Leisure Centre Provision

Leisure Centres

Wehaveeightfantasticleisurecentresprovidingaffordablesportandleisurefacilities,aswell asarangeofprogrammestohelppeopleofallagesandabilitiesbecomemoreactivethrough physicalactivityandsportincludingtennis,squash,badmintonandNottinghamSwimSchool. Allofourleisurecentresareaccreditedfacilitiesandhavebeenverifiedasbeinganaccessible venue for disabled people by CredAbility – an independent quality mark run by disabled people. To find out more about our leisure centres and the sessions available, please visit

Active Nottingham

Active Nottingham enables you to use all eight Nottingham City Council leisure centres and make savings while you do it. Signing up to Active Nottingham is quick, free and easy and saves you £1 every time you book an activity.

With Active Nottingham membership you can enjoy Fast Track access using your Active Nottingham key fob, wristband or card resulting in no more queuing at reception.

TojoinActiveNottinghamsimplypopintoanyofourleisurecentreswhereamemberofstaff will help you complete the application form, call our Customer Contact Centre on 0115 876 1600 who will do the paperwork for you, or complete the online form and take it to your nearest leisurecentre.

For more information, please visit or call0115 8761600

Flexible Fitness

Flexible Fitness is a great value health and fitness membership scheme offering you gyms, swimming,fitnessclasses,sauna/steamandmoreatNottinghamCityCouncilleisurecentres. The memberships allow you to fit your exercise around your busy lifestyle commitments in a funandhassle-freeway.Loseweight,toneup,improveyouroverallfitnessorevenmakenew friends.WithaFlexibleFitnessmembershipyoucanusethegym,swimmingpool,fitness

classes, health suites and the One2One Programme. For more information, please contact 0115 8761600.

This Girl Can Swim

SportandLeisurehavedevelopedaprogrammeofladies-onlyswimmingsessionsatcitypools to encourage females to swim in a safe and relaxed environment. New hair dryers and GHD straighteners have also been installed as well as mood lighting at Victoria Leisure Centre and womencanusethehealthsuitesatselectedsitesaspartoftheirsession.Forafulltimetable of available TGC swim sessions, please visit

FREE Outdoor Activities

There are a range of free activities available in parks across Nottingham City, including walking, orienteering, parkour and table tennis. More information can be found on

  • Walk in the Park- There are 12 parks within the city that have been mapped for walking and contain 2 self-guided walking routes, all Walk in the Park maps can be downloaded by visiting
  • Outdoorgyms–therearecurrently23outdoorgymsandtrimtrailsinNottingham’sparks andopenspaceswhicharecompletelyfreetouse.Eachfitnessareaissuitableforallages andabilities.Theequipmenthasamixtureofcardiovascular(worksyourheartandlungs) and toning stations which use your own body weight as the resistance to your workout, meaning you can either be gentle or push yourself that little bit harder. The full list of outdoor gyms can be found by visiting
  • Parkrun–afree,5kmtimedrun,jogorwalktakingplaceeverySaturdayat9amatColwick County Park and Forest Recreation Ground. To register to take part, please visit click onregister
  • Orienteering- Orienteering requires navigational skills using a map and compass to navigate from point to point. Participants use a specially prepared orienteering map, which they use to find control points. Seven city parks have been mapped to help you combine map reading skills and physical exercise while being able to enjoy the natural surroundings of apark.
  • HSBCUKGuidedRideProgramme-TheprogrammeoffreeguidedridesfromNottingham City Council and British Cycling provide planned routes perfect for all abilities and are led byfullyqualifiedRideLeadersreadytoshowthewayandofferalittlefriendlysupport

where needed. Rides are split into three types – Easy going, Steady and challenging, so whether just starting out, or trying to improve fitness, there is something for everyone.

For more information on the programme, a full list of rides and to book a place please visit

  • Table Tennis- Nottingham City Council Sport & Leisure has hosted Ping! Nottingham for the past three years, which is a project providing free table tennis opportunities across the city. Ping Nottingham will return again in 2017, building on previous years and ensuring more permanent playing opportunities in many of the city’s parks and open spaces. Opportunities to play for free include; Wollaton Park, Lenton Abbey Park, Nottingham Tennis Centre, Nottingham University Jubilee Campus, Clifton Playing Fields, Nottingham Castle, Woodthorpe Grange Park and Harvey Hadden Sports Village. Information on places to play can be found at:

Get Out Get Active (GOGA)

GOGA provides a range of engagement activities to engagedisabledandnon-disabledparticipantsintosport and physical activity. The project aims to improve

inclusivityofactivityinallidentifiedlocalitiesandvenues,hostarangeofeventstoencourage inactive people to take their first steps into physical activity as well as raising the profile of inclusive and disability sport and physical activity for people with a disability or long-term illness. The project is split into three mainareas:

  • North - Bilborough, Aspley & Bulwell - Including Harvey Hadden Sports Village & Ken Martin LeisureCentre
  • Central - St Ann’s & The Dales – Including Victoria LeisureCentre
  • South - Clifton & Clifton South – Including Clifton LeisureCentre

To keep up to date with developments please see:

Notts Girls Can

This Girl Can Nottingham is a celebration of activewomen acrossthe county who are doing their thing no matter how they look orhow

well they are doing it.

Notts Girls Can website features latest news and information about the campaign locally, a new and improved activity search function for women and girls to find a new activity or sport

to take part in, as well as case studies and inspirational stories from some of our amazing women in Nottingham.

To keep up to date with Notts Girls Can you can sign up to the website to find out the latest news and information about the campaign –


ParkLives is a healthy lifestyle project managed by Nottingham City Council, which provides free opportunities for Nottingham residents to take part in physicalactivityandsportsessionsacrossNottinghamparksandopenspaces.

Sessions include yoga, tennis, basketball, Zumba, Nordic Walking, netball and much more.

For a full timetable of activities please visit search for Nottingham or visit

Fit In The Community

Free or low cost exercise classes for Nottingham City Homes tenants, taking place throughout Nottingham in various location including community centres, schools and sports centres. More information

can be found at or

Fit 4 Life (Provided by Sport England)

Fit 4 Life offers tailored support to engage inactive people with Type 2 Diabetes or pre- diabetes aged between 26 to 75. The service helps individuals access regular community basedsportandphysicalactivityandencouragesbehaviourchangemethods.Theservicealso offerssignpostingtonewandexistingqualityassuredsportandexerciseopportunities.

Website: @fit4lifenotts Facebook: Fit 4 LifeNotts

NHS National Diabetes Prevention Programme (Healthier You):

Patients identified as at high risk of diabetes can be referred to this programme aimed at supporting and encouraging healthier lifestyles, with a focus on diet and physical activity. Evidenceshowsthattheprogrammeiseffectiveinachievingsustainedbehaviourchangeand reducing the incidence of thedisease.

Details of how GP’s can refer are on the Healthier You – Stop Diabetes Website: