather than Mr Clarke. This was amended by hand and then agreed to be an accurate record of the meeting held on the 14th August and therefore signed by the Chair.
Vote: 6 For, 0 Against & 0 Abstained
All matters arising had been actioned or will be discussed under a later agenda item apart from:
1.  The Clerk to chase Cllr Ham for the template risk assessment to use at the Memorial Hall. / VW
4 / Meeting Open to the Public.
Mr Clarke raised concern over the post meeting note which the Clerk had inserted at minute ref 5.1 within the minutes for the 14th August 2017. He believed that it was not correct for it to be included within the middle of the minutes but should have been added at the end. Mr Clarke was concerned at what gave rise within the meeting on the 14th August, that was not minuted, to require the post meeting note. The Clerk explained that it had been included to ensure that there was no confusion and to clarify that Mr Haskins had not been invited to take up the post of Cranmore resident representative for the Wainwright Quarry liaison meetings. The Clerk was content with the way that this had been recorded.
5.2 / Planning applications
Application No: / 2016/0665/CNT
Proposal: / Construction of three Replacement Tips at the Moons Hill Quarry
at Stoke St. Michael, Shepton Mallet
Location: / Moons Hill Quarry, Mendip Road, Stoke St Michael, Bath, BA3 5JU
(GR: 366464 - 145551)
Cllr Crowcombe had declared an interest in this application and would not take part in the discussion or voting.
Most of the Parish Councillors had attended the presentation held at Stoke St Michael at the end of August. Letters objecting to the application had been received from Mrs Rose Barker and Mr Nick Haskins, Mr Donald Higgins and Mr David Beech all of which were read out in full.
There was much discussion about the application’s benefits and concerns. A report which covered a stability assessment had been commissioned by Somerset County Council but had recently been removed from the planning website and a letter written by Mr Barry James of Somerset County Council explained that it had been removed whilst they sought legal advice. Councillors wondered if they could make a decision with this outstanding or should they defer?
Cllr Mitchell asked:
1.  Why all 3 tip sites were being sought within this application? Cllr Crowcombe confirmed that Tip D was to be the first utilized, together with the West side of Tip B, then East side of Tip and finally Tip A which is the most contentious as it is nearest to residential properties.
2.  Have senior management from Wainwrights met with the residents in an attempt to come to a compromise? Mr Nick Haskins confirmed that there have been discussions although the technical document doesn’t stack up. He confirmed that he was not against the Quarry but would like to see this staged, balanced and scaled back
Mr Wayne McKeown from Wainwrights confirmed that a decision was made to put forward a long-term proposal 14 months ago when the original application was submitted. At that stage Somerset County Council had asked for clarification on approximately 10 points which they have since addressed within this application. The size and the shape of the bunds have not really changed apart from around Long Cross Farm. The 3 tips will secure the quarry for a further 15 years. The Quarry is a big employer and contributes to the local economy. The quarry has a good name and always investigates when complaints are received and wants to remain as part of the community. He said that they expected Somerset County Council to place conditions on any response to the application, with which the company will abide.
Cllr Mitchell proposed the Parish Council should support the application on the basis that Somerset CC and Wainwrights would be obliged for regulatory, ecological and health and safety reasons to resolve the outstanding issues as well as the company being in direct dialogue with the small number of affected residents, whose views the planners were also aware of. However, in the absence of any seconder Cllr Mitchell subsequently agreed to support her fellow councilors who instead proposed that the decision should be left to Somerset County Council planning officer highlighting concerns over:
1.  The water course
2.  The residents objections
3.  The scale of the schemes
4.  The noise and hydrology
5.  The scope and why it couldn’t be incremental
Vote: 4 For, 0 Against & 2 Abstained (1 of which is a District Councillor)
2017/2027/VRC - Application to vary condition 2 (drawings) of planning permission 2016/1787/FUL Location: Quarry Way Business Park. Ball Lane to Piers Road Waterlip Shepton Mallet BA4 4RN
Cllr Gallo and Cllr Crowcombe had both declared an interest and would not take part in the discussion and vote.
Councillors had considered the above mentioned application prior to the meeting. District Cllr Van Dyk had received written information from Mr Stott highlighting that the change requested is in essence joining the 2 buildings together and slightly increasing the footprint of one of the buildings. It was asked why there were large roller doors to the rear of the buildings when there was no vehicular access – however this was not an issue for this application.
Cllr Price proposed that the application be approved which was seconded by Cllr Bolton with the recommendation that trees be planted to offset the ones removed.
Vote: 3 For, 0 Against & 3 Abstained (1 of which is a District Councillor)
5.2 / Planning updates
2017/1738/APP – Application for approval of details reserved by conditions 3 and 4 of planning consent 2015/0977/FUL which concerns a sample panel.
Dean Garage, Dallimore Lane, Dean, Shepton Mallet BA4 4RZ
Mendip District Council have approved the application.
2016/3192/FUL – Conversion of two barns to form a dwelling including the erection of a link extension to garden. Amendments to current approved plans ref 2014/2588
Land at Dalimore Lane, Dean, Shepton Mallet.
Mendip District Council have approved the application with conditions.
6.3 / Reports
Somerset County Council
No report had been received.
Mendip District Council
District Cllr Van Dyk reported that approval had been given to purchase container units to create a business centre on part of the land at the Frome car park adjacent to the Cheese and Grain. ‘Boxworks’ containers will provide small units which will be ideal for start-up businesses. The cost to MDC for purchase of the units was £300K. A company named Forward Space has been awarded the contract to run the units for 5 years and will be responsible for marketing to find tenants and deal with the day to day running. Forward Space have experience and are responsible for the units at the Engine Shed in Bristol. Frome Town Council are very much on board with the project which will be happening imminently. Cllr Crowcombe raised concern over the cost of parking and whether there was in fact enough parking for the new business centre. District Cllr Van Dyk said that a due diligence report had been completed prior to the project being approved. A review of all of MDC parking assets is currently being undertaken.
PCSO Report
PCSO 7586 Sheila Thompson has now taken over the Shepton Mallet Rural beat from PCSO Nicola Housley. It is anticipated that Sheila will continue with Beat Surgeries and meetings. No report had been received for this month.
7.1 / Finance
Financial statement
It was agreed that this would be adjourned until the October meeting when the 2nd quarter budget review would take place. / Ag
7.2 / Agree Bank Reconciliation
The Clerk had prepared the bank reconciliation which was checked by Cllr Bolton and in order.
7.3 / Discuss and agree Internet Banking
The Clerk confirmed that she had returned the relevant paperwork applying for internet banking but had as yet had not had a response. Clerk to follow up. / VW
7.4 / Payments:
The following cheques were read out for payment:
Clerks salary for August of £169.12 & expenses of £28.10 / £197.22
It was agreed that the cheque should be signed by Cllr Crowcombe and Cllr Bolton.
Vote 6 in favour; 0 against and 0 abstained
8 / Discuss and agree repair of the notice board at Dean.
It was agreed at the last meeting that Cllr Price should go ahead and make the new notice boards for Dean and Cranmore at approximately £246.96. All materials to be invoiced to Cranmore Parish Council.
9 / Memorial for David Dixon
The Clerk confirmed that she had written to Mrs Dixon to suggest that the new notice boards may be a fitting memorial to David but as yet there had been no response. Cllr Crowcombe will meet with Mrs Dixon to follow up. / AC
10 / Discuss updating the Village Plan
The Clerk had created an index for the Village Plan. At the last meeting it had been agreed that the section on Highways would be the first reviewed. Cllr Crowcombe explained that the Traffic Advisory group, made up of representatives of Cranmore and Doulting would review the section and a report would be given at the next meeting. / AC
11 / Discuss and agree Parish website administrator
Cllr Crowcombe explained that a meeting had been arranged to review and discuss the current website and a report would be given at the next meeting. / AC
12 / Update on potential purchase of field adjacent to Jill’s Close & funding options.
There was no new information to report.
13 / Update on Sports field
1.  Installation of the border fence – Now that the Cricket season has ended the work will start soon.
2.  Entrance signage – Cllr Price will arrange installation.
3.  Dog fouling and signage – The Clerk to send the letter previously agreed to both the Tennis Club and the Cricket Club. A copy of the letter will also be displayed on the gate to the sports field. / AP/GB
14 / Highway Issues (Inc SIDS, Speeding & outstanding requests, etc…)
Highways – Cllr Price reported that the road has started to break up at Tansey approximately 150 yards back up the road from Piers Cross.
SIDS – There had been an issue with the unit recently when it had stopped working, however this has now been rectified.
15.3 / Councillors’ Reports (Community group, Footpaths; Speed Watch; SALC; Quarry)
Community group – Cllr Van Dyk confirmed that the Summer Fair had been successful making £79 more than last year making a profit of £2K. He thanked everyone involved for making it such a fantastic event.
Jill’s Close – There was an accident in Jill's Close on the 4th September. Two siblings were playing with their own light sabres and one hit the other. The child fell and hit his head on the new bench. They were alone at the time but the child minder arrived very quickly and an ambulance was called around 4.30pm. As neck pain was reported the child and was taken in the ambulance to RUH in Bath to be checked out at hospital.
The Clerk had emailed asking for an update to ascertain if the child was ok but there had been no response.
Memorial Hall – It was noted that Cranmore and Doulting Pre-school have applied for a Tesco bags of life award for a sensory garden.
16 / Meetings Attended / To be Attended
Clerk to attend the SLCC Training Seminar – 22/11/17
17 / Correspondence
Mendip Society Newsletter – Passed to Cllr Bolton
18 / Date & Time of Next Meeting
9th October 2017 at 7.30pm – Monthly Parish Council.
The meeting ended at 9.25pm

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